This also has the benefit of preventing your cat from moving around and especially jumping up and down. If your feline is not able to defecate properly, then there is a chance that she is having gastric and digestive problems. For your vet to tell you "needs time to heal on its own" should have his license revoked! The veterinarian may provide you with physiotherapy exercises to perform on the cat during recovery.Major breaks will require surgery under general anesthesia to re-align and stabilise the affected bones. Urinary management until the cat can urinate without assistance. Seek immediate veterinary care if he stops going to the toilet.Most cats will tolerate cage rest without incident.The outcome for cats with a broken pelvis is generally excellent. She enjoys photography, gardening and running in her spare time.My kitten had a terrible fall and now he can’t walk he just draggs his bacc half it happened just sum days ago but im concerned about how to handle him so he can use it its been about 2 days since he it has happend and im worried if he is gonna be able to walk again he tries to get up on his own at times but i worried about the outcome becuse i cant afford surgery fro my babyHe really needs to see a veterinarian if he is dragging his back half like that. Clear indicators of tenesmus include:Although constipation can affect any cat at any age, it is seen more frequently in middle-aged male cats. One of the causes of a cat not pooping properly is constipation. Fractures of the pelvis are the most common fractures seen in veterinary medicine. If constipation is prolonged, additional signs like If your cat is still producing some feces on a daily basis:If, however, it has been more than 48 hours since your cat has defected, in spite of your effort, the cat needs to be evaluated by your veterinarian.A physical exam and discussion of your cat's symptoms will help your veterinarian decide what additional tests are needed. A large dog crate is perfect for this as it can accommodate the litter tray, food and water bowls and a cat bed.Make sure you have a low-sided litter tray as moving around may be difficult in the early days. These fractures are usually the result of major trauma. There is nothing that can be done for him at home and he is suffering. Cats have a tremendous ability to heal and completely recover from this sort of injury. Generally, pelvic fractures cause acute, non-weight bearing lameness of the hind legs.
Long-term problems may include persistent lameness and arthritis of the hip joint in later years.

JACUSTOMER-tmzsl4eg- : Tito can't move the tail as well

hi, my cat got injured yesterday the vet said it was a car injury, he doesnt think there's a break in his pelvis but has had a severe knock to it - leaving him in a lot of pain and not able to stand for more than a few seconds, he has only just today found the energy to get up and wee in his tray, he wont eat or drink much but will eat yoghurt is this ok for my cat.. he is 9 mths old

The biggest potential problems are if the pelvic canal is narrowed and they can't poop. This may include pins, plates, screws or wires.Once the cat can urinate and defecate on his or her own, they can go home. Cats with megacolon may reach a point where nothing helps and A type of medication that is used to loosen stool and relieve constipationA type of slime that is made up of certain salts, cells, or leukocytesInducing death on an animal or putting them to sleepThe exiting of excrement from the body; bowel movements.A medical condition in which the body has lost fluid or water in excessive amounts If a cat does not poop for a long time, then there is a chance that she is suffering from a serious condition. If the cat cannot pee or poop, then he needs to be humanely put to sleep. The pelvis is a ring-like structure of bones located at the lower end of the trunk which consists of two halves, each one contains three bones, the ilium, ischium, and pubis.Any cat with a suspected trauma should see a veterinarian, even if he or she appears well.Take extreme care with a cat who has a suspected broken pelvis; the cat as still as possible to prevent further trauma.The veterinarian will carefully examine the cat and obtain a history from you. Usually X-rays are taken; other tests like abdominal ultrasound, blood and urine tests may be necessary if it is thought the constipation is due to dehydration.If dietary adjustments (i.e., more fiber and water consumption) have not worked, your veterinarian will likely give your cat an Constipation can be prevented in many cases by providing adequate fiber and water to keep the cat “regular.” Some cats need prescription laxatives, usually containing lactulose, to stay “regular.”Megacolon, on the other hand, is not yet well understood.