YHWH said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard: and it shall happen, that everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live.” 9 Moses made a serpent of brass, and set it on the standard: and it happened, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he looked to the serpent of brass, he lived.” ~The Bible, Numbers 21:4b-9. Pope Francis embraces a child during the weekly general audience at the Paul VI Hall on January 7, 2015 in Vatican City, Vatican. I’m think I’ve posted this before, but just in case… Via: Reddit: More: Inside the Pope’s Reptilian Audience Hall in Vatican City Photo about Aerial view of Paulus VI Audience Hall in the Vatican City, designed by Pier Luigi Nervi, whose roof is covered with solar panels. They are definitely snakes. Could be. Named The Resurrection, La Resurrezione, the sculpture was designed by or Pericle Fazzini. Among the many strange and suspicious statues, fountains, facades and structures that occupy Vatican City, the Pope’s Audience Hall stands out for its uncanny resemblance to a snake. 3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. Indeed, perhaps the resemblance is a forcing. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi. In reality this is unrealistic. The reason was he was also likely a mason, helping to pave the way for all the ancient alien nonsense taking credit for ancient Aryan achievements. Also from Wikipedia we read that the figure of Pier Luigi Nervi: was used by the fascist regime to propagate the “progress” and proposed to the public opinion as an idol, so that his works were also known by those who barely knew the names of great masters of the Renaissance Always like this, the more they are lovers of snakes, the more they are passed as idols … Between 1953 and 1958 he took care of the creation of the UNESCO headquarters in Paris For those who do not know, UNESCO is the cultural arm of called for the Masonic World Government. The photographer specifically selected lens and position as to invoke snake imagery. Shortly thereafter both the hall and the architect achieved such a worldwide fame that the auditorium came to … Read on to find out just what this work of art is about. I also see in the aerial view of the vatican building the wheel at the bottom which is occult symbolism (or Ezekiel’s wheel) and at the top I see a penis and a breast. ‘Little Grey Visitor’. Giant Snake. Our Services . Among the many strange and suspicious statues, fountains, facades and structures that occupy Vatican City, the Pope’s Audience Hall stands out for its uncanny resemblance to a snake. The building of the Vatican audience was built in the shape of a giant reptile. Honest, uncensored, and hard-hitting articles. There is no otherwise reasonable explanation. Vatican City. This article (Inside the Pope’s Reptilian Audience Hall in Vatican City) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Buck Rogers and WakingTimes.com. Meanwhile, some information on the inventor of this precise Vatican snake. Notice the similarities in the shape, the roofing and scaly skin, and the placement of eyes. Completed in 1971, the peculiar structure sits only partly within the actual boundary of the City/State, and the whole building, inside and out is … Pope Francis embraces a child during the weekly general audience at the Paul VI Hall on January 7, 2015 in Vatican City, Vatican. Did the aliens arrive? Also, stop downvoting geometry. It was used […] by Freemasonry as a symbol of the divine entity revered by them, the Great Architect of the Universe Here is the church built by architect Nervi perhaps in honor of the Masonic god, the great architect of the universe, who , for those who do not know, it is always the snake. If you pause the video at 1:14, you will notice the exterior is triangular shaped, like a snake's head. The works were started in 1966 and the inauguration took place on June 30, 1971. Comparison of snake head and The Papal Audience Hall (Lower Right.) 1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheep fold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. Since he is no longer here to defend his reputation I think it a vulgar and “jew” tactic to engage in such slanderous rumors. THere is so much more going on within and around that building. 2k followers. Among the many strange and suspicious statues, fountains, facades and structures that occupy Vatican City, the Pope’s Audience Hall stands out for its uncanny resemblance to a snake. If you’ve not read any of his works then your opinion is worthless. The purpose of this video is to introduce you to the dark architecture of the Pope's Audience Hall at the Vatican. Look at the photos According to one observer, the cloud moved from […], Share this…FacebookTwitterVKPinterestLinkedin 12 866 ViewsEruption Begins at Zhupanovsky Volcano in Russia’s Far East According to the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team, Zhupanovsky Volcano could yield ash explosions reaching heights of six to eight kilometers above sea level. There is only one in the distorted picture, because it was a neat feature to put into the picture.” [Source]. In the following video, the narrator gives five reasons why the Audience Hall’s symbolism leads to the conclusion that the Vatican … Have a look at the image below and compare its shape to the image of a snake beside it. So even from the outside and viewed from the sky, the entire building is a dead-ringer for a snake’s head. It's just a conference hall: the rest of the Vatican is by no means lacking in religious imagery! But it doesn't take you long to realize the whole thing, inside and outside, is a giant reptile. Let's start with the history and construction of the Papal Audience Hall. Among the many strange and suspicious statues, fountains, facades and structures that occupy Vatican City, the Pope’s Audience Hall stands out for its uncanny resemblance to a snake. Human pattern recognition is wonky. Also known as the Paul VI Audience Hall or the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences, it lies partially in Vatican City and partially in Rome, Italy. Some “traditional” Catholics – but perhaps we should call them Catholics and that’s it – are very critical of both Paul VI and his predecessor John XXIII, and against all the popes who succeeded them. The wheel is fate, destiny, or direction so they are using masculine energy to change or effect humanity’s fate. It is quite possible that He deamed it too early to give the men new technologies in this early stage of development. This is obviously another angle to the story of the fall. PO Box 1052 Simple coincidences or small and pathetic “revenge” Masonic? Predicting cataclysms and disasters hundreds of years before they happened, it is claimed that Nostradamus predicted the entire […], Share this…FacebookTwitterVKPinterestLinkedin 1 527 ViewsCloud in the shape of a flying saucer above Teplice A remarkable phenomenon was observed by the inhabitants of Teplice and neighboring towns on Tuesday morning. The simple curvature of the building might seem unassuming from the outside, but this is part one of what we will begin to explore about this building, and I promise you, by the time we get to the end, you will see what I’m getting at. In this case the similarity is excessive. Is this just a trick on the eyes? I Have Been Saying for Years That:“Planet X“ Is Real – It Is a Giant Spaceship! It is also known as the Paul VI Audience Hall or the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences? The interior of the Audience Hall also closely resembles a serpent, strikingly with two fangs positioned over the stage. The outside is reminiscent of a snake's head. ( church certainly used for Black messes). In the S(h)umerian tablets it states that the two warring “gOds”, Enlil and Enki, were constantly at odds with each other due to issues of hierarchy. Inside the Pope’s Reptilian Audience Hall in Vatican City, Critiqued: Sweden’s Black Minister for Culture Ordered Viking Artifacts Be Melted Down and Recycled, http://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Liste_j%C3%BCdischer_Pers%C3%B6nlichkeiten, Feds Plan To Broadcast Government Propaganda To Streaming Platforms, Belgium Must Lift ‘All Covid-19 Measures’ Within 30 Days, Brussels Court Rules, WashPo: Biden Advisors Fear Infrastructure Investments May Help White Working-Class Men, Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland, WHO Pushes International Pandemic Treaty — Another Stepping Stone to World Government, Solar Storm: The Transgender Agenda is Death and Destruction (3-21-21), Blitz: Having Whiteness is a Hate Crime (3-18-21), Solar Storm: State-Sponsored Racism in Weimerica (3-14-21), Blitz: Lightning War is Waged in the Cloud (3-11-21), Solar Storm: Gardens, Gators and Good Grief (2-28-21), Fired Up: Grace is Seriously Shillin’ for the Shoah (2-25-21), Truth Hertz: Taking a Much Needed Break (2-22-21). Designed by award-winning Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, the building is designed to seat 6300 people for conference with the Pope himself, who presents from a stage in front of a giant Satanic looking sculpture. Also interesting is the church of San Gaspare del Bufalo di Roma, in the Tuscolano quarter, in via Rocca di Papa. Sorrento, FL 32776, BITCOIN ADDRESS: Of course, the Vatican itself is easily recognizable from above as a giant keyhole, symbolizing the gates of heaven. The Elite are telling humanity via symbolism that this is what's happening. Have you heard of the Pope’s Audience Hall in Vatican City? Hidden in plain sight, but there might as well be a snake on top of a column on either side of “The Resurrection” sculpture. ”I had the idea of depicting Christ as if He were rising again from the explosion of this large olive grove, peaceful site of His last prayers. Envelope. Black and white have often been used to describe opposites such as good and evil, the Dark Ages versus Age of Enlightenment, and night versus day. The Paul VI Audience Hall is a building in Rome named for Pope Paul VI with a seating capacity of 6,300, designed in reinforced concrete by the Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi and completed in 1971 it lies partially in the Vatican City but mostly in Italy. Gerald M.C. It was constructed on land donated by the Knights of Columbus.. We read on Wikipedia: In 1964 Paul VI commissioned Pier Luigi Nervi to create a room for papal audiences on the sidelines of the Vatican City, in a lot between the Sacristy of the Vatican Basilica and St. Peter’s Square. Like the child and electricity. Named the Paul VI Audience Hall, it is filled with Reptilian imagery, and clearly alludes to a powerful influence exerted by such beings over the Vatican. Nervi is known for simple yet practical designs that are strong and made to last. Either way, the Audience hall definitely has an evil vibe to it, and this is no accident. Congratulations! Many critics, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, have raised questions about the weird, snakelike features of the building, both inside and out. 1AfppjYZddJzc2C15PXKMsnyBPjPJQezwA. The x represents the four zodiac signs that cross each other, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius or rather earth, water, fire, air. https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/interview-david-maria-jaeger-1.24846. Same here. 7 The people came to Moses, and said, “We have sinned, because we have spoken against YHWH, and against you. Evil has taken control of religion, government, media and education. Why does the Pope's audience hall at the Vatican look like a giant snake head? Moreover, the Pope sits in front of a Satanic-looking "sculpture" of Christ rising from a nuclear blast. Everything you stated was something you’ve read from other websites trying to discredit this lifelong scholar. Look: It seems a bit too much to be a coincidence, right? Im Juni 1971 wurde die Vatikanische Audienzhalle im Rahmen einer Generalaudienz mit über 15.000 Personen eröffnet. We live in a Total Satanist Occult world . And this should be defined by all Catholics, excluding the many ignorant and the few, but important, colluding. There are multiple pictures of the hall from multiple angles and multiple videos and each time it looks the same. 4.4k. Pope Francis is kissed by a person during the general audience at the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican on February 19, 2020. WHY WAS THE PAPAL AUDIENCE HALL BUILDING AT THE VATICAN CONSTRUCTED IN THE SHAPE OF A GIANT REPTILE? A strange cloud resembling a flying saucer appeared in the otherwise azure blue sky. MAKE CHECKS OUT TO: There has always been a strange curiosity surrounding the hall, but when internet sleuths realized what the Pope's stage looks like from the back of the room, all Hell broke loose. It's also not the one and only "hall of the Vatican". The Paul VI Audience Hall (Italian: Aula Paolo VI) also known as the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences is a building in Rome named for Pope Paul VI with a seating capacity of 6,300, designed in reinforced concrete by the Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi and completed in 1971. Why Was The Papal Audience Hall Building At The Vatican Constructed In The Shape Of A Giant Reptile? Commissioned by Pope Paul VI in 1963, the Papal Audience Hall in Vati I am almost sure the implications, while overt to the causal observer, are less troubling to those who are well read on this subject. Why Does the Pope’s Audience Hall at the Vatican Look Like a Giant Snake Head? It was constructed on land donated by the Knights of Columbus. This problem plagues our specie to this day. Top view could vaguely remember the head of a snake. If we focus on the details, the classroom becomes even more Satanic (and therefore Masonic). Oddly, from an angle, the head of Christ looks suspiciously like the head of a snake with its fangs open, prepared to bite. 3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. Masonic Shrine of – The Vatican Audience Hall: A Snake. When you take wide-lens pictures of things, they look different, but not like a snake head. Completed in 1971, the peculiar structure sits only partly within the actual boundary of the City/State, and the whole building, inside and out is unmistakably reptilian. Note the overall shape — wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top. Sorry I keep staring at that aerial view and finding more symbolism. Durch Entfernen eines Teils der Sitzplätze ist das Fassungsvermögen der Halle auf über 12.000 Personen, durch Entfernen aller Sitzplätze auf maximal 25.000 Stehplätze erweiterbar. Have a look at the image below and compare its shape to the image of a snake beside it. Completed in 1971, the peculiar structure sits only partly within the actual boundary of the City/State, and the whole building, inside and out is unmistakably reptilian. Judge for yourself: Is it a forcing? This is the building where Pope Francis watched the creepy circus perform in.It’s called the Papal Audience Hall building, and as you can see, the building inside and out is in the shape of a giant snake. Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Completed in 1971, the peculiar structure sits only partly within the actual boundary of the City/State, and the whole building, inside and out is unmistakably reptilian. Named after Pope Paul VI and built in 1971 by Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, it seats 6,300 and contains a bronze statue called La Resurrezione, designed by Pericle Fazzini, within. Why on earth would he want to do that? In this gallery you will find photographs, images, videos and other kinds of media of the structure "Papal Audience Hall" in reversed chronological order based on the date when the photos were taken (where known).The newest media are therefore listed first. In addition to the windows in the shape of eyes and in addition to the scaly roof, we can see that the stage looks like an open mouth with a lot of teeth (the two columns placed on the left and right of the stage) and, even, the passage between the seats form the tongue that comes out of the center of the mouth! You can send support to: Kyle Hunt, PO Box 1052, Sorrento FL 32776. Here is the view from the entry way. Commissioned by Pope Paul VI in 1963, the Papal Audience Hall in Vatican City was inaugurated in 1971. The same could not be said, however, of the interior of the classroom itself. Can it be evidence that human…, Alien technology in the hands of army! Exact. The Vatican snake head is officially known as Paul VI Audience Hall. Suddenly there came to me the idea of Christ preaching peace for 2,000 years, and the place where He prayed for the last time: the olive grove of Gethsemane,” said Mr. Fazzini in a book about the work. Aliens? There is no snake in the real hall. If I seized control of a religion and wanted to subvert it and turn it into something evil I would use a snake as my favorite symbolic icon too. PHOTOS: RUSSIAN SECRET BOOK: Secret Documentation On UFO.Part.2. Why? Hall Design. The inside leaves no … The heart is just a small aspect of energy. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, the stigmatized saint who complained in 1913 for those “unfortunate brothers” who “correspond to the love of Jesus with the open arms in the infamous sect of Freemasonry”, would be moved and buried in a church wedges of Masonic symbols: the new sanctuary of San Giovanni Rotondo designed by Renzo Piano. hide. Looks like a snake to me. Testor model…, Leonardo Da Vinci (1466) – Pieter de Hooch (1670).…, NASA engineer shocked the world: I saw what I did…. Pope Benedict XVI (C) waves to the faithful, flanked by Archbishop James Michael Harvey (L) and his personal secretary Georg Genswein (R), during his weekly Wednesday general audience at Paul VI Hall at the Vatican August 24, 2005. To say the least, the design of this building is bizarre, but for Pope PAUL VI Audience Hall it has to be satanically devised. Among the many strange and suspicious statues, fountains, facades and structures that occupy Vatican City, the Pope’s Audience Hall stands out for its uncanny resemblance to a snake. Let’s go back to the classroom. The Vatican snake head is officially known as Paul VI Audience Hall. Papal Audience Hall Data; Media; Literature; In this gallery you will find photographs, images, videos and other kinds of media of the structure "Papal Audience Hall" in reversed chronological order based on the date when the photos were taken (where known). Is this anti-Christ? He was alerted to these scandals in a letter by Rev. 959 comments. The Sumerians stated implicitly that the “Serpent” in the Garden of E.DIN was Enki, man’s Co-creator and champion of our species. In this overhead photo, the building stands out for its unusual shape, which is innocuous enough until juxtaposed with a viper’s head. Is Antarctica a big secret. Pope Paul VI's Audience Hall was built in 1971, but its bizarre design has just caught the attention of conspiracy theorists in 2017. It was finished in 1971 and designed by architect Pier Luigi Nervi. It was built according to a project by architect Pier Luigi Nervi between 1976 and 1981, and was solemnly consecrated by cardinal Ugo Poletti. After reading all “Earth Chronicles’ series of Sitchin’s epic interpretations of the Sumerian Clay Tablets it is possible to see this in an altogether new light. Conspiracy theorists have made claims that range from the Vatican being overthrown by Satanists, to the Church being the victim of a coup d'etat in the 1960s in which Paul VI was killed and replaced by a doppelganger. Note the overall shape — wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top. Anunnaki ship! Black is the darkest color, the result of the absence or complete absorption of visible light.It is an achromatic color, a color without hue, like white and gray. Kyle Hunt By Buck Rogers. In recent years, the Vatican’s audience hall has become the subject of much scrutiny on the internet. [2] [3] Intended to capture the anguish of 20th century mankind living under the threat of nuclear war , [1] La Resurrezione depicts Jesus rising from a nuclear crater in the Garden of Gethsemane . The Resurrection (La Resurrezione) is an 800-quintal (80 metric ton) bronze/copper-alloy sculpture by Pericle Fazzini in the Paul VI Audience Hall in Rome. The outside of the building was designed in the shape of a snake's head by well-known architect Pier Luigi Nervi. Both from the stage, and from the audience’s entry way, the room unmistakably resembles a snake, even though some write this off as delusional thinking, warning people away from considering it’s deeper meaning. Note the overall shape — wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top. Gas-steam plume was noted on the height up to 4 km a.s.l. The latest radio shows from our sister site. {"handle":"renegadebroadcasting","arch":"js","styles":{"a":"1d3e52","b":100,"c":"FFFFFF","d":"FFFFFF","k":"1d3e52","l":"1d3e52","m":"1d3e52","n":"FFFFFF","q":"1d3e52","r":100}}. The infamous sect of Freemasonry, so St. Padre Pio defined the organization that for centuries tried to overthrow Catholic society. Pier Luigi Nervi. We read on Wikipedia: In 1964 Paul VI commissioned Pier Luigi Nervi to create a room for papal audiences on the sidelines of the Vatican City, in a lot between the Sacristy of the Vatican Basilica and St. Peter’s Square. Pier Luigi Nervi, who build the hall, is known for building large bunker like buildings. I am not so sure that the most high wanted mankind in perpetual state of ignorance. Submit. So even from the outside and viewed from the sky, the entire building is a dead-ringer for a snake’s head. Yesterday I watched a VDO /UT ” Creepy Rothschild castle ,with satanist symbols in Elite Rambouillet forest / France” ( sculptures of children sacrifices , demons,,reptiles and horrible creatures ,,all this setting in an ancient monastery ) In the South of France ,a Church has the same sort of satanist decoration,with geant reptiles and demonic creatures surrounding the ” Mary Virgin” .Very frightening . Also known as the Paul VI Audience Hall or the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences, it lies partially in Vatican City and partially in Rome, Italy. The Papal Audience Hall in Vatican City as viewed from the sky and compared with a reptile. The Papal Audience Hall in Vatican City as viewed from the sky and compared with a reptile. After years of being a Demon, you become one… Some have even suggested that the Catholic Church is being run by reptilians. The Paul VI Audience Hall also known as the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences is a building in Rome named for Pope Paul VI with a seating capacity of 6,300, designed in reinforced concrete by the Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi and completed in 1971. Enlil was completely against the genetic manipulation of the indigenous hominid but Enki and Ninmah convinced the Titans ( the Annunaki gods ) of the value of creating a ‘help-mate’. Why does the Pope's audience hall at the Vatican look like a giant snake head? It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. Why does the Pope's audience hall at the Vatican look like a giant snake head? When the pope stands and addresses his audience, he speaks from the snake's mouth. Please note the source, which surely has certain interests of their own, so you need to think totally independently and as undogmatic as possible to be able to read between the – to me – most revealing lines. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and c… More. It was constructed on land donated by the Knights of Columbus. Spread the love (Buck Rogers) Among the many strange and suspicious statues, fountains, facades and structures that occupy Vatican City, the Pope’s Audience Hall stands out for its uncanny resemblance to a snake. Statue. Absolute bullocks. The Papal Audience Hall in Vatican City as viewed from the inside and compared to a reptile. A strange phenomenon appeared above Teplice! When you begin to consider what the Pope's Audience Hall is truly saying, it becomes clear he is speaking from the mouth of the snake. But this is another boring speech, better not to know the difference between the pre-conciliar Church and that of today (better for Freemasonry, of course!). Your contributions make this all possible. The Pope’s Audience Hall building at the Vatican was designed to look exactly like a giant reptile inside and out. Five Dark Things about Pope's Audience Hall. A ton of dark, evil and very sinister bricks. Frankly, you are looking for problems where there are none. 87% Upvoted. 444 votes, 232 comments. The most disturbing detail of the Aula Nervi, concerns the inside of the “serrated mouth” of the snake which I circled in red. Design like this does not happen per chance, and the world’s capital of great architecture, Rome, it is ludicrous to think that a famous architect could design a building that just accidentally looks like a giant snake’s head, even though the Vatican denies the resemblance. **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. 2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. Guess what’s in the work you see from afar? Apparently he was a decent Pope, although he has been implicated in covering up or ignoring the sexual abuse of young boys by members of the Catholic clergy. If you add to this the story of the Illuminati bloodlines and the theory that the global elite are part of a reptilian hybrid race on non-humans who rule over us with powerful institutions like the church, then the Pope’s Audience Hall invokes even more curiosity. Completed in 1971, the peculiar structure sits only partly within the actual boundary of the City/State, and the whole building, inside and out is unmistakably reptilian. How preposterous. The famous Fontana della Pigna is a massive pine cone which is believed by many to represent the pineal gland, a tiny gland within the human brain believed to be the source of spiritual experience. Even more cautious, but equally severe, was the “The Outrage to Padre Pio” issue, published three years later by Angelo Maria Mischitelli, author of various historical books on the saint of Gargano. report. When the pope stands and addresses his audience, he speaks from the snake's mouth. How is that for symbolism?… Posted by 1 year ago. Have you seen Paul the 6's Audience Hall in the Vatican? Shortly thereafter both the hall and the architect achieved such a worldwide fame that the auditorium came to be called familiarly Aula Nervi. There is Jesus, the God made man of the Catholic religion. The statue of “The Resurrection” located in the Vatican's Paul VI Audience Hall is receiving some restoration work which is scheduled to finish by December 9th. It’s one of … When the building is viewed from the inside, the unmistakable resemblance to a reptile hits you like a ton of bricks. Bitcoin address: 1AfppjYZddJzc2C15PXKMsnyBPjPJQezwA, Very terrifying structure ,photos made my hair stand up on my skull . https://www.facebook.com/ZahadyZaujimavostiKuriozityMysteriesCuriosities/, https://www.facebook.com/ufocropcirclesandothermysteries/?notif_id=1521131342597448¬if_t=page_invite&ref=notif. Inside the Pope’s Reptilian Audience Hall in Vatican City. We tend to see faces in clouds and rock formations. 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Is not your average traditional Vatican resurrection statue however reptilian in their design, featuring vertical in..., don ’ t know the Sumerian language and made everything up in his.... Saying for years that: “ Planet X “ is Real – it is used. Building large bunker like buildings simple yet practical designs that are strong and to... Secret Documentation on UFO.Part.2 one and only `` Hall of the building was designed or... Take wide-lens pictures of things, they look different, but important,.... Land donated by the Knights of Columbus their fates, as judged by Christ who is surrounded prominent. Therefore Masonic ) designed to look exactly like a ton of bricks story of the Pyramids the.