One among them, the same female thief who had stolen from him earlier, effortlessly leapt past the gap he had been eyeing but was shot down by an arrow moments later. [166], Together, Ezio and Machiavelli met with Fabio Orsini, the cousin of Bartolomeo d'Alviano who had been forced into serving Cesare Borgia. As such, Ezio offered to bring back Leonardo's apprentice, Salaì. [53] Ezio accepted and helped Ugo to liberate the thieves who were captured during the attack,[54] following which he retrieved a shipment of guard uniforms that they planned to use for their next attack. [158], Before making their way to Naples, Ezio and Niccolò decided to abandon the Apple just at it had requested. The scroll contained a drawing of the Armor of Brutus and indicated that someone locked it with six keys. That night, he visited the beautiful Cristina Vespucci, and had sexual intercourse. However, the Templar Ahmet, knowing of their relationship, dispatched a group of soldiers to kidnap her. Cesare's forces were defeated although their leader had retreated behind the city portcullis. The guard was distracted by a courtesan, and another one stole the 3,000 florins. He also assassinated Afro Triola, a Borgia messenger, taking his money away from the Templars. Ezio defeated her in a duel, slashing her across the chest, killing. Lorenzo gave Ezio a cape that identified him as a friend of the Medici, which would cause more respect from city guards. Ezio, however, did not care and continued to live his life as freely as he could - ev… They climbed to the downstairs area of the castle, and Ezio used the Masyaf keys to open the doors of the vault. Silvio was a slower runner and was caught from behind while running by Ezio, who stabbed him with his hidden blades. [158], Ezio continued to target Cesare's vessels, and in several cases, the initial bomb's explosion was followed by the detonation of the vessel gunpowder reserve; at one point, the explosion of one ship brought down the two on either side of it. The leader of the diehards held a knife to Claudia's throat and threatened to kill her if Ezio did not leave Rome once and for all. After he killed them, he investigated in the area to know how they arrived there. House of AuditoreAssassins (1476 until death)Italian Brotherhood (1476 until death)Spanish Brotherhood[3]Ottoman Brotherhood (1511 – 1513)House of Medici (1478 – 1492) While La Volpe got Bartolomeo and Claudia, Ezio talked with Machiavelli outside. [143], In the midst of these assassinations, chaos reigned in Florence, with Savonarola's men rampaging through the streets, pillaging homes of luxuries to feed to the pyres, and indiscriminately attacking nobles. He opened up a map and showed her the margins, and she noticed that they had the titles of rare books. The clue was visible only to those who possessed Eagle Vision. While on the way to the church, he assassinated corrupt officals Osvaldo Casaletto and Vittorio Salvatori, who bore false witness to his crimes and traded dignity for coin. Ezio infiltrated the Pantheon from the roof, and sent one of his apprentices to assassinate Torcelli. However, The Pope beat Ezio to the ground and stabbed Ezio in the chest, but he could not open the Vault, because he was not the Prophet. Yusuf revealed that there were hidden tunnels that Ezio could use to travel quickly throughout the city. Şahkulu was the last survivor, and Ezio stabbed him twice in the chest with hidden blades. With no one to lead them, the courtesans turned to Claudia Auditore to act as their Madam, with a very reluctant Ezio agreeing to her appointment. Ezio climbed the walls of the Vatican after arriving in Rome with Mario, and he infiltrated the Sistine Chapel. [159] The man who had brought him there had also supplied him with a new set of Assassin robes. He carried the box of artwork home, and was introduced to Leonardo - Leonardo would play a major role later in his life. The pages were puzzle pieces, and when these pieces were reassembled, Ezio beheld to his amazement a map of the entire world, with even the unknown continent to the west depicted. 1.1.1 Auditore execution; 1.1.2 Exacting revenge; 1.2 Early years as an Assassin. During this journey, however, Ezio passed out and fell from his horse due to the severity of his wounds. He said that he was only a conduit for a message, and he said that maybe he would answer all of the questions that he had asked and bring the suffering of the people to an end. Eavesdropping on their conversation, Ezio found out that the Master had sent his best men to kill the scholars whom Ezio had delivered the letters to, and he quickly rushed to save them. He told him to call the Assassins together, and he also told him to bring Claudia. Ezio quickly realized that this could work to their advantage: if they could track Micheletto down, they could follow him to Cesare. He searched in the Catacombe di Roma underneath the Piramide Cestia for the scroll, and he fought against some Followers of Romulus in the catacombs. While Niccolò made his way to the diehards' camp, Ezio headed to the docks. Because the guards could not spot him due to a blizzard, Ezio was able to climb back up the fortress and collect his weapons and munitions. He then returned to the caravan post outside of the castle and bought a trip to the Dorsoduro District for 100 florins. Ezio found out that Donato was about to hold a private race at the Circo Massimo, and Ezio set out to assassinate the egoistic general. Até a idade de 17 anos, Ezio viveu uma vida de luxo e facilidade, sendo um membro da nobreza florentina, mesmo se em segredo seu pai era um assassino. However, Ezio refused to be involved, though he allowed her to stay in the villa for the night on Sofia's insistence. Leandros ordered his men inside the fortress to attack Ezio, but Ezio killed all sent to oppose him. As they were joined by Rodrigo Borgia himself, Ezio uncovered their plot to poison the Doge Giovanni Mocenigo and replace him with Marco Barbarigo and that it was to happen that very night. Born in Florence in 1459 to the wealthy Auditore family, Ezio was a fighter from - quite literally - his very birth. The thieves headed to three locations of chests carrying the uniforms, and after taking them, Ezio headed towards the docks to steal a boat. Yusuf suggested to Ezio to meet Piri Reis, a Master Assassin who was also a cartographer and a bomb crafter, who could help him in his quest. [103] Just as Martínez had scoffed at the mention of Assassins, so had Llorente dismissed the Templars' continued existence as "fairy tales". [237] He then entered the underground cavern, where Templars searching another Masyaf key. Ezio killed the leader and droves of his men, and opened the treasure room, taking the scroll and lots of loot. Instead, he returned to Lorenzo in 1480, declaring his success in Tuscany, but that he needed to continue his quest for revenge in Venice. Mario also showed him a gallery of statues of Assassins: Caligula's assassin Leonius, Alexander the Great's killer Iltani, Cleopatra's poisoner Amunet, Qin Shi Huang's murderer Wei Yu, the innovator of the hidden blade Darius, Genghis Khan's slayer Qulan Gal, and a locked away statue of Altair Ibn-La'Ahad. Ezio used the Staff and Apple to open the Vault, and saw a vision of Minerva. 1 Statistics 2 Powers & Hax 3 Weapons & Equipment 4 Notable Attacks & Techniques Name: Ezio Auditore da Firenze. [50], Once in Venice, Ezio and Leonardo were given a brief tour of the city by Alvise da Vilandino. To distract him from the numbers, Ezio asked Leonardo of his other projects as he led him from the room. Ezio delivered the money necessary to save the mistress of the Rosa in Fiore from the slave traders holding her captive at the Isola Tiberina (Tiber Island). [82] Later in the Galata headquarters, Ezio was introduced to some of Yusuf's men, and was advised to get new equipment. Despite being insecure on whether to trust Copernicus or not, Ezio agreed to deliver the letters. Ezio swiftly tracked down and killed Checco and his remaining men in the mountains, but the dying condottiero managed to stab him in the abdomen while he was bending down to retrieve the satchel with the Apple. He slid all the way to the sewer when the platform he jumped on was weighed down and crashed. Ezio was disgusted by this rumor and believed that anyone, even a king, would do anything for publicity. He revisited Altair in 1192 after he killed Al Mualim, saving Abbas from the Apple, which tried to suck the energy out of him. [76] Ezio positioned groups of mercenaries at strategic points across the district before signalling them with a flare. Ezio was noticeably less likely to regain balance and continue running after tumbling to the ground, most likely due to his age, although this is easily countered by repeatedly pressing the Fast Walk button upon tumbling down. [96], With this misadventure over, the Assassin set about with his task at hand, meeting with Antonio's two contacts in the city who had information on the local Thieves' Guild which doubled as the headquarters of the Aragonese Assassins. Ezio headed back to the Rome Thieves' Guild, where he met with La Volpe, who told him that the man holding the key to the Castello was a stage performer named Pietro Rossi, who was also a lover of Lucrezia Borgia. Ezio is an assassin from Assassin's Creed 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations. He dove into the Tiber River to avoid detection, having used the power to kill many guards and replenish his health. Before leaving Florence for Venice, Ezio was granted a gift, the Medici cape that would identify him to the Florentine guards as an ally of the Medici and therefore grant him more immunity to the law. When Ezio inquired as to where he was being held, Julius politely refused to answer, perhaps cautious of any attempts Ezio might make on the Templar leader's life. [48], In Romagna, he asked for help finding a boat to Venice from a trio of strangers. Mario told Ezio that they had to seek out the temples, and Niccolo Machiavelli was mad when he found out that The Spaniard still lived. However, he also heard that Machiavelli had warned Pietro to leave the Castello when Ezio spotted him and Lucrezia in the courtyard the day he rescued Caterina. Ezio eluded the patrol during the party by blending in with Teodora's courtesans. This shows that the character model for Ezio is the same as Desmond. Ezio and Cristina hurried to a small dock on the river, where they found his family's bodies awaiting disposal. The thieves regrouped at the entry to the palace for their next step, where Ezio was to scale the palace wall while the rest of the thieves lured its guards away. He witnessed Jacopo being hacked down by Rodrigo Borgia and Emilio Barbarigo, and Rodrigo noticed Ezio in the shadows, and had two mercenaries bring him forwards. With Cesare's three marksmen dead, Cesare would not be able to shoot unsavory rebel troops when they came out in the open. Although Rodrigo was able to hold his own for a short while, it became clear that the skilled, young Assassin would ultimately best him. The two exited the vault to the clamorous rancor of priests in the chapel outside. Ezio's second Hidden Blade, which was broken, could still be seen if he triggers them in the loading screen of the Animus. Afterwards, he traveled to the Galata District on a boat, and used the Galata Tower key to unlock the door there. [192] Together with two Borgia guards, Ezio was able to carry the money to the right location—a feast Cesare was throwing in celebration of his conquests—and passed the chest of money on to the next guard. He also delivered a letter from a man named Ramondo to a wedding reception, and the letter revealed that the groom Leone was an imposter from Florence and not a Guelph, as he claimed - the result of his job was not only being paid, but also Leone being dropped from the Torre Grossa in revenge. Ele era o segundo filho da família, irmão mais novo de Federico e major de Petruccio. In 1500, while passing the Campidoglio, Ezio noticed a scholar by the name of Nicolaus Copernicus giving a strange speech to the Roman citizens. In September 1503 Ezio was informed by Claudia that an interrogated Cardinal revealed a meeting between Cesare and other Cardinals in the countryside, so he planned to break up Cesare's meeting with the Cardinals to ensure that he did not successfully petition for aid. [190], Ezio met Claudia in the Rosa in Fiore, and she told him that senator Egidio Troche frequently came into the brothel to complain about his debts to the Banker and that he could be found at the Campidoglio. Ezio talked with a merchant, who said that most of his rugs were confiscated by Janissaries just because they were imported. Beside him was Luis de Santángel, this time introducing himself as a fellow Assassin. [157], Arriving at the exterior of the city, Ezio informed his mother and sister that Mario was dead. Egidio told him that he needed to give the Banker money, so Ezio gave him 3,000 ƒ to pay off his debt. [203], Later meeting with La Volpe inside the Tiber Island hideout, Ezio ordered him to gather the Assassins and bring Claudia as well. Soon, Ezio made his way to the last scroll's location at St. Peter's Basilica, entering the sewer (a drunk duo of men sitting nearby noticed but ignored it). The Guild was run from the inn, led by La Volpe, who said that they had gambling, competition, and drinks, and he told La Volpe to go to Isola Tiberina with his findings on the Apple of Eden. Rushing to the Santa Maria Novella, he spied from atop the roof a Carmelite monk resembling Savonarola being harassed by Borgia soldiers. [220], With Cesare's death, the Borgia and their plans for Italy were finished. Ezio killed all of the others by throwing them off their horses and stabbing them in the neck - except for the last one, which he killed by jumping down on him as he dismounted and stabbing him. [164] Through it, he arrived in the ruins of the Nero's Golden Palace. [2], In 1509, Ezio happened upon some of his uncle Mario's documents, finding a letter written by his father Giovanni a year before Ezio was born, which mentioned a sealed library beneath the old Assassin fortress of Masyaf; the home of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, who had been Ezio's spiritual mentor during his early years as an Assassin. After a short chase, Ezio caught up to Borgia and stabbed him in the back with hidden blades and blew up the tower. He led his family out of the city, but as he neared Monteriggioni, he found Vieri de Pazzi and some Florentines waiting for him. Ezio headed to his location and jumped from a rooftop, stabbing him with his hidden blades. As the artist searched for his records, Ezio and Leonardo briefly discussed the ancient Greek scholar Pythagoras, whom Leonardo was researching. Raphael was of another mind; he implored the Florentine to accompany him to Granada and help unravel the conspiracies of the Spanish Templars for a little while longer, feeling that they were on the verge of doing so. They were with him the moment he died. [246] By 1524, Ezio's stamina and agility had decreased to the point where he could barely run across his own grape field, whereas before he could sprint for three-hundred meters uninterrupted. [200], La Volpe informed Ezio that Pietro Rossi, an actor and Lucrezia Borgia's lover, had the key to the Castel and that Cesare intended to kill Pietro over his feelings for Lucrezia. Ezio ordered the Hermeticist to stop, and after a brief exchange of words, he was attacked by Ercole's allies. His descendants continued to take a leading role in the running of the Order for almost five-hundred years after his death. However, soon after that his life was suddenly shattered when his family was captured and his brothers and father were slau… He found the Followers of Romulus hideout, which included a lava pit. [218], Ezio and Leonardo recognized the symbols upon the pedestal as those shown to them by the Apple, albeit in the wrong order. Ezio followed Egidio to the Banker's location, as Egidio was going to pay off his debt. View Ezio Auditore da firenze’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Ezio Auditore nasceu em 24 de junho de 1459 por Giovanni e Maria Auditore. In his biography, Ezio's title was misspelled, listing him as "Ezio Auditore, Although Ezio received the brand on his left hand's ring finger when he was inducted into the Order, it was never shown in, It was revealed that Ezio could speak some French, as there were ", During his infiltration of the Baron de Valois' camp, Ezio was demanded by a guard (due to his peculiar French accent) as to what part of France he was from. As the fire roared up beneath him, the monk's fury broke into pitiful panic and pleas to his God. [214], Upon reaching the Rosa in Fiore, Ezio spoke of the art exhibition with his sister Claudia, who directed him to the docks, from where one invitation was meant to be delivered. He tried to flee on horseback, but collapsed from his horse. [158], In 1507, Ezio finally located Cesare Borgia, who was leading the forces of his brother-in-law, John III of Navarre, in a siege of the city of Viana. Following Lorenzo's death, the Medici were deposed, and a monk named Girolamo Savonarola took over, turning Florence into hell. 1 Fanon Wiki Ideas So Far 1.1 Battle Royales 1.2 Battle Record 1.3 Possible Opponents 2 History 3 … [233] Ezio continued to recruit citizens who had useful skills for the Brotherhood or had the will to fight the Templars. [201] Climbing up the outside of the structure, Ezio made his way down from the roof to the backstage area below, picking off Micheletto's marksmen as he went. Against these odds, the Assassin still managed to reach Raphael, who had been hiding deep within the estate, and save his life. [125], When he at last came face to face with the Grand Inquisitor, Ezio heeded Raphael's advice to engage in dialogue first, a decision that would cost him a successful assassination. He read a letter that his father wrote a year before his birth, revealing a library beneath the stones of Masyaf. Returning to La Volpe, Ezio told him that Machiavelli wasn't a traitor and that he must have an explication for what they saw. Before Ezio left the city, Mario showed him a wall in the villa which had scattered pages of a book laid out onto it. [177] Ezio successfully managed to assassinate all of the hired men, and returned to Copernicus. Ezio quickly caught him and reasoned that he was in fact the traitor, not Niccolò. When Ezio put on the wings, Ezio landed the on the roof of the Palazzo Ducale safely, letting the flying machine go into the ocean after he set foot on the roof. [167], Ezio helped his sister and mother to develop the brothel, protecting the courtesans who were targeted by the Borgia and killing the ambassadors working for the Templars. He followed Cardinal Georges d'Amboise to a meeting at the Colosseum, where they met Cesare. After the attack was repelled, Ezio took a ferry from Galata to the Imperial North District in order to find Yusuf at the Bazaar. [231], After he crossed the Golden Horn, Ezio fought with Yusuf who was attacked by the Templars. He also said that the documents detailed a conspiracy against the Auditore family, and offered Ezio a stay at his home, but Ezio politely refused. However, he was ambused by the "Followers of Romulus" sect, a group of men dressed as wolves and serving Rodrigo Borgia. Albrecht Durer's painting of Sofia Sartor. According to Minerva, humanity were created by her people, but they rebelled. [1] As they returned to the piazza below, a frustrated Antonio remarked that only birds could get into the Doge's palace, but this reminded Ezio of Leonardo's flying machine, which he had seen on the way to Forlì. Ezio told him that Florence was not his problem, before coughing. As the last man fell, Ezio was stabbed in the side and fell unconscious. Mario explained that he had heard rumours of hidden Assassin Tombs in Italy with Assassin Seals which could unlock the armor but that he had given up on the endeavour of finding them all in his old age. Ezio proceeded to slay six guards (four on one platform and killing two through ledge assassinations) and toppled a statue of an eagle onto the courtyard below, revealing the sewer system. Ezio agreed and managed to demolish all of Leonardo's machines in his war against the Borgia. Later the same day, Ezio witnessed the woman and a group of thieves attempting to scale the Palazzo della Seta. However, Ezio was refused permission to board because he lacked a pass. Ristoro was, after all, the man who supplied religious icons, amulets, and equipment to Cesare Borgia's Borgia/Papal States army during the Italian Wars. However, when taken from the Greek Aetios, deriving from aétos (αέτος), Ezio could mean "eagle", a bird often associated with the Assassin Brotherhood. [88] Among these was his recruitment of Girolamo da Lucca, an assassin-for-hire known as the "Ghost of Florence",[89] but it was his excursion in Spain which would prove to have some of the most far-reaching consequences. Duccio immediately set about insulting Ezio for living in a "third-rate city" such as Rome, and then again for his sister being the Madame of the Rosa in Fiore. Calling his victims "challengers", the captain commenced his trap, but the skilled Assassin was able to slay all twelve of the agiles who attacked him on the ground before climbing up to the roof to confront the captain and the rest of his men. He asked him if he knew Tarik Barleti, and he said that he was an arrogant sort, and Ezio told him that he would find out about Tarik and also get the merchant his rugs. [177], Ezio followed a cardinal roaming nearby, who eventually led him to the Master. [195], Disguised Ezio delivering Bartolomeo to Octavian, Following the Banker's death, Ezio travelled to Bartolomeo d'Alviano's barracks and met with the condotierro and his wife, Pantasilea Baglioni, just before the barracks was attacked by a French army under the command of Octavian de Valois, a Templar working in concert with Cesare Borgia. He walked with her to the home of Leonardo da Vinci, who had painted some pictures for her. Giovanni argued to Alberti that he had given him documents, but Alberti said that there were no documents and no evidence. [230] After the Assassins defeated the Templars at the Galata, Ezio decided to join with Yusuf at the Grand Bazar. Though he was quick to intercept the pursuers and slay them all, it was all in vain: Cristina had already been mortally wounded. Ezio was the younger brother of Federico and the older brother of Petruccio and Claudia Auditore. He reasoned that if someone broke in for money and instead found a painting, he would be nearby trying to sell it. The two young men were enemies at constant war with each other and Vieri had promised that for his interference, Ezio and his entire family will pay. On their way, the two Assassins were attacked by Byzantines. Ezio looted more chests in abandoned houses before riding for Romagna/Forli, the domain of Caterina Sforza and Girolamo Riario. He found out that it was Leonardo da Vinci, who greeted him warmly. Bartolomeo said that nobility came from fighting alongside soldiers, not kidnapping women to prevent a battle. On their way to meet Giulia, Ezio and Niccolò noticed they were being followed by someone and had been since leaving Vanozza's palazzo. Realizing that the attack could be sprung at any moment, the two raced together to the ceremony hall where, sure enough, they encountered a group of Templar agents outside. [158], Climbing onto the roof of the building, Ezio and Niccolò peered over the open skylight onto Cesare and Micheletto, who were discussing the recent turn of events. He bribed one herald, killed Nicea Cioffi, and tore down two posters, and returned home. This version also features removable dual Hidden Blades and interchangable hands. Ezio set out to locate and kill him, for he was one of Cesare Borgia's private army. [225], Eventually, a well-placed bomb sent Ezio's carriage over the edge, severely injuring him, though he persistently continued to follow Leandros. [218], In each room of the temple, Ezio and Leonardo found themselves confronted by a complex puzzle. [95], The plight of his brethren in Spain distressed him, and, feeling that it was his obligation, Ezio Auditore announced to Antonio that he was postponing his search for the Apple and taking the initiative to rescue them. 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