It’s so beyond screwed up that nobody sees that. not only calls into question the validity of his argument, but his ability to review newer bands with newer sounds. Personally I dislike them and that’s my choice but all I came here to say is the 1975 is a great band in my opinion . They are very educated. This is also my opinion. People like you take the fun out of everything. In interviews Matty says they want to make music that could make a difference and inform people, make them think. We will keep swearing until the last of us dies off. hence, “expression.” they are artist and they are getting things that weigh on them out there. He didn’t ask 12 year old girls to like him and he shouldn’t change himself just so people like you can bash him who don’t even know him. I fell in love with this band when I heard “she lays down” which is about Mattys mums post-partum – beautiful song. To be honest I’m a big fan of theirs and I see where you’re coming from, but I don’t think you really took the time to understand him and what he’s about. NOT, stating the obvious, stating why the band is a bad influence (mind, you don’t mention any good influences they’ve had on teens) and sticking it with plain, boring ass stats! So he can promote alcohol and Matty Healy cannot? he can make decisions for himself, and you berating him for “not being a good role model” for kids when you don’t even know what he’s been through, while most of these kids do and have empathy for him, is so embarrassing. Of course seeing some pills in a video is different from my other examples, but it’s the same concept on a smaller scale. And yes, he is somewhat known for engaging in both of these activities onstage. Especially since I have friends and know people that do have addictions. And another thing… One Direction have a lot of songs about sex too. They do not have to promote a healthy lifestyle. teenagers do what adults like to do fuck and party, they aren’t brainwashed into it like you were brainwashed into living a boring life. Maybe not the 1975, but my point still stands. Guitar Adam Hann. If you were to watch his music video for his single “California Babe”, you are going to see a BOTTLE of JACK DANELS at 1:38. Yes , it’s nice to be informed about things but do you know the reason behind everything? I believe I read in one of Bo Webber’s comments that, actually I found it: Answer: They are. If you are basing this whole article around one song then you’re a fucking idiot who clearly knows absolutely N O T H I N G about this spectacular band. It’s the responsibility of the parent to decide whether their kids are old enough to go to a gig. People like you are what is wrong with society not these bands. wouldn’t you appreciate that? Because of course they realized that people see, people want to do. “listening to the sound of his own voice”, 20 Interesting facts about South Korean boy band BTS, Clay Borrell moves to LA, starts new band, ufo ufo— Releases “Barely Alive” music video, One-On-One: Kashimana and Andrea Beukelman, One-On-One: The Twins of Franklin and Madeline Ayala, One-On-One: Sarah Morris and Kimberly Brady, Rock n’ Roll is Dead? Matthew commented on this post himself and never once mentioned how “his name is Matty not Matt” or corrected and asked to be referred to as Matty. !” 2. Look lady you obviously have no idea what you are talking about and your photographs of Matty should be put in the trash the quality is shit. Answer: I realize it’s going to get worse. It’s not up to Matty what the listeners do. I would like to say, however, that The 1975 do not promote drugs and teens are getting proper education in schools and from their parents about drugs and their bad affects. Unfortunately, to really make a difference, bans have to be complete. What has that anything to do with this? It’s an accumulation of bands, singers, actresses, actors, etc. I’m a really big fan of the band, I admire every liece of work they do because they do it with true passion. Like really? I spent 4 hours trying to convince someone exactly that, that there is more to their music than people perceive.. the only people that truly understand this band are the ones that are so deeply invested in the MUSIC not their actions or what they do… Im against smoking/drugs, never done either but just because i listen to them doesn’t mean i am now going to change my mind and become a druggie….People like Bo, have to realise that times have changed, drastically. All kids are not dumb, sorry you feel that way. I spent 4 hours last night trying to explain exactly what I am about to now, that just because of peoples appearances, they have been so badly criticised and judged by people like you (not trying to be disrespectful in any way because you are an adult) but seriously? Yes, I understand this age group is much older and more educated than a 5 year old, but impressionism lasts a lifetime. Especially since so many of their fans are young pre-teen and teenage girls. Answer: You know I grew up listening to Blink 182. “One Direction is seen smoking cigarettes constantly and there is a video of some of the members smoking weed as well.”. It will be less tempting to go raw, thus less chance of preggers. The 1975 is a band, and the entire fan base would know that they’re calming music has a way of working wonders on the mind and soul. get over yourself, we’re all fucked, Okay but literally he says he writes about what he knows and most of it is like him venting. It all relies on beind raised RIGHT. The fans are the ones who choose to do what with theirs. One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson got a girl pregnant. It was MY choice to allow them to go to the concert, buy the album or (better yet) my lack of true leadership and faith in my children to do the right thing. Want to know how to be a good parent? The wiggles? I’ll start off by saying that their music (which will sound like B-S to you or stupid but take it how you want to) it actually helped me get my life back on track.. you have no idea what I had gone through and the amount of people I was forced to talk (therapists) to to try and fix my life (No I was no on any drugs nor have I ever taken any) so to quickly jump to conclusions about what you THINK this band is trying to portray and convey in their lyric is utter BS. I’m not sure if you know anything about Matty, Ross, Adam, or George, but they’re incredibly smart, influential young men (lol yes, meaning it’s not all about drugs, sex and alcohol! She would probably go out and have a drink whether Matty publicized it or not. Third, you compare them to One Direction. He’s clean. I know I was going to listen to MY MOTHER when I was a child, not my favorite celebrity/musician of the moment. We all have our hang ups and our mistakes. I know this because I went on his website. this article is correct in the way it deals with things. Well there isn’t a single picture of a 1975 fan self harming themselves…but there is One Direction fans so don’t go on saying that One Direction has a good impact on their fans bc in the past coup,e years they haven’t. Matty has the responsibility of having a huge, growing fanbase now. I get where he’s coming from, and I agree with him, you guys are allowed to have your opinions, let him have his. Stop focusing on all the negative things and just listen to their hardwork they put on making these songs. Perhaps the reason why you wrote this imbecilic article in the first place was simply because you were unable to grasp the fact that through The 1975’s music, teens are able to find comfort from adults such as yourself who treat us as lesser beings. No, I’m kept up in my room studying for exams and listening to these great dudes which yeah my parents might not adore, but atleast they understand I need to listen to some type of music. The only reason they have gained a young fan base is because One Direction fans piggybacked them when Harry Styles tweeted about The 1975. - Rolling Line VR Toy Train Simulator - Maps, FORESTRY TRAINS - Rolling Line VR Toy Train Simulator - Maps, LUXURY WOODIE! It’s just we have entered the time where it is more open to talk about them. My 8 year old sister is an avid fan of them (of course we shield her from some of the songs) but she enjoys this band because they’re real. Now, since most of the fans were dressed like this, I didn’t think much of it. I think before you go pointing out flaws of the band you should remember that they have millions of fans whose lives have been enriched by their music, they didn’t get all those fans by smoking weed, they got them by being talented and caring about their fans. Comparing Matty to any other band or artist should be the last thing you should ever bring up because everyone is different and handle things in different ways and even though he may be more blatant about it this should not determine his worth as an artist of a human being. They are just being themselves.. they never asked to have 14/15/16 year old fans did they? Read interviews with Denise Welch on this, she confirms he never wanted their help or connections. Wow! But that doesn’t matter to you ignorant trolls because you would much rather brainwash us to artists like Justin Bieber, who has been arrested numerous of times for different accusations. Why tell people that their feelings aren’t good enough for people to listen to. This was the stupidest shit I’ve ever read you’re an idiot. Well, that’s your opinion but he made a career on his beautiful art and ways of telling his life and that’s more than you ever have done. also. My sister, who is in high school, has this image of drinking being cool. Not bc its “cool”. This is an old article but I can’t help. I was not aware of these findings before writing the article. This is complete bullshit, and while im listening to Robbers by the 1975 cause thats what i do and im not gonna have some shitty article ruin my taste in music because holy shit he smokes and drinks omfg arrest him. Matt’s lifestyle shows luster, and people connect that aspect of his life with other aspects of his life. And the band did not expect that. Times have changed and the bottom line is that they are a great band that sings great music. Brendon performs songs such as ‘One of the Drunks’, ‘Roaring 20’s’, ‘I Write Sins Not Tragedies’ and ‘Girls/Girls/Boys’. evidently this band is making music for themselves in adults if people choose to let their young girls go to see them that is not the bands issue north should a change their show to fit that it is the parents responsibility not the bands. I would much rather hear about someone being brave enough to lay themselves bare than hide away until there is nothing left for the individual but to implode. Could you make a list the complete urls of your public pages like your Facebook page, twitter feed, or linkedin profile? hi I just wanted to stop by and say this is the worst article ever written, Why your kids shouldn’t listen to the 1975, Because we have crappy ’reporters’ like you commenting them. it’d be nice if the author removed his head from his anus and realised that the 1975 advocate a lifestyle of happiness and intelligence. like I feel it’s quite basic, none of us would be here of it weren’t for drugs and sex, how were you born????? Bo, you’re right. There are people very close to me that have dealt with deep loss, but they did not succumb to an addiction. I’m trying REALLY hard not to be mean but I really just disagree with your opinion. Are you going to tell him to not smoke on his own time? You’re a fucking twit that sounds more jealous of the fan base. Kids can listen to whatever, if they’re parents don’t like it then fair enough but they shouldn’t control what music their kids listen to. Finally, there amount of grammatical errors in this editorial lowers the credibility of the opinion by a considerable amount. But I agree, the state of music is a complicated place that is seemingly run by corporations, but that is why it is important to find other outlets with more verisimilitude than the ones we are pervasively exposed to. I’m sorry but when has that ever happened! But what about now with Matty being clean? Speaking from a Influence point of view then, people should stop listening to Kurt Cobain or Elton John. I highly disagree with this article. This is a great response Ales! If I were the 1975, and I acquired young fans it is my responsibility to either A) Do not drink and smoke on stage or B) Do not host all ages shows. People who listen to the 1975 can connect to the songs and the ‘characters’ within the songs. this is jack shit ? Healy is doing our youth a favor by introducing them to REAL music that (on their upcoming album especially) echoes the REAL talents from the 70s and 80s. Also Matty has never had an addiction to prescription drugs, so for you to accuse fiction of being nonfiction is a blatant display that you’re just coming up with ludicrous accusations based on his past addictions. Indie Rock is a bust. Idk how to say it. The comment had too much fandom jokes that you probably didn’t understand (of course because of obvious reasons). My sister is a big fan of the 1975. You keep saying “we’re mature people, our kids have their own minds, why would watching a celebrity smoke be a big deal?” Well, no, seeing one cigarette won’t hook anyone on smoking. You sound like the music police, if the 1975 isn’t appropriate than why don’t we all just listen to the wiggles. It is none of your business what Matthew Healy does with his life. Not just cigarettes. You knew you were younger but didn’t see the big deal about it. Answer: Yeah, when I was 8 years old, I was looking for some meaning in life. Musicians, neighbours, best friends, classmates, actors, DJ/Radio hosts…..they all are can do anything they want….COME ONE, PARENTS CAN’T RELY ON EXTERNAL ROLE MODELS!! Not only that, you could see actors themselves smoking, drinking, etc. For most girls (well, me being an exception), the art of “fangirling” is something that will pass with time. Good morning everybody. A good ninety percent of them were dressed in short dresses, faces masked with makeup even though they were so young. In America you cannot tell other people they can’t do something because you don’t like it. Parents these days are seriously paranoid that if their kids like a certain type of music they’ll do the same thing their favourite celebrities do. I actually have, I may have only met one of the members but I have NEVER met anyone more down to earth and humble than George (the drummer) The fact that he took the time to talk to me and a friend, he was more than willing to take photos with us and even as we approached him, put his newly lit cigarette out.. what does that show you? Maybe take the time to hear the lyrics and understand the band itself, maybe you will find that they really just want their songs to be heard. If by conform, you mean stop bringing their addictions on stage, then thats one hell of a loose conformity. Matty Healy might smoke and do drugs but whatever he doesnt really doesn’t matter because we are there for the music and to have a great night. I forget just how helpful “moralistic” people have been in killings, rapes, theft and other such wonderful aspects of humanity of the Centuries, so I’m sure that such influences would somehow be better- incidentally link to this study or is it just something you think you’ve read without reading the full paper? I know the harm smoking can do to my body as well as the harm abusing alcohol, or any drug, can do to myself and others. They’re selling t-shirts. I agree ! There is plenty of room to express pain and sorrow. Will I agree with all of them? That is ALL their music is about; a collection of Matthews life stories, written in a pop song. Now Matty, I respect you so much but that comment is no way to handle constructive criticism. “Yes, they should be a bit more careful about what they do in public because fans may think it’s okay to do it too”, “In a society where the education received at home and especially the education given in schools doesn’t teach children how to think, how to analyse situations and make decisions for themselves, are musicians that are simply talking about their lives and that do not fear to be who they truly are when in the public eye really the ones who should be blamed?”. So that’s not promotion of drugs like you’re contending. I am a teenager, and I like the 1975. And one direction…. In middle school, my friends would swear like nobody’s business. This is not journalism, this is all based on opinion. Bo, You must be one of the most goddamn gullible people (or delusional with self-importance) on the globe if you think Matt Healy commented on your article. . For the love of god, do not write an article on something you clearly no next to nothing about. I can assure you the 1975 aren’t influencing kids anymore than say Drake, or Miley Cyrus, or Justin Beiber, who are way more famous and are more likely to have a bad influence on kids. Yes, the 1975 does illegal substances, they drink alcohol, they encourage sex and talk about violence, however you’re forgetting the fact that there is the freedom of speech, and several other artists and bands promote the same activity. We are not meant to succumb to whatever makes us feel good. It’s really interesting. Yes, Healy smokes cigarettes. Every time I read over the lyrics to “S.E.X.” I think to myself – “Why couldn’t I have thought of that?!”. The mature side of the fandom knows that that’s what they should get from him, that’s what they should get as inspiration. It sounds just like the angsty teenage poetry you’d find today on Tumblr. Our tastes are just different, get over it. Watch Chocolate in live on YouTube and the intro is amazing. matty literally had a heroin addiction. They are behaving like they’re the Doors, and aren’t even as innovative as by-the-numbers Fall Out Boy. By doing onstage what he would do offstage he is resembling the whole part of him staying a true character. I personally became a better person because of the 1975 not worse, better. Almost pissed myself laughing. Eye opening! Now go get yourself a life instead of writing about someone else’s life. Two years later? This makes me so fucking mad. Oops haha. There is Internet that would let you explore things like this before letting your child listen to it. You feature these items in your show like it’s written in your set list. I’m frankly blown away by the amount of hate this article has generated. They are grown men and if they want to drink and smoke they will. And who said I’m trying to get people to like him? (Continuing my precious comment) I mean just look at Tyler Joseph. Smh so many people are parenting wrong. because yes a lot of their music is about sex and drugs and they know that’s not something to target toward young kids BUT why would matty or any of the other members do anything different because young kids happen to like them. Never once in one of their songs did they condone their past usages of drugs. “For someone who I know grew up listening to Blink 182 and bands that have done MUCH more obscure and negatively influential things on stage”. Some things are worth it when an artist means so much to you. It’s not really the band’s fault if teenagers want to smoke or drink, (hopefully legally or not at all.) From an early age my mother has fully informed me of what can happen when people take drugs, what they look like, where people get them and she’s been brutally honest – she had the appropriate parenting skills to ensure I would not do drugs and no matter how much I hear the word “chocolate” I’m not suddenly going to be desperate for a puff on a joint. You want to be a “music journalist” you should at least get MATTY’S name right. If they’re halfway, or little bit here little bit there, then they don’t have much effect is what the studies show. I know it was wrong of me to read this personal note of hers but geez its kind of concerning. English isn’t my native language. (Anyone? The band doesn’t hand choose who they want in their fanbase, it just so happens to be teens AND adults. Just like their are more parts to a flower other than it’s petals. Nope. Just because a band advocates drugs and sex doesn’t mean parents should stop their kids from listening to them? When she gets to the college scene, which I am in, drugs and alcohol are so easily accessible and I know that she is going to fall for it. “But that doesn’t matter to you ignorant trolls because you would much rather brainwash us to artists like Justin Bieber, who has been arrested numerous of times for different accusations. Came up with that idea on my own! once direction is an over publicized pop boy band. In most concerts of The 1975 there’s an age limit. At the end of the day it is the teenagers decision to drink , have sex or do drugs. The issues that I have with this article is that the responsibility for protecting the author’s child is being put on the band. On top of that, a fan did bring Matty a bottle of wine at the signing. On top of that, a fan did bring Matty a bottle of wine at the signing. And there are singers out there that talk about sex and drugs and he smokes cigarettes. People can and I promise you all of us are still going to continue to support and listen to the 1975 so I’m not REALLY sure what the point of the article was but oh well… you mentioned the song chocolate being an issue for you because it’s an innuendo for weed, then continue to mention how kid friendly one direction are. If you look beyond the surface level and and really listen to the meaning behind his lyrics – he’s begging the young generation to put away their phones and stop falling in love with technology. Is this part of The 1975 band article you wrote?