I'm not sure how much my friend's smoke because I'm not with them all the time but the kids who come to our pool parties with their parents are aged between 5 and 16 years old are smokers. I guess it is wisest to stay out of it. I didn't have the willpower nor the desire to give it up. Do all you can to promote a healthier lifestyle for this young lady. Do u smoke and do u have daughters and children that smoke and how much do they smoke per day Lola has been seeing Phillip for a long while. Her biggest worry is that Ren and i have a 250-1 chance of having twins cos we are twins and she said she doesn't want us to Adults smoked. It wasn't my birthday, it was Ren and Lilly who recently celebrated their 1th birthday. They don't mind the taste of smoke but Summer has an eye infection and when mum walked in she tried to get mad at us but she couldn't stop laughing. It is NOT illegal for the kid to smoke, only to purchase cigarettes. Yes ian u and me the same the sooner lola gets the

This did not seem odd to me. I recognize this post is 7 years old at this point and I’d love to hear how this played out. Now years and years later Im still totally unable to quit - and ok thats my fault - but still - letting your kids smoke is a sure fire way to make them addicts for life. We are churchgoers. When u are smocking get Amelia to sit on the lounge ask her do u want a drag my name is greg The lighters are the expensive brand called "Allure". No we Renae (Ren) and I are twin girls ages 12. Yes it is me lilly all girls how are u and ren and belinda Ren and I go to a private school and the fees are $14,800 each per year, less 15% because there are two or more siblings at the same school, so that is $25,60, then she'll save on our summer and winter uniforms and text books, excusions and sports gear like our tunics and tennis racquets and joggers. Huh you jealous little c unt.

I believe they should have the same

What should I say to her about this ? Are you going by the kids word or the parents? How long do u think cloe will smoke 2ppd That's so f ucken cruel. I smoke four packs a day, and have for a long time. I love to scissor. After my 14 year old daughter denied she was a smoker and me smelling smoke on her for months on end I sat her down and offered her a cigarette so she wouldn't smoke behind my back. That Chinese man who lit our cigarettes has a nice family to run his restaurant. Now when she leaves, we chain smoke all day There goes Lilly on one of her rants again. While my wife and I are not thrilled, we understand the point in life she has reached and the experimentation that goes with adolescence. Thanks honey. I have them a lot and it really freaks me out! I am 47 but have and older daughter 29, young smokers ages 12, 10 and 7. I meant to say my partner's brother' s daughter doesn't smoke, she's the 15 year old. Then she said we shouldn't laugh but encourage them and praise them when they smoke. I'm new to the forum, so bear with me but I'd like to say that I agree with Becky. I've got a sister who is 13 and she smokes a bit over 1ppd and a 15 year old brother who hates smoking. Hi Belinda how are your twins with chloe and using the

Oh shut up. How many ppd do your children smoke and what brand do u smoke and what brand do your children smoke my name is greg Ren and Lilly you should be grateful for what Belinda allows you to do at such a young age. That is a good idea i will talk to my daughter about Sorry if i was rude i hope u do not hate me from greg How is chloe going with her smocking how many does she smoke per day and how is she going with her Find me the law that can be pressed on this matter. Newports are fairly strong. He i just using your daughter very dangerous if i was u tell him to get lost having You've got a kid that you know is experimenting with cigarettes and you not even sure if the parents know or gave consent, so really, what have you got? Lilly I want to go into the p orn shop with Belinda and Natalie. Are both if your children smocking know How is chloe going with her smocking how many per week from greg and how are u So I did. Ren you sound like a spoiled little b#tch to me. even though my mom also smoked it still made her mad at first, but even when we fought about it it still didnt stop me from smoking. Your husband does he smoke and how many per week and what brand does he smoke i am 61 have been smoking over 40 years 1ppd winfield blue i have no children from greg Is treating glaucoma with marijuana all hype, or can hemp actually help? What a conniving f ucken b itch. That last time you posted this same story on here, did you get the rise out of people you expected? My wife lets her daughter smoke because her daughter was interested in it and she let her try it. They are about as long and as thick as cigarettes but f uck they give us a head spin when we drink Vodka and we love it. When they finished eating and while they were still in their highchairs we gave them each a cigarette. I'm surprised at the cost of a pack of cigarettes in Australia. ^ Damn straight! Mum said we're not to force Chloe to smoke more cigarettes than she wants or needs.

I'm a male and I'm 51. I'm 13 and I've smoked 120's for years. That's not as bad as it seems written. I hope u do not hate me i was trying to help sorry How are all your children smocking now ppd Does chloe let the smoke come out of her nose i do it it feels great thank u belinda u are doing a great job A Chinese waiter lit my cigarete, Lilly's cigarette, Oskana' s cigarette and mum's cigarette. She said it's only a smoker's cough and it won't get me out of doing my share of house chores. She had isabella (Izzy) when she was 14. We also refer to Belinda's sister as Aunt Natalie.