Usually kept as ornamental or pet chickens, they are also fantastic mothers and can be used to hatch the eggs of other chickens and poultry breeds.This section will explore everything you need to know about common colors, characteristics, and appearances of Silkie chickens.Most Silkies available for purchase or hatching in North America are bantam Silkies. chickens that make them a superior choice when compared to other kinds of

During this growth period, they will put on multiple sequences of new feathers, shedding their old ones as they do so. You should avoid raising Silkies if you live somewhere that is particularly hot, or if the run in which you will raise your Silkies is cold, muddy, or wet. Occasionally, you may need to lightly groom your SIlkie chicken to make sure he or she can see and get around without any issues. It may be tempting to move your Silkie chicks to an outdoor pen sooner since they are covered in such dense feathers, but you really need to wait to make sure they have enough feathers to handle colder temperatures. Otherwise, this chicken breed is one of the eaisest and most enjoyable you can raise. – These birds have the polydactyly gene, which means each one has an extra toe on each foot. If you are gentle, neither of these behaviors will harm the feathers of the bird. These birds hatch quite slowly, pecking at the inside of the eggshell with a small attachment on their beaks called an egg-tooth. It is virtually impossible to identify the differences between male and female Silkies until they reach about six or seven months of age. $5ea After the eggs hatch, Silkie mothers are regarded as being attentive mothers, caring for their young long after they have grown.If your SIlkie chicken goes broody, the easiest way to deal with this is to simply allow her to do so. In addition, because the feathers on a Silkie chicken are not like those of other chickens and are more similar to a down material, these birds don’t do well in wet climates. Make sure you keep their living area clean at all times and also provide a dry roost for sleeping. You can also pint he crest back using a hair or zip tie. Giving them lots of space to clean themselves can help reduce the amount of debris they produce.Silkies thrive in captivity, but they do best when they are given some time outdoors. They will be nice and fluffy by the time they are ready to be moved. Did you know that the meat of Silkie chickens is considered a delicacy in some parts of Asia?

Please seek advice from a certified veterinarian in a case of emergency.Write us at info(at) with any questions or concerns! A popular trade item on the Silk Road, the geography of the Silkie chicken lends itself naturally to the name of this breed. All chickens produce dust as they grow out their feathers, with the shafts flaking off as the feathers grow out. Give them a safe enclosure so that they can get out of the sun and escape from predators, and provide lots of dirt in which to scratch. 2. It was recognized officially in North America in 1874, rising to popularity quite rapidly in the States.

For reasons already mentioned, a Silkie chicken will not fight back if it enters into a spat, and the soft spot at the top of its head makes it vulnerable to attacks. Each Silkie will need about 10 square feet of run area and four square feet inside the coop.

This section will help you understand what kind of yields you should expect to see from Silkie chickens. The content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary advice. Very friendly. Just make sure you are extremely careful about doing this if you plan on entering your chicken into a competitive show, as the plumage needs to be in tip-top shape. 6 week old silkie. Although this kind of chicken differs greatly from other popular breeds of chicken, making it one of the less common breeds you can raise, it is a one-of-a-kind option that you must consider for your backyard flock.These bizarre-looking birds are believed to have come from Asia. This toe is on the back of a leg and looks not unlike the dewclaw on a dog. Silkies aren’t the only chickens to exhibit this unique quality – other breeds like Sultans, Faverolles, and Dorking chickens also have this characteristic.In addition to unofficial color combinations like lavender and cuckoo, Silkies are available in several colors recognized by the American Poultry Association.

These pets are docile and friendly and are more than happy to live in confinement.You need to be careful about keeping your Silkie chicken in a mixed aggressive flock. Early Dutch breeders told consumers that the breed was the result of mating rabbis and chickens. of the biggest challenges involved in raising SIlkies:In some cases, they may take a little bit longer if you are using a broody hen or even an unreliable incubatorto hatch your eggs. They have bright turquoise earlobes, too.Another breed-standard characteristic of the Silkie chicken? Usually, bantam Silkies will weigh about half the normal weight of a typical chicken, and their eggs will be about a third smaller than normal eggs. Silkies tend to be fairly compact with short, squat legs and rounded bodies. Thanks for the great info! You can find standard-sized Silkies in Europe and other locations, but unfortunately, they just aren’t commonplace in the States quite yet. Only selling due to Council restrictions on keeping roosters. These can sometimes be difficult to see against the dark skin of the breed.Silkies are also unique in that their feathers do not have barbicels. Some Silkies will lay an egg each day of the year, while others might only lay once a week.

Make sure they have plenty of cold water and shade when the mercury rises. Still, it’s fun to guess and see if you’re right late. The same rule applies to snow – although they can withstand the cold, wet precipitation of any kind is a major problem.Silkies don’t fly well, so you don’t need to worry about building an abnormally tall fence.