So the book is not without "The Madman" passage from "The Gay Science," nor is it without the essay "Truth and Lies in an Extra-moral Sense," which, if read closely, contains the whole of Foucault's corpus. Nietzsche was to some extent an admirer of Jesus, but he detested Christianity itself, which he regarded as the results of Paul's corruption of Jesus' teachings. For the most part, Nietzsche is not at all the philosopher that people think he is. He is an atheist-prophet, who has been compared to John the Baptist. Walter Kaufmann is the man responsible for Nietzsche studies in the English speaking world, and the collection he edited of Nietzsche's writings is outstanding. Even this could be improved by me. Life itself cannot be subject to judgements, neither good nor bad, since the one who judges is “a party to the dispute”: one cannot judge life because s/he is part of life and does not have access to a perspective in which the entirety of “life” can be grasped, (13). Reprint of the 1954 ed. We learn and grow most from our moments of suffering and intense feeling. This is the third time I have read this anthology. If we add to this horror the ecstatic rapture, which rises up out of the same collapse of the principium individuationis from the innermost depths of human beings, yes, from the innermost depths of nature, then we have a glimpse into the essence of the my main observation: Nietzsche's philosophy is extremely difficult to encapsulate. Thus spoke Zarathustra also contains the famous dictum “God is dead“. The chronological notes in particular are fascinating, if only because we know Nietzsche eventually went insane. Has ever a man been at one and the same time so captivating and confusing? Definitely one of the greatest philosophers in the Western Tradition. He was interested in the enhancement of individual and cultural health, and believed in life, creativity, power, and the realities of the world we live in, rather than those situated in a world beyond. Then, having been at loggerheads with the DesPlaines draft board for some time for resistance, I was notified that proceedings against me were soon to begin. January 27th 1977 Nietzsche, Birth of Tragedy 3 of its forms, appears to suffer a breakdown. Gorgias. That last time was around 1990. The Portable Nietzsche (Portable Library) The Anti-Christ. Ah, Nietzsche: an impassioned enigma. Those who assert that the self is really spirit are "despisers of the body" who have a sick body that hates life and wants to die. Nietzsche in 60 Minutes. Uniek aanbod (tweedehands) boeken. Maybe an over-correction but sometimes thats what a species needs. A polemical contribution to moral and political theory, it offers a critique nietzsche genealogy of morals essay 2 sparknotes of moral values and traces the historical evolution of concepts such as guilt, conscience, responsibility, law and justice Nietzsche Genealogy Of Morals First Essay Analysis providing online custom writing assistance to. The most interesting book was The Antichrist, even though it is said that the book was written while Nietzsche was in the depths of dementia. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Friedrich Nietzsche. A lot of things Nietzsche mentions are true and enlightening. Welcome back. Otherwise, this is a great place to go for most of Nietzsche's thought wrapped into one volume. I've been reading this for a while, occasionally taking breaks to read other things. $15.69 The Marquise of O and Other Stories (Penguin Classics) Heinrich Von Kleist. In many ways, Nietzsche finally said what was always implicit in Western philosophy - that truth and knowledge were simply a matter of concensus and control, and that freedom was the privelege of the rare few who could descend from the heights of man's "truth" and create their own values. (The Portable Nietzsche) Nietzsche was a perspectivist. Canteñs, Bernardo J. Thomas Common is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. published by The Viking Press, New York, which was issued as no. No_Favorite. Certain ideas persist in the mind after finishing: his free spirit; the eternal recurrence; the at times reckless boldness of his writing; his love of radical, idiosyncratic, individuality, in which he located brilliance and genius; the pedestal of the ‘great man’ on which much of his thought rests— has this notion been abolished, debunked, and cast away? However, before we can really try to understand his thoughts and writings, let's to take a look at Nietzsche the man. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 310 pages and is available in Paperback format. I would like more help as I read and Nietzsche refers to contemporary events and personages like D. This is the third time I have read this anthology. Real hard. Cambridge Core - Ethics - Confronting Evils - by Claudia Card. About The Portable Nietzsche The works of Friedrich Nietzsche have fascinated readers around the world ever since the publication of his first book more than a hundred years ago. It feels kind of strange to give a star rating to the collected works of Friedrich Nietzsche, but whatever. Walter Kaufmann is the man responsible for Nietzsche studies in the English speaking world, and the collection he edited of Nietzsche's writings is outstanding. It is best read in the open air, as I did, much of it, in Central Park, American elms arching above the Literary Walk to form the vaulted ceiling of a cathedral. I plan on sitting down and reading the book properly in the future. Start by marking “The Portable Nietzsche” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Over the years I have, of course, I have read other Nietzsche in other editions, but nothing has ever risen to the level of translator and editor Kaufmann’s insights, notes, and arrangement. }, Goodreads Members' Most Anticipated Spring Books. Nietzsche explains that christianity's emphasis on suffering, sin, and afterlife put it in opposition to life itself. Wow this guy is twisted, but has a lot of good perspectives. The book is a dense and esoteric treatise on philosophy and philosophy, featuring as a fictionalized prophet descending from his recluse to mankind, Zarathustra. Basic Writings of Nietzsche (Modern Library Classics) It is worth reading again. The portable Nietzsche | ISBN 9780140150629 direct en eenvoudig te bestellen bij Boekhandel De Slegte. The Portable Nietzsche includes Kaufmann’s definitive translations of the complete and unabridged texts of Nietzsche’s four major works: Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Nietzsche Contra Wagner and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. The Case of Wagner (1888) and Nietzsche Contro Wagner (1888) are too narrow in scope. What does not destroy me, makes me stronger. Book Five of The Cay Science anticipates, in turn, same of the themes of another famous book which was to follow in 1887, On the Cenealogy of Morality, which is again different in tone, sustaining a more continuous theoretical argument. The Portable Nietzsche is a collection of Friedrich Nietzsche's books. Or repped hard. Edition Notes Bibliography: p. 24-26. share. He, like many philosophers wrote essays on topics and not stories. In addition, Kaufmann brings together selections from his other books, notes, and letters, to give a full picture of Nietzsche's development, versatility, and inexhaustibly. Nietzsche reported that this thought came to him suddenly one day in August 1881 while he was taking a walk along a lake in Switzerland. Author Friedrich Nietzsche. TJmU) ESSAY, SECTION 3 99 ists, there is fortunately no need for it to be a tragic antithesis. Special offers and product promotions. He's quite a good writer, better than most really, and you can enjoy his style and wet even if you don't follow all of the references and ideas. Back to Part One, On Human Nature and Values He held that there were no objective metaphysical truths, but rather a large series of subjective schemes were truths or values can be made. A good, concise introduction to Nietzsche and his philosophy, from a commentator who actually understands his frequently misinterpreted writings. Those two works I see in the third act with the curtain opening on the Wagner love and the Greek scholar’s dichotomy of the Apollonian and Dionysian. The portable Nietzsche. Slave mentality. Over the years I have, of course, I have read other Nietzsche in other editions, but nothing has ever risen to the level of translator and editor Kaufmann’s insights, notes, and arrangement. p. 688. The book has several complete works: "Thus Spoke Zarathustra," Nietzsche's opus about the philosopher-king character Zarathustra; "Antichrist" and "Twilight of the Idols," both shorter, more mature works; "Ecce Homo," Nietzsche's exceedingly narcissistic study on himself; and "Nietzsche Contra Wagner," which is self-explanatory. We are made of flesh, and not spirit, and our physical needs dictate our values and desires. He was the first relativist and "the last metaphysician" according to Heidegger. I was familiar with Nietzsche's blasphemous assertion before picking up the book. Ecce Homo is the philosopher’s autobio of how he came to be and why he wrote these books. For the most part, Nietzsche is not at all the philosopher that people think he is. The Portable Nietzsche (Portable Library) Friedrich Nietzsche. It is a book conceived while striding over mountains. The Portable Nietzsche. His philosophy was not the sinister precursor to the Nazi totalitarian state, but a benediction to the willful few to create new life-affirming morals and values to replace the religious values that he accused of being obsessed with judgment and revenge. Read "The Great Philosophers: Nietzsche Nietzsche" by Ronald Hayman available from Rakuten Kobo. He leaves the world to live as a hermit in the mountains, but one day his heart is "transformed" and he feels the need to go back into the world of humanity. Survival of the fittest. Nietzsche contra Wagner, in the chapter "Wagner as the Apostle of Chas tity" (Portable Nietzsche, pp. Hitler was inspired by his views, but Nietzsche does push you to think critically of your own beliefs and why people believe the things they do. Buy The Portable Nietzsche (Viking Portable Library S.) US ed of new e. by Nietzsche, Friedrich, Kaufmann, Walter (ISBN: 9780140150629) from Amazon's Book Store. His views are difficult to briefly summarize but I almost always find his writing interesting and very perceptive, even when I disagree with him. The Portable Beat Reader Summary. Contents 1 Summary Enthralling and enraging? Kaufmann’s translations have spirit and rhythm, though they’ve been displaced by others for academic purposes. Attachment researchers hypothesize that the government is working to cure cancer. I would recommend his books to anybody interested in emotions, relationships between individuals, rela. Jumping back into the book after a long break isn't really a problem because you don't always have to rely as much on what you previously read. I was not aware of the fact that, according to Nietzsche, we … From his lonely outpost Nietzsche announces a cataclysm. Overall, this book was excellent. Amazon Business: For business-only pricing, quantity discounts and FREE Shipping. In Basic Writings … He's a kind of high colonic for certain superstitions and emotional constipation. He is an event. The first 102 pages contain excerpts of his earliest works; Thus Spoke Zarathustra is the first book contained in full, starting on page 103. Often referred to as one of the first existentialist philosophers along with Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), Nietzsche's revitalizing philosophy has inspired leading figures in all walks of cultural life, including dancers, poets, novelists, painters, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and social revolutionaries. That last time was around 1990. The main characters of this philosophy, non fiction story are Friedrich Nietzsche, . This reader is not a basic one, it contains full texts, letters and important excerpts. Plato. Complete works of Zarahustra, Twilight of the Idols, Antichrist, and Nietzsche Contra Wagner. From his misinterpretation by the Nazi's (he was not an anti-semite) to his inspiration of deconstruction, post-modern thought, and just about every subsequent thought in the continental tradition besides Marxism, this book is a must for anyone who wants to begin to understand how to live life. Thus spoke Zarathustra is the classic full-text work by Friedrich Nietzsche. To see what your friends thought of this book. I would like more help as I read and Nietzsche refers to contemporary events and personages like David Strauss, etc. This will is stronger than the will to survive, as martyrs willinglydie for a cause if they feel that associating themselves with thatcause gives them greater power, and it is stronger than the will tosex, as monks willingly renounce sex for the sake of a greater cause.While the will to power can manifest itself through violence andphysical dominance, Nietzsche is more interested in the … Although Walter Kaufmann's scholarship and Nietzsche translations have long since been superseded by better versions (the recent Cambridge and Stanford editions prominent among them), they remain eminently readable, and the range of Nietzsche's work that is covered here, from his early to his late work (and you get the complete texts of "Zarathustra," "The Antichrist," "Twilight of the Idols," and "Nietzsche contra Wagner"), offers a perfect overview for the newcomer. Response by Eyal Mozes and others. But now the cover is gone, and the first pages have drifted away. Nietzsche begins by criticizing Christianity for denouncing and regarding as evil those basic instincts of human beings which are life-preserving and strength-promoting. Marx, k engels, f the portable nietzsche w. Kaufmann, trans new york: Oxford university press. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). Despite being commonly misunderstood, Nietzsche is one of the most quotable philosophers, full of great one-liners. The most famous of his published works is The Antichrist. To start, he offered the most forceful attack upon the Christian faith to emerge from the 19th ce… In The Portable Nietzsche, edited by Walter Kaufmann, 565–656.The Viking Portable Library 62. Someone who is driven by more than one intense passion will suffer great inner conflict. Bibliography. Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche, trans. The main characters of this psychology, fiction story are Friedrich Nietzsche, Josef Breuer. I was not aware of the fact that, according to Nietzsche, we killed God. We’d love your help. The Antichrist by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Unabridged 1888 Original Version. 'God is dead', announced Nietzsche - before going on to abolish himself. I think that 1883 could have been trimmed down in the excerpt and a few more letters and aphorisms thrown in and that would be better. All pages are intact, and All pages are intact, and the cover is intact. Set the stage for just about every political, or philosophical trend in the 20th century. The works of Friedrich Nietzsche have fascinated readers around the world ever since the publication of his first book more than a hundred years ago. Central to his philosophy is the idea of “life-. The chronology sort of narrates you through his life with his writing. When Nietzsche implores, ‘Become who you are,’ like Heidegger he is prodding us to create ourselves. Nietzsche's Footfalls. It was full of compelling arguments covering many aspects of the human condition. Fascinating translation of what Nietzsche really had to say of Christian morality as being against human nature in Genealogy of Morals. The first edition of the novel was published in 1992, and was written by Irvin D. Yalom. EMBED (for hosted blogs and item tags) Want more? The Portable Nietzsche by Friedrich Nietzsche, 9780140150629, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Paperback. What does not destroy me, makes me stronger. Definitely a great read. As Walter Kaufmann, one of the world’s leading authorities on Nietzsche, notes in his introduction, “Few writers in any age were so full of ideas,” and few writers have been so consistently misinterpreted. The Portable Nietzsche is a comprehensive collection containing excerpts as well as some of Friedrich Nietzsche's full works, translated by Walter Kaufmann. The book is pretty dry though, so take these quotes of all you need to know of Nietzsche. Crítica com Nietzsche e Foucault 587 views. The books written before The Dawn (1880) are not as mature as those written later. His anti-political stances, his disdain for the morality of the few, his support for the arts are still needed today. Author Walther Ziegler. Friedrich Nietzsche was one of the most celebrated and debated modern philosophers of the 19th century. Even this could be improved by me. Nietzsche's most popular works, but it has worn less well than the others.) On the Three Metamorphoses. Friedrich Nietzsche is arguably the most famous philosopher of the last 200 years, maybe even the most famous since Plato in ancient Greece. Definitely one of the greatest philosophers in the Western Tradition. 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