Relax and marvel in the beauty of the text. May 31, 2010 7:25 AM, When you call a book "historical," people believe what's in it. It's supposed to make the women look strong? Imagine the outcry if a Christian wrote a book suggesting that Jesus was really a sexual predator. Lois, As is his right. Simeon and Levi's attack on Shechem is hardly a "surgical strike." Michelle, (81) The author never said it was real she said it was a book about woman being strong. Thank you very much. what was their purpose then in their youth. Anonymous, Unless you're writing historical fiction. Rabbi Rothman states in his review of The Red Tent that "every Bar/Bat Mitzvah child knows that our forbearers possessed faith beyond our comprehension." “The Red Tent” Book COver. Anonymous, Instead her finely drawn heroines stay mired in the muck of paganism. September 2, 2008 4:25 PM. It bothered me so much that I read the chapters in Genesis from my Bible just to remind me that what I was reading about Jacob and his family was not even close to the truth. You asked about the historical accuracy of the red tent retreat for women. I read this book years ago and it was completely disrespectful to the Torah and everything it stands for. June 10, 2001 12:00 AM. Diamant, the book’s author, has faced accusations of blasphemy for her imaginative departure from the events of Genesis 34. May 27, 2018 8:16 PM. Because it creates for the uninformed a completely false and harmful image of religions with roots in the history of Abraham and his sacred covenants. Shimon and Levi are presumed to be bloodthirsty sons of a devious, barbarous father, Jacob, willing to destroy the true love of his daughter for his old-fashioned beliefs. "My feelings exactly! February 10, 2011 3:15 AM. March 8, 2008 5:51 PM. Bravo, Rabbi Rothman! It can only do the truth ... in this case Judiaic History ... a disservice. I totally agree with your comments about the book, I took offense at the writers sheer lack of respect for the history of our Lord and his people. May 10, 2006 12:00 AM. (56) While I do not wish to defend TRT, I do think that your article points to another problem. Abraham's God is far more grand and I'd much rather worship Him. June 10, 2001 12:00 AM. The story is one of the most bloody in the text. (65) I'm a devout Christian, and was able to see this book as just that. November 13, 2007 2:08 PM. When I read the back cover, I was very hesitant to read it because I thought it would make me mad. My women friends discussed with me their thoughts and feelings of the book and how real it was to them. If … (70) I expected to read something that filled in the holes, a book that would bring the story to life. I thought about it. (33) It never occured to me until I read this article that someone could actually be offended by "The Red Tent". Rebecca and Issac suffered the most in this self-indulgent tale I found shameful. '” Writing in Variety, reviewer Brian Lowry calls “The Red Tent” a “handsome melodrama” and says it, “cleverly redresses the Bible’s male-oriented tilt.” Many of Dinah’s would-be sisters and brothers die, and as a midwife she loses many children and their mothers. Does it really matter if we are forewarned of the true nature of the book? Ron Feiler, She's showing that even though Dinah faced many hardships in life in the end, she dies happily surrounded by the people cares and loves about the most. Maybe because I am younger than most of the people that have already made comments about this book I have a more open mind about this subject. The first (and only time) we attended a synagogue in the closest city to us, this book was highly touted by a woman in the congregation, as well as the rabbi. (39) (45) In the red tent, away from the men, the women had a life of their own, which included worshiping gods and goddesses associated with healing and fertility. Most of the characters are not monotheistic. It fills in gaps left in the biblical narrative regarding events and personalities that are only hinted at.") Michele Curlee, Toni, Gina, “The Rape of Dinah” (Genesis, chapter 34) was recounted not by Dinah, but by her brothers. (76) Thank-you. Judie Carasso, April 11, 2002 12:00 AM. When my students ask me the problem with reading "The Red Tent" I give the following analogy: Suppose there was a well-written, dramatic novel in which the main character, Adolf Hitler, was portrayed as a compassionate, well- meaning hero and the Jewish people were portrayed as a race of theives and villians. (14) © 2021 - Your life. We sacrifice catholic babies don't we? The basic plot of The Red Tent is this: Dinah meets Shalem (who's called Shechem in the Bible), a Hivvite and a prince. Ruth, Although I tend to feel bad after a bad read, I still tend to think that ignorance is not bliss. And in this, she fails. Dinah opens the story by recounting for readers the union of her mother Leah and father Jacob, as well as the expansion of the family to include Leah's sister Rachel, and the handmaids Zilpah and Bilhah. For example, one could and has written a novel which portrays Abraham Lincoln as a vampire hunter. The network is adapting Anita Diamant's novel The Red Tent, a fictionalization of the Biblical story of Dinah. I believe that she is just trying to give a different point of view. I am very upset that readers who rely on this type of reading for their knowledge will get a totally skewed impression. It is thought provoking to have a contrast to the otherwise very androcentric scripture. As I read the book I became so filled with conginitve dissonance, sure that this was contrary to what we know of the time and culture and of the Biblical record itself, that I just had to put it down. I am familar enough with the Old Testament of the Bible to recognize where the author deviated from familiar Biblical stories. Why not create a new story? (38) This chapter tells of Dinah, the daughter of the patriarch Jacob, who - according to the most common interpretation of the text - is abducted and "violated" by a prince. bafisher, We look at the Holocaust and question, and we look at the world today and question. March 24, 2008 10:50 PM. If everyone knew the greatness of our heritage and the truth of our Torah, they would be protesting this "novel." (55) Doing so does the text and the reader a great diservice. How sad! I also felt that Dinah was poorly portrayed and that the book is sensationalist and the author is looking to commercial aspects The way you describe The Red Tent is completely inaccurate to the novel. As it is I am offended, and with good reason. People read the book knowing it's a work of fiction. This book portrays them as a bunch of bizzare women fighting over everything. ', (27) Faith, I'm grateful that as Jews, we don't issue fatwas against artists whose works insult what we hold sacred. Anonymous, I liked it, but felt it was inappropiate to use religious figures for a sexual love story. The result is a work of fiction constructed on a skillfully built scaffold of fact that feels like history even where it is obviously fiction. I think that it is important to recognize that faith (i.e. Those that do are often written by religious hard-liners, making for problematic and uncritical literature. Anita Diamant wrote The Red Tent as a feminist Midrash. I understand why some people would be offended by The Red Tent. I intend to share your insights with her too. Melissa, Why, I wonder, do we seek to defend our differences rather than celebrate our similarities. I had tired to read this book but stopped after a few chapters because it seemed so audacious to be blasphemous. Even the "red tent" in the story, a place to which women were cast off during their menstruation cycle and men never ventured near, has no basis in Jewish belief or history. I am not offended by the book, but offended at how closed minded my people are. I thank you I found the book quite disturbing because it was not what I was taught. People all great works of art are imbelished so that we read and enjoy. Please, try to raise yourself above this. If she wanted to tell this fictional story, she should have left the Biblical references out of it rather than debasing them. The Torah portrays them as strong, Rashi portrays them as strong, the Talmud portrays them of strong. No doubt, ancestral veneration was outlawed in some forms (but encouraged in others - cf. Diamant's Dinah is so far from a love-starved girl. (78) Since it is so well-written, anyone who reads it is likely to feel compassion towards Hitler - and animosity towards the Jews. I like your approach to the issues. (49) Never again will these women be mere shadowy figures evoked only by a few Biblical references to their names for a reader of The Red Tent. Again, this is fiction, so she simply uses the names and not the facts. Men, with their lack of understanding of the cycles of women, as well as superstition or religious belief, felt that women should go to a place away from them during their bleeding time and childbirth. Our Privacy Guarantee: Your information is private. Elisheva, She was a strong woman who got through the death of her loved one the taking of her child and even the knowledge that she had been forgotten by her family. I just finished this book and was incredibly disturbed. Rabbi Rothman lacks a certain understanding of how the women who read this story relate to the need of support among each other. I just finished reading The Red Tent on the recommendation of a friend,and am relieved to hear your comments. Thank you, Rabbi Rothman, for speaking out against blasphemous and patently offensive pulp-fiction which hides behind a mask of acceptability. kass, In The Red Tent, Dinah genuinely loves the prince and willingly becomes his bride. This work of fiction is an endless source of energy for me - men are truly fantastic creatures of great intelligence, but women give birth to the universe. The series is based on the best-selling novel of … HOWEVER, as the author did in this book, every false tale, every lie, every bit of fiction is made believable by a kernel of truth inserted into the fiction. Her bad association lead to her rape by a man who was considered a high ranking person. (85) As he seems to see it, the fundamental problem with The Red Tent is its assignment of our doubts to our ancestors -- "who spoke to God, who saw the burning bush, who experienced the Exodus and countless other miracles…" "These," says Rabbi Rothman, "are our issues, not theirs." To quote the Rabbi: "...It is about the people who fought and struggled to bring monotheism and eventually Judaism into the world and to make it a better place...” As you see this is at a time when Judaism isn't yet as clearly defined, as many would assume. I put the book down and did not finish it when I saw the story deviating so far from the Bible. [1] The book's title refers to the tent in which women of Jacob's tribe must, according to the ancient law, take refuge while menstruating or giving birth, and in which they find mutual support and encouragement from their mothers, sisters and aunts. (90) Thank you. I found myself offended at the caricatures Diamont made of our forebearers, and confused as to why my friend's rabbi has conducted 'studies' of this book. My thoughts at finishing the book are how sad to think of how many will be turned off to the one God through reading this fiction, made so believable by a good story line. [9], Learn how and when to remove this template message, The Red Tent - if you knew Dina like I know Dina, Dinah’s Rage - the Retelling of Genesis 34 in Anita Diamant’s, Yahweh vs. the Teraphim: Jacob’s Pagan Wives in Thomas Mann’s, "The Red Tent - Reading Guide - Book Club Discussion Questions", "A Biblical Woman's Tale That Won Readers' Hearts", "Memory and Imagination Reclaim the Past",, American novels adapted into television shows, Articles needing additional references from July 2009, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 December 2020, at 07:41. Historical fiction has a responsibility, just as Dan Brown violated his responsibility in the "Da Vinci Code. I'm glad I did research and found this article because now I know that this story won't get better no matter how much I want it to so that I can bring myself to finish it. Furthermore, the teraphim were most likely not statuettes of gods but rather than mummified heads of the ancestors used in divinatory practice (cf. It is about the people who fought and struggled to bring monotheism and eventually Judaism into the world and to make it a better place. Sign up to our Current Issues Newsletter. I didn't quite understand that if every woman's cycle came at approximately the same time and they were all in the tent, who did all the work that the women usually did? Rena, (7) This book is nothing but fluff, and innacurate Jewish history not to mention being out of harmony with scripture. It says more for today's questions about equality of the sexes, than in biblical times, since the red tent never existed. In the red tent Dinah learned what it meant to be a woman. (53) It is a first-person narrative that tells the story of Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Leah, sister of Joseph. But if you are looking for an “accurate” account of Dinah’s story from the Old Testament then you’ll have to look elsewhere. Maybe we looked at the book as what it was meant to be - a story about the struggles of being a woman. Jordan Magill, The idea is to make characters that seem very distant from us -- due to time, location, etc. It says on the cover that it is fiction and that Diamant wanted to explore the voice in the bible that had been locked up. December 18, 2007 2:22 AM. It is a petty nation, or a petty mind, that takes umbrage at the fictional work of a single person. December 6, 2004 12:00 AM. (22) “The Red Tent” notices this incongruity and interprets it as Yahwistic hostility to women’s religion. Raizie Lutwak, Mauricio Vinhal, But another weakness of The Red Tent is, I believe, also its fatal flaw. The hypothetical book about Hitler would be protested and banned in most countries because it is understood that this kind of novel is abomidable and anti- semitic. [3] According to the Los Angeles Times review, "By giving a voice to Dinah, one of the silent female characters in Genesis, the novel has struck a chord with women who may have felt left out of biblical history. Some women have begun to bring back the Red Tent. (3) Ms. Diamont demonstrates uncanny skill in taking "silences" of the Bible (where the Biblical narrative leaves off) and interprets them in ways which are not obviously contradictory with what IS in the Bible. I loved the fiction. Jim Silver, I read and enjoyed the book. June 14, 2001 12:00 AM. August 16, 2010 3:46 AM. As a Christian & a Feminist I take issue with any story that would rewrite the actual word & turn it from a brutalization of a woman into a feeble minded love story. Having said that, it concerns me that others may be misled in its meaning or authority by authors like Diamant and Dan Brown for instance. August 19, 2004 12:00 AM. This allowed me to poke around in the divinity school library, the Schlesinger Library and Wagoner Library for facts about daily life – food, clothing, remedies for disease, and what houses in Egypt might have looked like. I am completely opposed to his opinion. I quickly discovered the story to NOT be historical fiction. As a traditional Jew, the flipant comments about Jacob and Rivka were annoying. Anonymous, In fact, he is not harsh enough. 'Simon and Levi are presumed to be bloodthirsty sons " Well, I am sorry but they were. Books will always inspire some and lose others...Lucky me this time. I don't know if anyone is still reading this or will come across the post so, anyways, I will just leave this here for the curious.To those who contend it is "just" a work of fiction, I respond that any work, fiction or not, intends to shape a consciousness concerning something. She learns she has been all but forgotten by her other living brothers and father but that her story lives on with the women of Jacob's tribe. Moreover, if one were to look at the Bible as simply a collection of myths, then what is the harm in reinterpreting the story? (5) Our editor needs it in case we have a question about your comment. shame on you. Why do any authors feel it is their right to use historical characters in a book of fiction? This book changed my life forever. I didn't like the fact that she took honorable people and defamed them. I read the book because it came highly recommended. Money often is the motivation when creating a contraversy. She was asked what the historical background of the actual red tent was and she said she made it up for the novel, but that similar ideas existed elsewhere. It is also bizarre that the author of this book is otherwise known to be an exponent of Jewish pride. It is a sad comment on contemporary American Jewish life that this book is so immensely popular, especially among Jews. I do not feel offended by Ms. Diamant's history, but rather encouraged to read more. January 1, 2007 7:39 PM. The Passovr Weeknd: Passover Music Video, Making Time Count: The Message of Counting the Omer, Rick and Dick Hoyt and the Power of Family, The Soviet Campaign to Eliminate Passover, Matzah: Bread of Affliction, Bread of Liberation, Free to Hope: Passover in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Passover: Keeping Our Ancient Story Young, Haggadah Compendium: Inspiring Insights to Share at Your Passover Seder, Home  »  The matriarchs are idol worshippers, engaging in strange and at times barbaric rituals which bear no resemblance to Jewish law. May 5, 2002 12:00 AM. However, it is neither biblically nor historically correct. Thank-you for your commentry on "The Red Tent". Despite the statements in Biblical narrative indicating that Abraham's wife, Sarah, Isaac's wife, Rebecca, and Leah all individually prayed to God, Ms. Diamont ignores these jewels of Biblical feminism. In fact, I praise the author's fresh female perspective on "Dinah's rape". First of all, I humbly appologize for all of those who are not Jewish who read the book and do not understand the term fiction thereby commenting or believing in this book as something that it is not. November 7, 2005 12:00 AM. Most people feel that they learned so much history from this book. I love historical fiction, and prefer it a lot farther from home! this thinking has no place here. But to ascribe those same doubts to our ancestors who spoke to God, who saw the burning bush, who experienced the Exodus and countless other miracles is deeply mistaken. Furthermore, recent archaeology (cf. (4) I was disapointed at nearly every page for its lack of integrity. October 26, 2005 12:00 AM, i think u take too much emphasis on the little things. caz, (Wikipedia defines Midrash as "a method of interpreting biblical stories that goes beyond simple distillation of religious, legal, or moral teachings. Your article reminds me of Christians' ignorant hatred of The Davinci Code. (35) Just like music or fine art, if you don’t fancy it, don’t look at it or listen to it, but try to have an opened mind. "I mean, is the story tragic, because it gives women a voice, or that it downplays the role of religion?To me, it doesn't seem to want to bring people into religion or to degrade it. gladys propper, June 10, 2001 12:00 AM, Dear Rabbi Rothman, Having had the opportunity to travel extensively in Asia and Europe, I have come home realizing how ignorant we are as a nation toward not only other countries but other cultures within our own nation. (51) August 27, 2013 8:14 PM. (29) Anonymous, It makes the bad guys look like the good guys and the good guys look like thugs. The Shechemites agree, and shortly after they go under the knife, while incapacitated by pain, they are murdered by Dinah's brothers and their male servants, who then return with Dinah. (48) (94) I don't know the author's invention but it ruined it all - I gave up to watch (my time counts - fiction is fiction, lie is lie). in this paragraph, is the author saying that the "red tent" itself never existed in history? Why don't you take the book for what it is FICTION! We cannot accept that our forefathers, even in fiction, could be petty, could be murderers, could be willing to throw away the relationship they fought so hard for with the Almighty. (97) January 14, 2009 10:37 AM. We discussed it only to the point that the Red Tent wasn't a part of Jewish ritual or culture. The problem is that there is just enough fact to grant this book a credibility it does not deserve. November 16, 2012 1:12 AM. (52) June 18, 2001 12:00 AM. The Red Tent vividly describes the frightening and painful conditions of childbirth in ancient times. I was about to watch The Red Tent through Netflix, but from the first minute of the movie I saw that this was to be on Bible, Jews and Ancient Times; so I started to investigate on internet the veracity of the basis of the movie. Who would do such a thing to someone like Gandhi, or Mother Theresa? One man raped their sister. Once the message of the Bible-that there is one God who cares deeply for his creation--is null and void, the Bible stories are now no more that folk tales which may be twisted to please ourselves or our pocket books. April 18, 2010 8:59 AM. March 16, 2013 3:25 AM, Jessica, August 23, 2010 7:03 PM. Ms. Diamont appears to skillfully weave historical and archeological fact with imaginative story telling. It is obvious that her gross ignorance fuels her absolutely unacceptable "audacity". we learn from the people before us and we have learned to behave like them, their behavior was portrayed in the Red Tent. In her novel she creates living, breathing, strong, sensitive, intelligent, caring, flesh and blood Biblical matriarchs, and then abandons them to an age-old male chauvinist stereotype. (43) I suspect that I am somewhat typical of those whom you have met who loved the book and I would like to tell you why. June 3, 2004 12:00 AM. It has inspired readers to re-read their Bible. Not just because it demeans the beliefs, character, and scripture of devotees. It seems appropriate that I concluded my reading of Jewish author Anita Diament’s The Red Tent on Mo t her’s Day and that this is the day where I sit down to write this review. I read this novel and even though it was a compelling story I had a really hard time with the author "re-writing" history from the Bible. (84) I think the author must have a serious issue with Jewish males to have portrayed them in this light. Dina is willing to throw away her belief in monotheism and her role as a part of the founding family of Judaism, Rebecca, Isaac's wife, is depicted as a witch. (57) Current Issues More than I needed to read to understand that they were in love, intimate, or any of that! Thank you. September 6, 2001 12:00 AM. It is a work of fiction and she has written a fantastic story in The Red Tent. October 28, 2004 12:00 AM. Watch a preview for Lifetime’s miniseries The Red Tent, starring Minnie Driver, Morena Baccarin, Rebecca Ferguson, Iain Glen, Will Tudor, and Debra Winger. I am constantly amazed at how foolish we are in responding and/or reacting to cultures outside our own; how quickly we fall for stereotypes and use bits of truth to be the whole truth. January 10, 2005 12:00 AM. The Red Tent is author Anita Diamant’s attempt to give Dinah, and the women in her life, a voice. These women have taken the fiction as fact. It is about the people who fought and struggled to bring monotheism and eventually Judaism into the world and to make it a better place. "As a journalist I’m comfortable doing library research and I did a lot. So enjoy. So, as a strict Biblical adaptation, The Red Tent is a dud. Not only did the author portray the Jewish men as boors, murderers,and Joseph as a wimp, but the non-Jewish males were all sympathtic, kind, wonderful people. This thought into action Lincoln as a Christian who takes my faith quite seriously, i 've the... Their knowledge will get a totally skewed impression much rather worship Him if everyone knew the greatness of sages... Is willing to perpetuate contempt for us and we have a serious issue with Jewish males to a! Made this fictional book so realistic and easy to relate to the need of support among other... Of events and personalities that are only hinted at. '' relationship her... 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