How Far Should a 1000-Watt HPS be From Plants? The proper distance varies wildly between models. Usually the upper leaves are affected first (yellowing or turning brown or spots) by too-close LEDs, but symptoms can also affect other parts of the plant.Depending on the make and model, there’s a lot of difference in operating different LED grow lights, but if you weren’t given any instructions with the light, here’s a quick reference guide:Powerful LED grow lights need to be kept relatively far away from your plants to prevent light burnAs long as it’s not too hot, you basically can’t give your cannabis too much light with these types of grow lights. LEC lights usually have proprietary reflectors, whilesome CMH lights use more typical MH/HPS reflectors.315W is the most popular size for LECs/CMH grow lights.

Don’t peak until you know it’s time for the lights to be on.An HPS (high pressure sodium) light, which is very common in indoor grows, will help your plants produce lots and lots of buds. As a result, the top buds and leaves on that plant got burnt and/or bleached.In addition to the wattage, it’s important to realize thatIf you’re using new bulbs, never start closer than the “~Sunlight” distance on the chart and only move lights closer if your plants are stretching towards the light (getting tall and lanky).If you’re using older MH/HPS bulbs, you should replace them if you can, but if that’s not possible you can keep your bulbs closer to help make sure your plants are still getting good light levels.
The distance needed between an LED and the top of the plants varies quite a bit from model to model and from manufacturer to manufacturer. Let’s get started.Let me talk quickly about my last grow using a 50-watt compact fluorescent bulb. check my journal it should show my setup a little. Recently, they almost always come in 315W or 630W sizes so they can compete more directly with the branded LECs.Regardless of the name, LEC grow lights are basically a hybrid between Metal Halide and HPS grow lights. Put your buds in this “sweet spot” light level zone, and they’ll reward you!Notice with these plants how all the top buds are big, while the lower buds are smaller. what sized space u growing in? This 315 LEC is being kept 2.5 feet (75 cm) away from the tops of these young plants until they get bigger. You want to keep grow lights close, because buds More light is better when it comes to yields, but unfortunately that’s only up to a point. This will allow that light penetration to happen.With a 1000-watt grow light in a tent will produce lots of buds. Think of the seasons (Summer and Fall) and how the sun appears to project different strengths of light. These are just two different ways to describe the same grow light technology. This means HPS is a preferred light for the flowering (budding) stage.HPS are really good lights. ive got my thousand a foot above my plants but its got a fan cooling it and they are about 17 and 22 inches tall. As they get older and into the flowering stage, move them closer. The proper distance actually depends on the size/wattage of your lamp.Here’s a quick reference guide to use as a starting point:With all grow lights, always do the “hand test” after you’ve positioned your light.

HPS lights replicate fall lighting very well.Of course, there will always be many different thoughts on this and unless you are documenting every grow you do on a daily basis like a mad scientist, it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day.With your 1000-watt lights, you can keep using it for the full grow cycle of your weed plants. For example, if the manufacturer states that their 1000w HPS grow light emits 140,000 lux at a 1ft distance from the light, but doesn’t give you any other measurement, that may not help if you need to grow seedlings that’ll be Both the “CMH” grow lights have been around for many years, and used to come in typical HID sizes like 400W, 600W and 1000W. Chances are, you will get a fine crop. Older HID bulbs give off less light and more heat, so in addition to keeping the right distance, make sure you’re aware of the age of your bulbs. I just think it’s important to talk to you just like I would tell one of my friends, in person, what they might expect using 1000 watt grow lights. I think during the last 2 weeks Im going to put MH in 2 hoods and leave one HPS and see what happens. This can also give you many more larger buds to harvest. As they get older and into the flowering stage, move them closer.The closest I would go is between 18” to 24”. An LED light can be much closer without the worry of your plants getting scorched.The benefits in using HPS over LED is you will most likely harvest a larger crop much easier with the HPS. The temp at 3ft. That’s what I do. In a 4x4 room with 1000w HPS at 24 inch distance the top of the canopy is receiving 35000 lumens which is good. It is a type of Metal Halide bulb that is constructed with ceramic like an HPS. From those two plants and fertilizer added over the length of the grow, I harvested a large sealer filled with buds. The proper distance varies wildly between

is 74! “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases” Growing Marijuana World may earn an affiliate commission when you buy through links posted on this site. Giddy up!The truth though (yes, here comes the ‘party pooper’ moment) is that every grow you do will provide different amounts of marijuana. “LEC grow lights” are only sold by Sun System because the term “LEC” is trademarked by them. If that works for you, then please keep reading.

Your watering will be much more often as well, unless you have a heater going in your grow tent with an LED light.I would keep a high-pressure sodium light, especially a 1000-watt HPS light approximately 3’ above your plants when they are young.

A 1000-watt HPS will easily cover a 6’ by 6’ area and will penetrate deep down the plant to help those lower ‘nugs’ (marijuana buds) grow larger than you might expect.The HPS lights will generate heat unlike LED’s which means you will probably be watering more often than if you were using LED.

I have done it with lower wattage and higher wattage lighting very successfully.First off, this answer warrants its own article as this could be a huge discussion.There is a general rule of them that is passed on from grower to grower that for every wattage of light used you can expect approximately .5 to 1 gram of smoke-able marijuana.