Chapters 11-15.

In Chapter 13, Elijah goes into Chatham to get the mail and finds out that the postman has had an “accident." Zephariah likens Elijah’s fishing skills to Jesus feeding the 5,000.Elijah sometimes talks about spells or “conjures.” He calls the show folks at the carnival “conjurers.” A carnival actress says heathen magic has left her blind. Elijah of Buxton Chapters 8-10 Summary & Analysis.
As he crosses into Canada with the baby girl, he whispers the warm welcoming speech Pa always gives to newly-freed slaves.Elijah and his family attend church and Sabbath school. Elijah sees two runaway slaves trying to hide at the tree line. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Elijah of Buxton. Mr. Leroy says if God is just, like he knows He is, the “N” word will be buried with all the cruel white people who used it. They offer Elijah wise principles for living.

When Flapjack communicates unrest, Elijah sees people hiding in the woods and Emma is beckoned to come and welcome them, since they have realized that when this happens, the people are so frightened that it takes a gentle child to bring them out of the woods. Chapter 11 Summary. Also he is absolutely terrified of snakes.

Pa helps bring other slaves to freedom and ensures they enjoy a warm reception when they arrive in Buxton.

Lastly, he has an amazing talent of throwing rocks. Zephariah pretends to befriend Elijah whenever he wants something from the boy. Elijah of Buxton is about an eleven-year-old boy, Elijah Freeman, who lives in Buxton, Canada.It was started as the Elgin Settlement, a refugee camp for African-American slaves who escaped via the Underground Railroad to gain freedom in Canada. He enjoys a peaceful life attending church and school under the guidance of wise, loving parents and kind community members. He also finds four slaves and a baby, naked and in chains. Elijah, unlike most boys, is afraid of snakes, and bugs. Elijah’s parents consider the boy “fra-gile,” so he constantly struggles to prove himself and understand the “growned up” world.A man who calls himself Right Reverend Deacon Doctor Zephariah Connerly the Third takes advantage of Elijah’s desire to appear grown up.
He confesses that he does not feel he has much time left, because he has been sick for a while. Elijah and his friend deduce its meaning as “family breeding contest” and are excited at the prospect of a sex education lesson. White women in America write to tell Mrs. Holton her husband has gone to “the loving arms of our Savior.” The letter mentions God’s mercy, wisdom and providence and says the man received a Christian burial.

The first character that I'm going to talk about is Elijah Freeman.Elijah is an 11 year old kid that was born into freedom in Buxton, Canada. Emma Collins, who has been mentioned several times in the story, was the second free-born child in the Settlement.

This is Elijah Freeman.Why is there a website for one classes homework that anyone can post on????? Spencer insists that someone go with the Preacher rather than let him go alone with all that money.

After school, he works alongside Mr. Leroy, a man saving to buy his wife and children out of slavery. Lastly, he has an amazing talent of throwing rocks. Mr. Travis often gets visibly frustrated, teaching the same kids for school and Sabbath school. He praises the boy’s precise rock chucking abilities and tells Elijah that Jesus has given him a gift he must use for the good of the community. Copyright 2020 by BookRags, Inc. They are disappointed.Get free discussion questions for this book and others, at Parents or teachers could use this book as a springboard for studying slavery and the Underground Railroad. He is a sensitive child.

The slave woman urges him to take her child to safety. Copyright 2020 by BookRags, Inc. Eleven-year-old Elijah is the first child born into freedom in Buxton, Canada, a settlement of runaway slaves just over the border from Detroit.

Also he is absolutely terrified of snakes. Mr. Leroy is the first adult who treats Elijah as an adult. Mr. Leroy comes to ask Elijah's father, Spencer, how he can get his family out. Zephariah makes Elijah demonstrate his chucking skills to the show’s owner and nearly sells the boy to the carnival.When a neighbor, Mrs. Holton, gets a letter saying her husband was beaten to death, the town grieves with her. Plot Summary.