(Hat and jacket)I had a dream where I witnessed two cars (mine and my former parter’s car) sliding down an embankment. In general, dreams about cars say something about the driving forces in our lives. It was another car when the ladies saw me I asked hei what’s happening they run away but I chased after then and got one bite so hard with the stone on the head and refused I hit her head on the rock eventually told her iam squashing your head then she said the parts of my car are in the new houses house no 7 then there then starting thing of how much it would coast me to repair the whole And she say she didn’t want to steal my car they just forced to do so!Ok so I had a dream last night that I was out with family and when we went to leave all the cars including my in the parking lot had the windows broken, doors pulled open almost torn off the hinges and everything stolen out of them. You should let your loved ones, especially your children, rely on themselves and learn how to take care of themselves and make their own decisions without you always being around to supervise their actions.This dream might also signify grave difficulties this person is about to go through, due to his or her actions. Sometimes these dreams might signify conflicts and confrontations. Is it for fun? However, you still have a chance to repair the damage by fixing that brake ahead of time.However, if you wake up on the impact of the water. Favorite Answer.

The sinking of the car and the fear you are feeling relates to you being depressed about a certain situation you are in. 4 Answers. To dream that your car won't start indicates that you are feeling powerless in some situation.

When one dreams of a broken down car, it also means that the help that he or she has been offering to others needs to cease. What does this mean? Unnecessarily worrying about your car isn’t going to help matters much.

It may simply be that you are cold in real life and you dream about the splashing cold water to wake you up.Getting a full car wash for your car means that you are ready to start a new journey. Sometimes I hang onto the bumper for a minute and sometimes I just go flying and just keep falling. What does this mean.I had a dream I was leaving somewhere and heading to my car but when I approached my car all the doors were open including the trunk and an extra set of keys was on the console and the car was completely cleaned. The person, gunned the engine and the car came back up for about twenty feet, than started to sink again. It was a white car, and when I saw the driver, he had a clowns face. To dream about traveling alone on a long-distance trip means that you will face difficult situations and worries.However, if you are traveling with family members or friends, it signifies that you will find new friends.When you are not the one driving in your dream, it means that you are taking a more passive role in life. Dreams about others being injured in a car accident usually signify not being able to control other people’s actions and behavior, letting them experience the consequences of their own acts. I couldn’t see, I was terrified. Relevance. My car only had a bit of damage to the rear bumper, however his car was totally wrecked.

Dreams of being robbed might also indicate suffering some emotional or physical loss. But then again, neither will being unprepared. There is something in your way which is preventing you from achieving your goals.

Are you chasing the other car racers or are the others chasing you?If you win the car race in the dream, a good thing will happen to you. The driver fainted and the car moved on by its own. To dream of a remote control car represents feelings about being able to easily control decisions or manipulate situations.

You can check our Car parts dream interpretation for the meaning of different car parts. Having a car subconsciously suggests that you are in control of your own life. I was in the car with other unknown people and most of them were of younger age like 16 and below apart from the driver who I think was in his twenties like me. You are being reckless and living life on an impulse. Feeling that something you were doing is not as easy as you first thought it was.Bald or worn out tires symbolize feelings of powerlessness or a lack of traction to attain desires and goals.Nails or punctures in the tires represent your thoughts and feelings of criticism you've received, or issues that take away confidence and "deflate" your self-esteem.Spare tires represent thoughts and feelings you have about alternative choices, or backup plans. Broken Glass. Feeling that other people don't respect your needs anymore after first giving you a lot of attention.Feeling that life used to be centered around you or that people used to be very interested in knowing you.

You and the rest of your family should try to talk to your mother and try to help her resolve the issues which have been bothering her, and even help her with her tasks, to relieve some of her stress.They often represent self – destructive thoughts or habits you have.