ⓘ Reverence for Life 1. If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan. (So, in order to capture this special role of reverence for life, we need something between a value and the value, which the usual English does not provide.) The first sign of awakening is usually a growing reverence for life. Now he is bound by the consequences of his choice. Background of the Reverence for Life University as implemented in the Jamaican prison system in the 1990s. Reverence for Life. Even before the fulness of the gospel was restored, the enlightened understood the sanctity of life. ), Now, as a servant of the Lord, I dutifully warn those who advocate and practice abortion that they incur the wrath of Almighty God, who declared, “If men … hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, … he shall be surely punished.” (Ex. If this true historical situation were posed today, many would recommend abortion. 18:7; 2 Chr. Such irreverence for life is unthinkable! The Lord has repeatedly declared this divine imperative: “Thou shalt not kill.”6 Recently he added, “Nor do anything like unto it.” (D&C 59:6.) No more handing off your authority to someone, or something else. Those considering abortion have already exercised certain choices. I do so only for clarity of communication regarding reverence for human life. Almighty God, giver of all that is good, we thank you for the precious gift of human life: For life in the womb, coming from your creative power, For the life of children, making us glad with their freshness and promise, For the life of young people, hoping for a … (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965–75), 3:11. We have just re-made the little book "Passport: to a Healthy Life Style" and it is available for free, here as a pdf. Any time during the selection process, planning, and preparation, he is free to withdraw. Unitedly we thank the Almighty for the wondrous prolongation of the life of Elder Bruce R. McConkie, enabling him to preach that powerful sermon. See Stanley K. Henshaw, Jacqueline Darroch Forrest, Ellen Sullivan, and Christopher Tietze, “Abortion Services in the United States, 1979 and 1980,” Family Planning Perspective, Jan./Feb. It is impossible to describe the grief a physician feels when the life of a patient is lost. Devotedly Brother and Sister Brown consulted their bishop. Cosmic Citizenship Passport                 by Desmond D. Green & Dawn Vaz-Green, Visit the Cosmic Breathcasting Network on YouTube - 400+ inspirational messages from Desmond Green, 2011-17 Reverence for Life University & Vision Excelerator, Learn to Breathe: The Whole-Body Breathing series, Background of the Reverence for Life University. But once an action has been taken, we are never free from its consequences. One of her children had been born dead. To a certain extent this is true for all of us. 12:21; D&C 42:18–19; D&C 132:36. She was beyond the normal age for bearing children. This chapter examines the ethic of Reverence for Life developed by Albert Schweitzer, and defended in modified form by some contemporary environmental ethicists. So it is with those who would tamper with the God-given power of procreation. It is a war on the defenseless—and the voiceless. 1, 7. Regrettable as is the loss of loved ones from war, these figures are dwarfed by the toll of a new war that annually claims more casualties than the total number of fatalities from all the wars of this nation. He referred them to their stake president, who listened to their serious concern and counseled them not to terminate the life of this baby, even though the child might have a problem. John Calvin, Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses Arranged in the Form of a Harmony, 24 vols., trans. In doing this, we show respect for creation and reverence for God. “You are too young and too poor.”. Albert Schweitzer - Reverence For Life. “An enlightened person strives to live a meaningful life, defined by their personal humility joy, passion, and profound reverence for life.” ― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls Yes, life is precious! Taking care of all the living beings that populate our planet, humankind not only satisfies all of its daily needs and ensures the continuity of its own existence, but also forms a moral imperative which Albert Schweitzer formulated as reverence for life. To promote awareness and respect for all living beings. The will to live “Reverence for Life” was Schweitzer’s unifying term for a concept of ethics. (New York: Population Council, 1981), p. 19. 1:9, 20, 31; 2 Ne. Now, some twenty years later, she attends a major university on a scholarship. Now, is there hope for those who have so sinned without full understanding, who now suffer heartbreak? At twenty-six days the circulation of blood begins.9. Can anyone imagine how we feel when life is destroyed at its roots, as though it were a thing of naught? 2:20; 1 Ne. Diocesan Prayer – Reverence for Life. Reverence for Life (RL), in a broad sense, may be taken as respect or veneration for the life of plants, animals and human beings. THICH NHAT HANH is a Zen Buddhist monk, peace activist, scholar, and poet. If one is to be deprived of life because of potential for developing physical problems, consistency would dictate that those who already have such deficiencies should likewise be terminated. Christopher Tietze, Induced Abortion: A World Review, 4th ed. - Albert Schweitzer. Reverence for Life. Her family had a history of deafness. He thought that Western civilization was decaying because it had abandoned affirmation of life as its ethical foundation. By practicing reverence for life we become good, deep, and alive. Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. She excels in dancing, even though she perceives the sounds of music from vibrations. And “as far as has been revealed, a person may repent and be forgiven for the sin of abortion.”13 Gratefully, we know the Lord will help all who are truly repentant. The harmful effects of certain infectious or toxic agents in the first trimester of pregnancy are real. Tap to unmute. The practice of the First Precept is a celebration of reverence for life. Watch the Clip on Islam - this is an introduction/reminder about the faith Islam. ), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has consistently opposed the practice of abortion. 4:4; 2 Ne. The Reverence for Life University (RFLU) wants you to discover the treasure that you already are. They are free to think and plan otherwise, but their choice is sealed by action. Some argue for abortion because a malformed child may result. She has taught us to serve and to share. What sense of inconsistency can allow people to grieve for their dead, yet be calloused to this baleful war being waged on life at the time of its silent development? See J. Willis Hurst, R. Bruce Logue, Robert C. Schlant, and Nanette Kass Wenger, The Heart, 4th ed. They chose to follow that counsel and permit their child to be born—a beautiful little girl, normal in every respect, except for a hearing loss, that became evident later. When recently asked how they felt about their once-weighty decision, the mother quickly responded, “She is one of the great joys of my life! See Ex. 26:5; 2 Chr. 2:3; 2 Kgs. 10 References Albanese, C. L. (1990). The woman’s choice for her own body does not validate choice for the body of another. The foundation of this skill-set is Conscious Deep Breathing which is a physical/mechanical action and process to make sure your body and mind are getting adequate fuel to operate at maximum efficiency and capacity. Many if not most of those who find meaning and virtue in a life caring for and trying to protect life will continue to find sacred ground for both a meaning-filled life and for a reverence-for-life ethics. 5:22; D&C 9:13. In James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6 vols. 1102057. Reverence for life is not only a singular moral value, but a very central moral value. It is not a question of when “meaningful life” begins or when the spirit “quickens” the body. But the principle involved extends beyond those who may become great. Her spiritual insights have helped us to know God and his purposes. 17:11.) Another child was blind. … But it must needs be done in mine own way. The Reverence for Life Program assists Unitarian Universalists interested in understanding human relationships with other species, and what might be the response of both individuals and congregations to this understanding. Finally she confessed that she was living in abject poverty. Share. Though Schweitzer claimed that Reverence for Life came to him as an epiphany on the river, Ara Paul Barsam makes a case that study, thinking, and action over a long period of time (and influenced by Indian thought) led Schweitzer to that flash of insight, in Barsam, Reverence for Life, Chapter 3 “The Voyage to India.” The role of epiphanic insight in contrast to deliberative or meditative thought in determining … 24:20; 2 Chr. In the biological sciences, it is known that life begins when two germ cells unite to become one cell, bringing together twenty-three chromosomes from both the father and from the mother. How can God fulfill his promise to prosper his children in obedience if they worship idols or destroy life created by him—destined to be in his very image? The tragedy of this despoilment is compounded because, in such relationships, freedom of choice is denied the woman who is innocently involved. To demonstrate Reverence for Life through our projects, nurturing individual responsibility and striving to unify the needs of people and planet. The onset of life is not a debatable issue, but a fact of science. She has served as an officer in school. 5:10–11; Jarom 1:9; Omni 1:6; Mosiah 1:7; Mosiah 2:22, 31; Alma 9:13; Alma 36:1, 30; Alma 37:13; Alma 38:1; Alma 45:6–8; Alma 48:15, 25; Alma 50:20; Hel. John Calvin, the sixteenth-century reformer, wrote: “If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in a field, because a man’s house is his place of most secure refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light.”7. 21:22. … For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare.” (D&C 104:14–17; italics added. The phrase reverence for life is a translation of the German phrase: "Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben". See Lev. Our gratitude is profound! 138 likes. She announced to her doctor that her husband was an alcoholic with a syphilitic infection. Charity No. Yes. Why destroy a life that could bring such joy to others? (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978), p. 7. See U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, The Human Life Bill: Hearings on S. 158, 97th Congress, 1st session, 1981. It is a gift from our Heavenly Father. Reverence for all life may be beyond our reach, but we put it to powerful use when we are able. 3:20; 3 Ne. We have a Vision for expanding to the world, see Reaching Out - From Within. No one can cuddle a cherished newborn baby, look into those beautiful eyes, feel the little fingers, and caress that miraculous creation without deepening reverence for life and for our Creator. It is eternal, as he is eternal. When deemed by competent medical authorities that the life of one must be terminated in order to save the life of the other, many agree that it is better to spare the mother. A heavy toll on life is included among the evils of war. Schweitzer’s humanistic philosophies seem almost devoid of any real reverence for Christ and are replaced with his own idea of reverence for life. Albert Schweitzer maintained that the idea of “Reverence for Life” came upon him on the Ogowe River as an “unexpected discovery, like a revelation in the midst of intense thought.”. But once the powerful rocket fuel is ignited, he is no longer free to choose. Grounded in Unitarian Universalist principles and our rich religious and philosophical traditions, most importantly Albert Schweitzer’s Reverence for Life Ethic, the program aims to deepen awareness that all life … - Albert Schweitzer . We may draw grim, unfair distinctions among other lives too easily, but as long as we remain a little uneasy that we do so, reverence for all life remains a cause that can be advanced. But what impropriety could now legalize that which has been forbidden by the laws of God from the dawn of time? Though she lost the sense of hearing, she has compensated with augmented ability otherwise. 31:21; Ezra 6:14; Job 36:11; 1 Ne. Another contention raised is that a woman is free to choose what she does with her own body. It is impossible to describe the grief a physician feels when the life of a patient is lost. Sister Brown was only twenty-one years old at the time, a beautiful woman and a devoted wife. It is a war on the unborn. Whether it is from the wind, which appears much louder on camera, people or any other source. Abortion was advised because the developing baby would almost surely be damaged. Even if difficulties develop and he might wish otherwise, the choice made was sealed by action. Here are Schweitzer's deepest and most compelling thoughts, written with simplicity and fervor. Approximately twenty-two days after the two cells have united, a little heart begins to beat. Another sympathetic concern applies to pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. New publication!!!! Many in developing nations unknowingly ascribe their lack of prosperity to overpopulation. Watch later. The phrase “reverence for life” was originated by Dr. Albert Schweitzer (French theologian, philosopher, and missionary physician, 1875-1965) to describe his belief that life has value. Related topics: Inspirational Spiritual Do not let Sunday be taken from you. Innocent life is not sent by him to be destroyed! Free, Online, Peace Studies Course: http://peacecourse.org Get a historical overview of when, how, and why nonviolence works. These chromosomes contain thousands of genes. We are free to think. Info. The child born from that pregnancy became the renowned composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Her eyes are alive with constant attention. Consider another individual weighing the consequences of her pregnancy. Abortion sheds that innocent blood. Selections from his autobiography provide a fascinating look at his formative years, his early accomplishments, his sudden determination at 30 years of age to become a physician and his struggles with his hospital in the primitive jungle of Africa. To clarify this concept, we can learn from the astronaut. These two individuals have separate brains, separate hearts, and separate circulatory systems. Life comes from life. Unitedly we thank the Almighty for the wondrous prolongation of the life of Elder Bruce R. McConkie, enabling him to preach that powerful sermon. They live in squalor, oblivious to the divine teaching—stated in the scriptures not once, but thirty-four times—that people will prosper in the land only if they obey the commandments of God.10. Charles William Bingham (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1950), 3:42 (Ex. A continuum of growth results in a new human being. Reverence for life drives a man on as the whirling thrashing screw forces a ship through the water. Another excuse some use to justify abortion relates to population control. Data from all nations are appalling. Reverence for Life - YouTube. It is the belief of some that a human being is only an animal and others connote sacredness or morality to a human being, depending on one’s religious belief. 26:3–15; Josh. The phrase Reverence for Life is a translation of the German phrase: "Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben".These words came to Albert Schweitzer on a boat trip on the Ogooué River in French Equatorial Africa (now Gabon), while searching for a universal concept of ethics for our time. Infrequently, instances may occur in which the continuation of pregnancy could be life-threatening to the mother. My husband and I are so grateful that she is one of our children.”. 13:9; James 2:11; Mosiah 13:21; 3 Ne. We are free to plan. Our gratitude is profound! But these circumstances are rare, particularly where modern medical care is available. They will prosper only when their education includes faith in and obedience to the God of this world, who said, “I, the Lord, … built the earth, my very handiwork; and all things therein are mine. “Don’t burden yourself financially with a handicapped child,” they argued. In a marvelous process involving a combination of genetic coding by which all the basic human characteristics of the unborn person are established, a new DNA complex is formed. Life can be a worthwhile experience of development for all who partake of it; there is no such thing as a worthless life. Some members of her family, out of loving concern, applied additional pressure for an abortion. The ethic of reverence for life, arising as it does out of an inward necessity, is not dependent on the question as to how far or how little it is capable of development into a satisfactory view of life. Reverence for Life. After an evaluation at a school for the deaf, Brother and Sister Brown were advised that this child had the intellect of a genius. When we appreciate and honor the beauty of life, we will do everything in our power to protect all life. She is such a choice spirit! In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Prov. Russell M. Nelson. These principles provide a simple "template for successful living". Continuing, then, those who are either infirm, incompetent, or inconvenient should be eliminated by those in power. By having a reverence for life, by Albert Schweitzer. And then we are free to do. ), Of those who shed innocent blood, a prophet declared: “The judgments which [God] shall exercise … in his wrath [shall] be just; and the blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against them, yea, and cry mightily against them at the last day.” (Alma 14:11. As sons and daughters of God, we cherish life as a gift from him. Over fifty-five million abortions were reported worldwide in the year 1974 alone.1 Sixty-four percent of the world’s population now live in countries that legally sanction this practice.2 In the United States of America, over 1.5 million abortions are performed annually.3 About 25–30 percent of all pregnancies now end in abortion.4 In some metropolitan areas, there are more abortions performed than live births.5 Comparable data also come from other nations. Learning Intention: To outline the Islamic moral principles and teachings related to the dignity of the human person and reverence for life. Reverence for Life. One hundred years ago the First Presidency wrote: “And we again take this opportunity of warning the Latter-day Saints against those … practices of foeticide and infanticide.”11, Early in his presidency, our beloved President Spencer W. Kimball said, “We decry abortions and ask our people to refrain from this serious transgression.”12. Another had tuberculosis. The consequence of terminating the fetus therein involves the body and very life of another. This book was used by the Jamaican inmates, and it worked. The remaining "principles" contained in The Practice provide you simple ways to ensure that you remain balanced and centered. In the first two hundred years as a nation, the lives of over one million Americans were lost due to war. These words of albert Schweitzer on a boat on the Ogooue river in French Equatorial Africa, while the search for a universal concept of ethics for our time. But most significant is her guileless spirit, her unconditional love. While they grovel in ignorance of God and his commandments, they may worship objects of their own creation (or nothing at all), while unsuccessfully attempting to limit their population by the rampant practice of abortion. What logic would encourage efforts to preserve the life of a critically ill twelve-week-old infant, but countenance the termination of another life twelve weeks after inception? By having a reverence for life, we enter into a spiritual relation with the world. To pretend that there is no child and no life there is to deny reality. Life itself is revealed as a wonder or a miracle. The experience of a couple whom I shall identify as Brother and Sister Brown (fictitious names) is instructive. We weep for those who die, pray and work for those whose lives are in jeopardy. The World Council of Churches said: “The dignity of nature as creation needs to be bound up with our responsibility for the preservation of life.” To conclude, we must all respect, care for and share the resources of the earth which is essential for the common good of people. The Mission of the RFLU is to Share The Practice, as a life skill-set resource with every person in the world - one conscious deep breath at … Amongst the numerous projects planned for that week there will be a series of daily postings on Facebook inviting contemplation of what the phrase “Reverence for Life” can mean and suggesting This doctrine is not of me, but is that of the living God and of his divine Son, which I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Key Idea: People of other faiths also uphold the dignity of human life. Animal Rights Activist. Copy link. 4:14; 2 Ne. No more handing off your authority to someone, or something else.The Mission of the RFLU is to Share The Practice, as a life skill-set resource with every person in the world - one conscious deep breath at a time! 20:13; Deut. Through this short biography it is clear that education and a love for living things can only mimic the true reverence for life that comes from seeing all of humanity as image bearers of God. 5:21; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rom. See Center for Disease Control, Annual Summary: Abortion Surveillance, 1979–80, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, p. 130. 1982, pp. Reverence for life, ourselves, and others: Only God can give life or take it away. I apologize for the use of words repugnant to me and ill-suited to this hallowed pulpit. The expression “terminate the pregnancy” applies literally only to the woman. But less than 3 percent of all abortions are performed for these two reasons.8 The other 97 percent are performed for what may be termed “reasons of convenience.”. For years I have labored with other doctors here and abroad, struggling to prolong life. You find you are immensely appreciative of being alive. For many, these are the roots of environmental ethics and, indeed, all ethics. What twisted reasoning has transformed mythical concepts into contorted slogans assenting to a practice which is consummately wrong? Yet society professes reverence for human life. For years I have labored with other doctors here and abroad, struggling to prolong life. For the United States of America, one hundred thousand were killed in World War I; over four hundred thousand died in World War II. The charity “Reverence for Life UK” will inaugurate the first “Reverence for Life Awareness Week” from the 15th - 23rd September 2018. 3:5–6.). Use the links below to complete the following tasks: If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Yet society professes reverence for human life. I pray for the Spirit of the Lord to help me communicate his mind and will on a very vital and sensitive subject. In her first trimester, she contracted the dreaded German measles. 1:7–8; 1 Kgs. So far as is known, the Lord does not regard this transgression as murder. Come join us! This war, labeled “abortion,” is of epidemic proportion and is waged globally. And it is my purpose to provide. He quoted this scripture: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. We weep for those who die, pray and work for those whose lives are in jeopardy. Shopping. 5:17; Matt. Subscribe to The Spiritual Naturalist Society One important consideration when filming outdoors is to be mindful of background noise. ★ Reverence for Life. It argues that, although life is a plausible basis for according an entity a moral status that precludes killing it without good reason, it is not a sufficient condition for the full moral status that we want for ourselves and those we care about. Abstract. More attention is seemingly focused on the fate of a life at some penitentiary’s death row than on the millions totally deprived of life’s opportunity through such odious carnage before birth. However, it is not the highest value. In your reverence for life you delightedly value the lives of others and of yourself. Preparing Yourselves for Missionary Service, Spencer W. Kimball: A True Disciple of Christ. The reverence for life view is supported by the belief that the value stems from the evolution of a common biological matter into the different species that we are today. October is Reverence for Life Month “All life has inestimable value, even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” Reverence for Life UK (incorporating Dr. Schweitzer’s Hospital Fund) is a registered charity in the UK. 21:22). Artist - Musician - Mystic - Farmer (agriculture) - Naturalist. The RFLU is introducing a "skill-set" (The Practice) that will provide the way that you can become the architect/ orchestrator of your life, your creation and your experiences. The keynote of Schweitzer's personal philosophy (which he considered to be his greatest contribution to mankind) was the idea of Reverence for Life (" Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben "). He believed that such an ethic would reconcile the drives of altruism and egoism by requiring a respect for the lives of all other beings and by demanding the highest development of an individual’s resources. These slogans begin with proper concern for the health of the mother. The Reverence for Life University (RFLU) wants you to discover the treasure that you already are. Scripture declares that the “life of the flesh is in the blood.” (Lev. General Handbook of Instructions, 1983, p. 78. 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