I remember looking at this violent, crazy, naked girl and her tattoos and her glittering facial piercings, hating her totally, losing my shit, and smacking her across the face.I got chased into my bathroom by a screaming tattooed crazy person on meth and acid. It washes away with a sip of water.12:05 PM: I put on an album of relaxing music. My friend Rob, who always had an excellent head for acid and was a cool customer no matter how high he was, suddenly rocketed to an upright position, uttering the most demonic scream I have ever heard. I feel tenseness under my skin and a connection between my state of being and C’s. ]This is the Buddhist doctrine of clinging as explained by Alan Watts and others. I show him a diagram of the LSD molecule online and discuss the differences between lysergides and tryptamines. I ask him, “What are you feeling?” He says, “Euphoria. At age 17, Mark took 5000 micrograms of LSD with four friends. The first half of the trip (while they were still sleeping) was great, usual acid trip, very fun. Each one is the mechanism of an individual perception, of thinking a thought.

So am I. She became violent towards Wayne and others when they attempted to dress and help her. All entries welcome, even if they're copy/pasted from your own post.I was 27 (13 years ago) at home with a girl. It was well into autumn and the leaves were all shades of brilliant colors, some on the ground, some still clinging to the trees.The day before had been quite cold, which had me worried I’d have to trip indoors, but on the day I was to trip, it was unusually warm, almost like summer, but with a crisp fall breeze. It’s beautiful.12:30: We are very talkative. Stripping naked, she proceeded to cut herself with a broken shard of plastic. C saw something that looked like fishnet stockings with eyeballs emerging from them.2:15: C looks like he might fall over. Well, Rob was now staggering along a major road, limping badly from a sprained ankle incurred from his fall, drenched in blood from head to toe, wild-eyed as only an acidhead could be, staggering along in a very creditable impersonation of Quasimodo. ... Long story short, he obviously didn't get a deal on the acid, which I don't blame the dealer for at all. That particular drug experiment was never repeated. Marilyn led me to the loo in hysterics and left me staring at the bowl. I’d like to build one as a decor12:40: We’re still only feeling the faintest of effects. The broader Self I can experience, the better. In general I don’t pursue visuals, favoring instead Large Thoughts. These effects can last up to 12 hours, depending on how much you've taken.

In the chorus, the artist sings, ‘And I puuuuuuuuuush your body out into space…’ I close my eyes, and there I am: Floating in a great black void. This is funny in hindsight but terrifying when on the tail end of an acid trip. Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Bolero, Apr 4, 2012. The rest of us now have fine families and careers.My parents were home asleep and I thought it would be a great idea to drop 2 tabs at 3am in the basement. Somebody manipulating you while on acid, that's pretty fucked upI had a bad trip on 200ug a couple days ago. But everything’s changed. He ingested 125 micrograms of LSD, which took effect while he was walking on the beach with a friend, Bill, who was not intoxicated. I started thinking about death and how the world must inevitably end, and it started getting me into some bad thought patterns. Before I tell this story, I want to make a few things clear. "Now I didn't belong to anything. We were both really experienced with LSD at that point. I am not hearing with my [attention-limited] ears any longer, but with my whole perception. I put on New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA kind, open-minded community dedicated to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25. Hundreds of perfect spirals neatly aligned wherever I looked,for hours… Others …Hendrix record was warped and kept changing extra fast/slow speeds ..paint kept bubbling on walls and all my friends became cartoon characters…every thought I had floated in front or me in glowing white huge letters,colors were bleeding beautiful…had a friend who was on same trip as me we could finish each other thoughts out loud…I loved it .I felt universal .At The Third Wave, our mission is to share trusted, research-based content that helps you feel safe, supported, and empowered as you follow your path towards personal transformation. He upset most of his companions, who left him with his pal Marilyn. ‘Oh Fuck…’ he says. Usually this is a good sign but then my mom called me and told me she needed her car to take my sister to work later. We especially liked to mix lots of different drugs with LSD. Normal euphoria which was slightly amplified by the speedy drugs we had been doing. The paper was thick, almost like cardboard, and adorned with fractal patterns….After about four hours, the mental effects became more prominent. Once the nitrous tube is out of one's mouth, you sober up reasonably quickly and I was in short order able to see the source of the problem - one of my friends had badly ripped his hand after breaking the glass on his stopcock, causing blood to be flung as he waved his arm around aimlessly. In search of sanctuary, Mark stopped by the home of a family he knew and requested a shower, which he then felt unable to control. That said, anybody got any funny stories of acid trips or any type of trip? I now know i was just making myself paranoid but at the time it was crazy. Took lots of acid with an already vulnerable mindset. Jack took his final acid trip at age 20, which he described as "the only one in which I lost the ability to know the difference between what was real and what was induced hallucination." Psychedelic Drugs Can Induce Fear or DistressLSD Effects Can Last Hours and Is Detectable on Drug Screening TestsThe Different Effects of the Types of Psychedelic DrugsThe Different Effects of Hallucinogens on Your BodyWhat You Need to Know About Hallucinogen Persisting Perception DisorderThe Differences Between :Hard: vs.:"Soft":Drugs and Why It Matters Each little-m-me occurs at the interface, the product, of Me and Everything Else, is created by that interaction.”The closest thing to this and the route to broadening consciousness, that is, ‘identification with formerly non-self’ is unalloyed attention.Multitasking is silly, or rather any multitasking that requires conscious attention.