Otherwise, the trailer will run behind you like a dog. He has also worked in construction, landscaping and the pool industry for more than 15 years.Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Here’s another way of looking at it. CheersI have been lead to believe that the axle should be set back on the left side about a half inch from the right side to make turning better. Trying to figure out location for axles.You are on the right page, or for a different perspective of the same thing, try Got a 22’ pontoon boat trailer , box frame is 13’2”.

Working in sales, he was a technical writer tasked with responding to requests for proposal. Hopefully I’ll do a better job answering this time. Since the trailer box length is 12', the centerline of the axles will be 12" (or 1') towards the rear of the trailer from the centerline of the trailer box(1" per foot on 12' box length).

Trailer axle position?

I’m trying to give enough of the theoretical for understanding, but focus primarily on the practical because that’s what really matters in the end.

The distance from the very front of the trailer, the coupler, to the center of the trailer axle measures 96 inches.

After change out and loaded boat back on, when pulling it feels like it’s dragging the whole truck to one side, very hard to pull: we did the measurements of when axles should sit.

There are only 2 points that support the vertical loads (tongue, Measurements are center of the hitch ball to the load centers. But, I’m still unclear, despite your intricate details, as to whether or not I get the pivot point with or without the axles and tires in place so, if you could just answer with a simple ‘yes or ‘no’.

To be honest I’m not mathematically adept, therefore all this theory is kinda wasted on me and although I usually like things perfect, working this out takes a better mind than I have, therefore I am looking for that ‘quick fix’!

Let’s take your trailer and and move the load back so there is Zero tongue load.

It has everything to do with center of gravity. When checking for ‘The Pivot Point’, owing to the fact that the wheels and axles are ‘supportive’ weight, and not ‘load’ weight, should they be on or off the trailer, when finding the ‘Pivot Point’? All but one had no more weight on the draw bar than i could lift, for two very good reasons, excessive draw bar weight destroys the jockey wheel over time and renders the trailer almost impossible to manoeuver single handed and buries the jockey wheel in your just laid lawn. Go to the grocery store and push the cart frontwards (don't … I can’t pretend my head’s not spinning, I’m just a simple meat worker.

We do that by summing the moments — basically, to sum the loads multiplied by their distance from the tongue load.

Thanks.Ok..maybee this was discussed in previous comments but I am new here and I feel my issue is unique…I have a tilt body trailer with a cargo area of 5×10..when trailer is empty it would sway almost out of control..I would drive my golf cart on (forward) and it would still sway..I back it on and no sway. To determine trailer axle position, we must first understand what drives the decision.

This measurement doesn't include the trail tongue.Calculate the center point of the two axles by multiplying the trailer's length by 0.6. Thank you!I have a question that is more rooted in academic curiosity than practical application.
The Goals: Stable, predictable towing.

If you’ve ever watched a dog run, their back end is off to one side from the front. Axle position is important for proper weight distribution.

Nothing. Other situations it can make the tongue load too high.All that being said, I recommend biasing the trailer axle position a little farther back for trailers where the load will change — like utility trailers. Otherwise it’ll badly influence the ‘pivot point’s’ measurement doing the final sums at the end, thus null and voiding everything we stand for, right? I will be designing trailers more accurately and safely now using your method.
That pushes the tongue up fast, which throws the load back, which makes the trailer want to tip back (because the load is now behind the axle). This will act as the center of both axles. I’ll give an example, then if you need more detail, please We use a balanced lever approach to calculate loading. At some point it’s better to start with a platform that comes closer to your end goals instead of chopping so much.

The position of the axles on a trailer is key to properly balancing the load.


Make a long bolt, or just the right size fastener.

Let me know if I should try again with the explanation.Thanks so much for taking the time to get back to me. To submit your questions or ideas, or to simply learn more about It Still Works,

(Let’s also ignore the other inherent stability benefits offered by the longer tongue, for the sake of this thought experiment.

Too much weight and you will lift the front of the vehicle, reducing braking and cornering ability.