Whilst we continue to cover off the main core topics of Government, Medical, Operations, Stadia, Our People, Performance Rugby, Community Rugby and Finance- we also received important updates from all the work groups ongoing to support the work of the TMG. “That still hurts me and disappoints me. Of the 34 cases, 21 are staff members, 10 are contacts and 3 are pupils at the school, all from within the same class. Thanks, Edhat! Therefore, we would like to again direct you to the public health campaign FACTS and reiterate the immense importance of following these essential rules in place. Scotland’s National Clinical Director Professor Jason Leitch commented on this news in today’s First Minister’s briefing and his full statement is below: Professor Leitch said: “I can confirm that an Edinburgh Rugby academy player has tested positive for COVID. There were 3 deaths recorded in the last 24 hours, and the R number is now believed to be as high as 1.7.Although there have been no changes to the current restrictions it is clear the Scottish Government are considering all options in order to get the virus back under control.We are continuing to be proactive in engaging the government at all levels and had several meetings with government officials this week. Dr James Robson, Chief Medical Officer. This guidance comes into effect from Monday 6 July 2020. Some very helpful statements made by The First Minister from our perspective following our ongoing discussions with the Scottish Govt included; The Government announced that from Monday 14 September, it is hoped that sports stadia will be able to reopen from that day for a limited number of spectators, with physical distancing in place. Adherence to the public health guidance is fundamental to the success of Scottish rugby operations. This group are continuing to navigate these various scheduling challenges and hope to confirm new dates for all of the above postponed tournaments in due course. Community Rugby – The Government approved our communication to Clubs that the 2020/21 domestic season will not begin in August and have allowed us to share our season re-start roadmap with Clubs. The guidelines are in place for two weeks, though will be reviewed in one. Finally, the Return to Training group continues to progress through Phase 1 of their training plan and have now focused their efforts on finalising plans for Phase 2. The Return to Clubs & Schools Rugby group have continued to liaise with the Government to secure further clarification on various recent announcements affecting grassroots rugby. This follows discussions between Scottish Rugby and Rugby Players Scotland (RPS), the players’ association.Click here to read the full statement - Joint Scottish Rugby & RPS Statement. The 2019/20 domestic rugby season in Scotland has been classified as null and void, with Scottish Rugby joining its Irish, Welsh and Italian counterparts in coming to this outcome. With a lack of fixtures and reduction on public gatherings clubs may struggle for cash-flow and Scottish Rugby wishes to help and support them. Clubs should not expect a traditional season in 2020/21. The FM described the situation in Aberdeen as the “the biggest wake-up call”, urging us all to learn from this lesson and follow the rules in order to effectively aid the Government’s containment of the virus. The disease’s effect on individuals mental health and wider society can also not be understated. Edinburgh had an away match against Munster last weekend, the team travelled there and back with no issues to report. Dominic McKay, Chief Operating Officer & Click here to read the full update - Summer Tour statement. Links to the update concerning travel restrictions (which are in law as of tomorrow) and travel exceptions can be found here:https://www.gov.scot/news/updates-to-covid-19-protection-levels/https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-travel-and-transport/The TMG continues to review all aspects of the challenge facing us as Scottish Rugby and across our member clubs and schools around the country.We are extremely grateful to everyone involved in the TMG and the sub-groups for all their ongoing hard work.The restrictions that have been in place in recent weeks - on household gatherings and hospitality - have made a difference. This sub-group have worked tirelessly over these last eight weeks to deliver a superb Autumn Nations Cup. The webinars will be a follow up on the information circulated to clubs and schools last Friday. Only Shetland has no new cases reported. Scottish Rugby participated in a successful meeting with Minister for Sport Joe FitzPatrick and Scotland’s National Clinical Director Professor Jason Leitch today. Scottish Rugby’s six staged roadmap for clubs and schools is aligned to the Scottish Government’s own phased exit from lockdown and in line with recommendations from World Rugby. We look forward to continuing to progress and returning rugby to normal in Scotland, and we hope to provide further detailed updates next week.Dominic McKay, Chief Operating Officer. The safety of those involved in the rugby community is our priority at this time and therefore all rugby will remain at the current stage (Stage 4) until 15 October at the earliest. Our Return to Training subgroup have been busy finalising plans for the Women’s return to training; with players based around Edinburgh and Glasgow now beginning training at Oriam, and players based up north to hopefully start training at Aberdeen Sports Village next week, local situation dependent. Designed to help clubs through the period of uncertainty created by the Coronavirus outbreak, the CHF would release funds to support identified financial issues caused by a lack of fixtures or pressures on other revenue streams. The Return to Rugby Clubs & Schools group have been busy following the publication of their six-stage roadmap for season 2020/21. Scottish Rugby has today taken the decision to suspend all rugby in Scotland following the evolving Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation. We would like to share our gratitude to the Rugby Development staff who have continued to work extremely hard during this time to support the Return to Rugby for clubs and schools. Wishing both teams the very best of luck!Meanwhile, the Women’s team are now in training ahead of their rescheduled 2021 Six Nations Championships.--Once again, we urge you all to continue following the Scottish Government’s guidance FACTS, stay at home and protect others. To find the protection level for your area please see the Scottish Government webpage here.Please find the latest update from two of our TMG sub-groups below:Return to Rugby Clubs & SchoolsThis group, in conjunction with the Scottish Rugby Council, are currently exploring alternative options for the competitive domestic rugby season. Evidence suggests that outbreaks in the west of Scotland are happening mainly between people’s homes, therefore, if you live in one of these areas, you should not host other people in your home or visit other people’s. It was a productive meeting which resulted in a number of positive outcomes for Scottish Rugby: All the above demonstrate the great progress we are making and continue to make, and with further meetings with the Government and event industries across Scotland scheduled for next week, I hope to see further advancements in the near future. Many thanks for your continued support and patience, hope you can all get to watch some international rugby this weekend, we are all looking forward to it. We extend a huge thank you to everyone involved. He was a skittish, unpredictable (in a bad way) player, and he’s creating a … Outdoor sports clubs are raring to go ahead of the next stage of lockdown restrictions easing. You can find the full updated Covid-19 strategic framework on the Scottish Government website here.Though for now the guidance remains the same; stay at home and follow FACTS.Please see the latest updates from each of the TMG’s subgroups below:Return to Rugby Clubs & SchoolsThis sub-group has also been reviewing the Scottish Government’s new strategic framework and understanding what this means for a return to rugby for clubs and schools. Furthermore, yesterday (Thursday) we met with Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, along with Scottish Rugby colleagues. On behalf of Dom McKay, Chief Operating Officer & Dr James Robson, Chief Medical Officer. These have been a stark reminder to us all that the virus is still out there and the current situation in Scotland remains very fragile. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 situation in Scotland has worsened over the last week. Edinburgh played at home last weekend and operationally all went according to plan. Many thanks to Andy Boyd and the whole team who have enabled this training to recommence. This once again underlines how fragile the current situation is. This is a welcome sign and demonstrates the dedication of the Government to get sport in Scotland, elite and community, back up and running as soon as is practical. Full support given to promoting Govt public health messaging across Scottish Rugby’s own channels and joined the #LightitBlue campaign in recognition of the NHS last week. Many thanks to all involved in implementing our recently reinforced protocols and ensuring our robust practices are ready this next challenging period ahead.Return to RugbyThis group has been supporting training programmes and camp logistics for our national squad, who are now in camp and training at Oriam in preparation to play England in our first Six Nations game at Twickenham next weekend, Saturday 6 February.Meanwhile, with both our professional team’s fixture calendars free for the next couple of weekends, this sub-group has been planning training sessions and opportunities for Glasgow and Edinburgh to get some valuable game time. Particularly as we move closer to the much anticipated PRO14 resumption date, it is imperative we follow the public health guidelines, avoid complacency and remain vigilant to the ever present risks. Although we are now in our 20th consecutive day of no deaths as a result of a positive COVID-19 test result in Scotland, we are becoming increasingly conscious of the rising 7-day rolling average figures of positive cases within Scotland and across the whole of the UK. Outdoor sports clubs are raring to go ahead of the next stage of lockdown restrictions easing. The updated travel guidance document can be found here. A successful behind closed doors event would certainly validate our competence and hopefully assure the Scottish Government we can safely and responsibly execute a socially distanced match at BT Murrayfield.It is also your support that has enabled us to get Scottish Rugby in the position we are in today, ready and able to restart rugby in Scotland. Please use the Scottish Government postcode tracker, to check which level your local authority is in. The subgroup previously Return to Training, now meet every fortnight. It was great to see Glasgow Warriors players and catch up with the operational staff this week on my visit to Scotstoun. The escalating number of positive coronavirus cases arising across the country cannot be understated. The video includes some guidance and advise on preparation of opening of Club facilities. Scottish Rugby’s Chief Operating Officer, Dominic McKay said: “Scottish Rugby is delighted that a limited number of spectators will be in BT Murrayfield on Friday 28th August to watch the Guinness PRO14 match between Edinburgh Rugby and Glasgow Warriors. Scottish Rugby’s Director of Rugby Development, Sheila Begbie MBE spoke to the media last week to reflect on the current COVID-19 crisis and how Scottish Rugby and the Rugby Development Department were working to support clubs across Scotland. Thanks, Dom McKay --Encouragingly, we have started to see a slight tail off in the daily recorded Covid figures in Scotland and with the vaccine rollout on track to meet target it is beginning to feel more hopeful! Regrettably, further to our regular weekly testing of our players and relevant staff we have identified a positive case this week of an Academy player at Edinburgh Rugby. Professor Leitch was very complimentary of our work to date and extremely appreciative of Scottish Rugby’s support of the Scottish Government. Adult: $10.00 13 years or older. We are beginning to see some good news regarding the pandemic and over the last seven weeks, the number of deaths in Scotland have continued to decline including the number of infected people. There is a dedicated page on the Scottish Rugby website for details on facilities, events and competitions, coaching and other useful information for clubs and schools regarding the first phase of a return to rugby. Overall, we have a plan previously approved by Government and further refined. The Return to Events team have also been working hard developing our behind closed doors plan for 22ndAugust and pilot event plan for Friday 28th August. With the NHS preparing to roll out the new vaccine from December, we are hopeful we will begin to see a return to normality and a reintroduction of crowds in some capacity in time for the 2021 Guinness Six Nations.As always, thank you for your continued support, it is hugely appreciated and essential to the work of our TMG. Please see a list of some of the major changes and dates below:2 April: Stay at Home advice becomes Stay Local.5 April: Outdoor Contact sport for 12–17-year-olds to resume.26 April: Scotland to move to Level 3 and travel restrictions to be largely lifted within Scotland.17 May (Progress Allowing): Outdoor adult contact sport to resume.17 May (Progress Allowing): Social indoor gatherings (up to 2 households) likely to be possible.By the start of June, Scotland hoped to be able to move to Level 1 and by the end of June, Level 0.For more detail, you can find the full updated Covid-19 strategic framework on the Scottish Government website here.Though for now the guidance remains the same; stay at home and follow FACTS.Please see the latest updates from each of the TMG’s subgroups below: Return to Rugby Clubs & SchoolsFollowing the positive news from the First Minister’s announcement which included a resumption of outdoor contact sport for 12 to 17-year-olds from 5 April and a resumption of outdoor adult contact sport from 17 May, this subgroup has been developing a revised Return to Rugby framework in line with the updated Government guidance.Once finalised these new plans will be presented to Council then to our member clubs in due course.In the meantime, you can find the latest Return to Rugby guidance, last updated on Friday 12 March, on our website here.Return to EventsMany thanks to this subgroup for delivering another international game at BT Murrayfield safely and successfully.The team are now preparing for our final home game in this 2021 Six Nations window. This is going in the right direction for society as we start to see some movement in the easing of lockdown. It’s the player daring to attempt a chip and chase. The remaining cases are distributed across nine other health board areas. With the daily figures continuing to stabilise and the immunisation process in full swing, on Tuesday the First Minister was able to make some very positive announcements and offered some indicative dates to ease lockdown restrictions in Scotland. The group are seeking clarification on Touch Rugby, when non-contact outdoor sports restarts for children aged 12 – 17.In the meantime, this group will host a Webinar next week (date TBC) discussing what clubs can and cannot do under current guidelines.The Return to Rugby guidance remains the same and can be found on our website here.Return to RugbyDiscussions around the postponement of the France v Scotland Six Nations game are on going and will be communicated as soon as there is a confirmed date. Thank you for your continued support and we hope that you and your families are all well. Voted Santa Barbara's Best Website for 10 years in a row, edhat is local news from your community. Following discussions with the Government this week, it still remains unclear when exactly we will be able to welcome spectators back to BT Murrayfield, however we continue to prepare as much as possible for whenever we are given the green light to welcome spectators back to the stadium. Scottish Rugby has been given the greenlight to host fans at the Edinburgh vs Glasgow Warriors match at BT Murrayfield on 28 August. Scottish Rugby is advising rugby clubs across Scotland that they should not expect to resume any form of rugby training until Scottish Government and public health advice allows. Chief Operating Officer and Chief Medical Officer. We are confident we can deliver this event safely and responsibly. Temperature checks may be processed, and health questionnaires will have to be completed on arrival. As the numbers continue to steadily rise it is essential we all continue adhering to the public health rules FACTS, limit interactions as much as possible, and respect social distancing in order to support the Scottish Government in stemming community transmission. “This is a hugely disappointing incident for us and for rugby. This group are currently facing various logistical challenges in the rescheduling process but are committed to securing a suitable date for all involved. "We hope that our experience and learnings from a live spectator event next Friday can help all of Scottish sport, and the wider events industry restart.”. Now, more than ever, it is imperative we remain cautious and remember, complacency is the enemy of progress. Further detail on current guidance within the events sector and the work of the Events Industry Advisory Group can be found on the VisitScotland webpage here. The group are pleased to confirm more than 10,000 participants for the Covid e-Learning course. Please listen to the full episode, which can be found by clicking on the link here. Anytime one of us fails to abide by the rules, we put others at risk and we give the chance to spread and create consequences that are totally out-with our control ". We must treat this yellow-card moment for Scottish Football as a harsh reminder to continue abiding by the rules, lead by example, and remember complacency is the enemy of success. This group have been busy finalising preparations for the upcoming Georgia v Fiji game here at BT Murrayfield this Saturday 5 December, kick-off at 12pm, whilst also supporting Glasgow’s operational team for their Guinness PRO14 game against the Dragons later that evening at Scotstoun, kick-off at 7.15pm. Scottish Rugby has announced details of the recipients of its Club Hardship Fund (CHF) with each of the 82 applicant clubs across the country set to benefit from the financial support initiative. These restrictions whilst tough for everyone are in the interests of protecting our progress as a sport overall. Therefore Scottish Rugby’s Council will meet on Monday 5 October, to review the current Return to Rugby roadmap for the community game. Of cases reported on Thursday 65 were in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, 46 in Lanarkshire, 12 in Lothian and 8 in Ayrshire & Arran with the remaining 30 spread across eight different health boards.Several changes provisionally scheduled for 14 September have been paused by the Government for a further three weeks. Click here to read the full update. The Government confirmed that schools will return from 11 August with all pupils expected at school full-time from 18 August at the latest, further guidance will be published later. 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