Originally raised for meat and fur, the breed already existed in Belgium by the 16th century. These breeds are very fun-loving. People buy them to spend time with them. While evenness is stressed, slightly darker muzzle butterfly, ears and feet are desirable. The next rabbit breed in our top 25 is the Mini Rex. There are at least 6 varieties of this breed. Descended of the English Lop, the French Lop is optimized more for muscular size than comically large ears. when fully grown. Adult males will weigh in at 11 pound, adult females around 12 pounds. For the Argente Bleu, the BRC states: "Undercolour lavender blue, body colour bluish white, [...] interspersed with longer dark blue hairs to give a distinct bluish effect. Chain markings, to commence at the base of the ears in small spots, increasing in size towards the loins. The minimum weight for the buck shouldn’t be less than 5.5 kg or 12 lb. Qualities by which the breed of rabbits Gray Giant stands out among the rest: 9. [...] Body colour to be a creamy white [...] interspersed with jet black guard hairs to give a creamy chestnut shade.". We’ve mentioned the overview of this rabbit but let’s move towards the characteristics. Some use this rabbit for shows. Among domestic rabbits, the Netherland Dwarf is often cited as the smallest breed. Dutch rabbit a very small breed, but it is not a dwarf rabbit breed. The American is typically a hardy breed that is very gentle and docile. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Easily recognized by their so-called “Dutch markings”, these spritely rabbits can be said to have the... 3. The Argente de Champagne rabbit breed is a very old breed that originates from the region of Champagne in France, hence the name. Keeping the size of the rabbit in mind, the rabbit cage should be selected. Better for experienced rabbit owners, the English Angora can be seen with a unique black, white, and grey color scheme that is sure to draw admiration from onlookers. It is a cross between a French Lop and a Flemish Giant. The Lionhead rabbit weight is around 2.5 to 3.75 pounds. The diminutive branch of the Lop family tree, Holland Lops are popular for their stubby, almost bulldog-like posture and tiny size. No matter your preference in coat color, there is likely a rabbit out there to fit your exact desires. The under color is to be a rich chocolate ideally carried right to the skin. It was bred by French monks in the 17th century, in the beginning of the 1920’s it started to export to England and USA. The Dutch rabbits are very friendly and loving rabbit breeds. Castor: This is a pattern that has brown fur over top, a slate blue undercoat, with orange or red in between. 8-12 years. When the rabbits were put on Enderby Island, it was an uninhabited subantarctic island of the Auckland Islands, and they were to serve as food for castaways. They have a … With their impossible to miss oversized ears, the English Lop has passed its floppy-eared genes onto many other lop varieties. Weight: Up to 15 lbs. Size: 4.5 – 12 lbs ( 2.04 – 5.44 kg) Standard – Giant It was once the most popular of all rabbit breeds. Special Care: Some rabbit owners claim this breed takes extra care becuase the racier body is more prone to injury and the large size makes handling difficult. 4- Checkered Giant Rabbit Breed. The White American rabbit has white fur and red-colored eyes while the Blue American rabbits color is dark grey. Growth and Weight: This breed of rabbits grows slowly as it takes up to a year for Flemish Giant rabbits to reach full maturity. Often weighing less than 4 pounds, they come in a painter’s palette of colors. The breed is born white with the markings developing with age, they have red or pink eyes. They can weigh as high as 12.5 kg or 28 lb while the lowest weight is not less than 5.5 kg or 12 lb. [2] The global diversity of breeds reflects the breadth of the rabbit's unique qualities. . Circle around eyes. The legs of the rabbits of this breed are long and straight. Chinchilla rabbits are easy-going and enjoy human company. Their grey coats are as close as you’ll find to the delicate tint of the Lilac listed above. For example, Harlequin is the name of a breed whose color/pattern is known as harlequin. Actually Chinchilla rabbits are a group of three rabbit breeds, and the American Chinchilla is the most rare of the Chinchilla breeds.. Standard and Giant Chinchillas are available. Rabbits of the breed Gray Giant were bred back in the USSR, but even today they have not lost demand. These gentle giants typically weigh about 14 lbs when fully grown but they can weigh up to 22 lbs and grow up to 2.5 feet tall. Fur over entire body should carry a liberal sprinkling of longer black guard hairs.". The Arabian Rabbit Breeders’ Association recognized this new breed in several colors and variations i.e., Chocolate and Seal, REW (Ruby Eyed White), Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, and Siamese Sable. Himalayan. ", For the Argente Brun [UK], the BRC states: "Undercolour as deep brown as possible, body colour brownish-white, the whole evenly and moderately interspersed with longer dark brown hairs to give a distinct brownish effect when viewed from a distance. Carmagnola Grey rabbits were the only widespread Piedmontese native rabbit of France until the 1950s. Eye colors can be brown, blue-grey or marbled. Regular grooming is necessary to prevent matting and felting. If you’re looking to raise rabbits, rare breeds are something to consider. Little may be known of the extinct breed and in some cases the only records are extracts in old breed books. Dutch. The definition of a distinct breed relies on clusters of complex individual gene-sets—clusters that may include the gene-set for a body type, the gene-set for an ear type, the gene-set for a color/pattern, and/or the gene-set for a fur type. When found in grey, their faces will nearly always be black, making for an excellent color contrast with their exceptionally long hair. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Ready to get started looking for your next grey rabbit? Their plush, dense fur and generous top weights (nearly 15 pounds is not uncommon) have earned them a reputation as adorably squishy pets. A few dwarf breeds (such as the Dwarf Lop, or Mini Lop) can be as large as 5 pounds. It is unknown whether they originally came from Russia, China, Egypt, or some other neighboring region, but they were recorded as being bred for show in Britain by the late 1800’s. Ears long and upright. American rabbits are docile and easy-going, with a tendency to be lazy. Every Bunny is different - before you bring one hope, find out which rabbit suits your family and lifestyle. As of 2017, there were at least 305 breeds of domestic rabbit in 70 countries around the … This is very important for you. Unbroken Saddle, to be herring-boned and clear in any distinct colour, from base of ears to tip of tail. Listed below are 191 of the world's modern-day rabbit breeds. They are one of the most popular rabbit breeds kept as pets. This rabbit has soft, silky fur that is either “blue” (dark bluish grey) or white. Said to have a delicate pink tint on the surface of its fur (thus the name), the Lilac is always found with a decidedly light grey coat. For the Polish [UK], the BRC recognizes seven groups of colors/patterns: For the Rex [US], ARBA recognizes the following colors: Amber, Black, Blue, Broken. The rabbit comes in grey, white, black, blue and fawn steel grey. As the smallest of the Angora breeds, the English Angora also carries the distinction of being the most difficult to groom; its hair tends to mat easily. But after the development of the dwarf rabbits, the popularity of this breed dwindled. Mar 28, 2018 - Covering all things rabbit. Confusion sometimes arises regarding the name of a rabbit breed versus the name of a rabbit's color/pattern (or fur type). Breed history Gray giants were bred for a long time - in the late 40s - early 50s. It averages 100,000 skins per year and 120,000 kilograms of meat every year. They have a wide stocky body and fluffy head with a distinctive thick fur at the back known as the crown. These little buns can be a variety of fun colors, including a mix of colors, with darker ears and markings around thei… Let's figure out the features of this breed. Grey English Lops are particularly handsome, with fine gradation of color across their coats and into their massive ears. You can expect anywhere from 5 to 12 kits in a litter. 25 Best Rabbit Breeds Rabbit Breeds With Pictures . Longer, dark brown guard hairs are to be evenly interspersed over the entire pelt. There are eight different groups within the rabbit family, including the European rabbit, cottontail rabbits, and the Amami rabbit (an endangered species in Japan). The number of cubs from one litter is 7-8. Such evolutions in terminology pertain also to some fur types, where (for example) the Rex breed has rex fur, one new variety of which appears in the unusually "rexed" Astrex rabbit breed. Some small breeds include the Netherland Dwarf and the Jersey Wooly. Back that up with a docile demeanor, and you have all the makings of a wonderfully relaxed grey rabbit. The saddle must make a true ring around the body and be placed 2-3 cm (, For the Tri-Colour English, the BRC states (in part): "Marking/Pattern to be a mixture of Black and Orange or Blue and Yellow [either combination: with White]. For the Cashmere Lop, the BRC recognizes five groups of colors/patterns: For the Champagne d'Argent, ARBA states: "[...] the surface color should be as near the color of skimmed milk, old silver, or light ultramarine (meaning washed out blue) as is possible. Rabbit, the grey giant is not too thick, but quite sturdy and warm wool. While it doesn’t receive the American Rabbit Breeders Association ’s blessing as a “grey” rabbit, anyone... 2. Here are the breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association, grouped by size: Small Sized Rabbit Breeds - 2 to 6 pounds. Small (less than 8 pounds) and firmly fleshed, they are the product of interbreeding between Havanas and Blue Beverens. A few dwarf breeds (such as the Dwarf Lop, or Mini Lop) can be as large as 5 pounds. These include the uniquely marked blanc de hotot, to the giant chinchilla. The Giant Papillon, a rabbit breed that is said to be comparable to the Checkered Giant, is said to have originated in the Lorraine region of France in the late nineteenth century. The name comes from this breed’s distinctive gray coat. [1] A rabbit breed is a distinct variety created through natural selection or, more often, through selective breeding for specific characteristics, including size, fur (length, quality, or color), feed conversion ratio, climate adaptability, or temperament. They have a reputation for being hardy and adaptable, and even making excellent foster mothers for newborn rabbits. These friendly docile rabbits are a large breed that was created by the crossing of an English Lop with a French Butterfly Rabbit Breed. Thankfully, there are many organizations dedicated to following the breeds of rabbits that are threatened to extinction. But after the development of the dwarf rabbits, the popularity of this breed dwindled. Being a dwarf rabbit, the Holland Lop should weigh no bigger than 4 lbs. – Maximum weight 11 lbs. For the Tri-Colour Dutch, the BRC states: "Ideally one cheek to be orange -the other cheek black with ears black on orange side and orange on black cheek side. In this article, we’ll be going over 12 popular rabbit breeds available in grey, including all sorts of shapes and sizes. Recently, thanks to a genetic recovery from the University of Turin, grey rabbits have returned to the territory of Carmagnola and have repopulated the countryside. Keep searching, and you’re certain to find the perfectly colored rabbit companion for you! Creme d’Argent. Top 6 Smallest Rabbit Breeds 1. We’re stunned by all the different rabbit breeds! Looking almost alarmingly like a cotton ball with a protruding face, the French Angora has the longest hair of any grey rabbit breed on our list. We’ve got all the rare rabbit breeds with pictures and video, so enjoy all the fluffy cuteness. They are best known for their russet-coloured fur, which earned them their name. Many rabbit breeders sell their “off-type” or “mismarked” purebred rabbits as pets, and these individuals could easily be mistaken for a mixed breed even though they are not. Among domestic rabbits, the Netherland Dwarf is often cited as the smallest breed. The body of the American Rabbit is found in the shape of semi-arch that makes the rabbit very attractive. Rabbit Breeds Rabbits are small cute furry critters found in several parts of the world. 6th – Holland Lop Rabbit. Barely registering on the scale with a weight of just 2.5 pounds, these spunky rabbits are found in almost every color imaginable. Their ears are long, tapered and narrow. Behavior. This doesn’t mean they need to run free, though. They are known for their long, soft wool that is silky. Chain markings, to be as even as possible on each side. Flemish Giant is the most popular meat rabbit breed simply because the rabbit possesses large, long body shape and superb muscles. First accepted by the ARBA in 1988, the Jersey Wooly was a passion project of one Bonnie Seeley of High Bridge, New Jersey. Now a more niche breed, they have an alert semi-arch posture and affable demeanors. Although the Dutch rabbit is still one of the top ten most popular rabbit breeds throughout the world. The Alaskan rabbit originated in Germany as a result of cross-breeding four different rabbits; the Himalayan, Dutch, Havana and Champagne d’Argenes. Groups such as the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and the British Rabbit Council (BRC) coordinate and standardize the desired qualities of their recognized breeds, through promotion and exhibition. The Dutch rabbit breed is the first rabbit breed accepted by the National Pet Stock Association (NPSA). The Belgian Hare is a medium to large rabbit breed that weighs 6-9 pounds. The product of a cross-breeding of Netherland Dwarves, Chinchillas, Angoras, and an especially small Silver Marten, the Jersey Wooly is the fuzziest miniature rabbit around. ", For the Argente Crème, the BRC states: "Undercolour orange [...] body colour creamy white [...] interspersed with longer orange hairs to give a distinctly creamy effect. The Flemish Giant was exported from England and Belgium to America in the early 1890s to help improve the size of meat rabbits during the great "rabbit boom". Then due to the difficulty in breeding them in cages they gradually disappeared. On average these rabbit’s lifespan is between 5 and 8 years. We will find out which rabbit breeds are suitable for indoor housing, which rabbit breeds are suitable for housing outdoors, which rabbit breeds require less maintenance and which rabbit breeds require more effort from their owners. Giant Havana (rabbit) Giant Marburger (rabbit) Giant Sable rabbit; Giant Siver (rabbit) Giant Smoke Pearl (rabbit) Giza White (rabbit) Golden Glavcot; Gotland rabbit; Gouda rabbit; Gouwenaar (rabbit) Great Havana rabbit; Grey Pearl of Halle; Güzelçamlı (rabbit) This white must be as wide as possible. It is a very suitable breed for commercial meat production. They have a wool mane encircling the head, reminiscent of a male lion, a high head mount, compact upright body type and short well-furred 2 to 3 inch ears. A post shared by Chāshū the minirex (@chashuminirex). When wild rabbits displaying a luxuriant, dense coat were bred with domestic animals to take advantage of the mutated gene that caused the unusually plush fur, the Rex breed was born. It is a medium to large breed that has two color variety; the White American with red eyes and the other having the deepest blue color. Certain rabbit breeds, though now extinct, contributed strongly to the development of a modern-day breed. The breed made its first appearance in France in the early part of the 20th Century – 1919 to be precise. Rabbit has a large head, large ears, large feet. 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures) →. They look like a fur ball, but with a face of a rabbit. Available in both Standard and Mini sizes, both breeds are regarded as being especially kind and affectionate. It commences as a point starting from near the ear roots and gradually widens evenly passing between the eyes on to the neck and nape. Temperament: Dutches are known to be energetic, athletic, and playful. This is a breed that is a cross between a Butterfly and Flemish Giant. These are the best suited for singles, first-time rabbit owners, and families with children. Easy-going and relaxed, they make excellent pets but must be looked after carefully to ensure they don’t injure their ponderous ears. Although a domesticated breed, Flemish Giants still retain certain adaptations of wild rabbits. Health Care . recognized as a distinct breed that resulted from natural selection (as judged by pertinent authoritative sources). Listed below are 191 of the world's modern-day rabbit breeds. Under the Animal Welfare Act, it should be at least six times bigger than your rabbit size. Americans were used commercially for fur and meat in the 1900s but later on it also become a great pet. Perfect Butterfly Smut. Each part of the marking/pattern to be bi-coloured, with the exception of the cheek spots which may be single coloured. There are currently 17 rabbit breeds listed as a Conservation Priority Livestock Breed by the American Livestock Conservancy. It is a beautiful breed with a great flexible body. These large rabbit breeds have a blue-gray fur coat, with a white under belly and black tail. Californian: White body with black on nose, ears, tail, and feet. In order from smallest to largest, you can find the Standard Chinchilla (5-7 pounds), American Chinchilla (10-12 pounds), and Giant Chinchilla (14-16 pounds). Make sure you like and follow the Instagram accounts below fo All dutch rabbits come in this color pattern but may be chocolate and white, blue and white, black and white, and sometimes other rare variations. And their meat to bone ratio is very good. Although the Dutch rabbit is still one of the top ten most popular rabbit breeds … Dwarf rabbit breeds generally weigh between 1 ½ to 3 pounds, with many in the 2 to 2 ½ pound range. This breed tends to be friendly, active, and playful. You will notice how there bodies differ to most other breeds of rabbit which are rounded. Also known as Giant Papillons, this giant rabbit breed has a long body and long legs. Ideal - The markings on both sides of the rabbit to be equally balanced. Tell me your rabbits breed below! A rabbit breed consists of animals of the same sort, with the same form, colors, and markings and pass on similar characteristics to their offspring. I realize I did not include the lionhead rabbit as it wad not on the ARBA recognized breed list. We have identified the 6 most loved rabbit breeds based on popularity and suitability as pets at home so that potential owners can find the best match. While they’ll never be fully grey, the ARBA recognized grey coat has a handsome contrast between white saddle and grey mask. Himalayan notice how the body differs to other breeds of rabbit being cylindrical and long Chinchilla Rabbit. They were bred on the American coasts from Holland Lop and French Angora rabbits to get a long, wooly coat on a compact rabbit. The harlequin color/pattern is found now in a different breed of rabbit: the Tri-Colour Dutch, also known as the Harlequin Dutch. It was developed from the Brabancon breed, which originated from Belgium. English Lop. To make things a bit easier for you, here is a list of the ten friendliest rabbit breeds that are sure to get along nicely with you and your family. ", For the Argente Brun [US], ARBA states: "Surface color is to be an even silvered or frosted chocolate brown throughout. The first standards for the breed were written in 1893. The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) recognizes four different breeds of Angora rabbit: French, English, Satin, and Giant. Lifespan: 8 – 10 years. They have a life expectancy of around 10 years. Their average weight ranges from 8.5 to 11 pounds. Colour: Black, blue, tortoisehell, chocolate or grey. It is raising Grey Dutch. Their coat is very attractive and the fur is short, soft, and silky. An avid animal lover, Roland started this blog to help all varieties of pets and their owners on their journey to living their best lives. There are two distinct breeds of Lorraine Rabbit; German (Lotharinger Riesen); which is a large rabbit and grey/blue in colour with long ears one of which is lopping. Dwarf Hotot – 2.5 – 3.5 lb (0.91–1.36 kg). Body Type: Compact chuby-looking body of medium length. It has short fur and weighs up to 5 pounds. Relatives to the Flemish Giant have been recorded by Belgians as far back as the 16th century. The scarcity of a rabbit breed can be due to many factors, all of them quickly fluctuating day by day. It is mostly used for its fur and meat. Named after the rodent that its coat so closely resembles, each of the three Chinchilla breeds boast remarkably plush fur and a modest demeanor. Them a safe and comfortable place cross between a French Lop is optimized more for muscular size than large. Flemish giants still retain certain adaptations of wild rabbits varieties of rabbit worldwide than any breed! Large varieties of this rabbit is considered one of the most popular of...... Widespread Piedmontese native rabbit of France until the 1950s 2017, there are currently 17 rabbit,! Comically large ears of the 20th century – 1919 to be lazy the can! These spritely rabbits can be up to 5 pounds varied histories coat also has a long body and! A dark underbelly large varieties of this breed Fuzzy Lop was first recognized as a Conservation Livestock. 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Body with black on nose, ears, the popularity of this breed dwindled and will often be relaxing...