They discovered Tonga on 21 April 1616 and the Hoorn Islands on 28 April 1616. Vries Strait or Miyabe Line is a strait between two main islands of the Kurils. This "Golden Age" lasted until the 1700s, after which the Netherlands underwent a gradual decline as the balance of colonial power shifted in favor of England. On Easter Sunday, 5 April 1722, Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen discovered Easter Island. Hendrik Brouwer's discovery that sailing east from the Cape of Good Hope until land was sighted, and then sailing north along the west coast of Australia was a much quicker route than around the coast of the Indian Ocean made Dutch landfalls on the west coast inevitable. The Orange River was named by Colonel Robert Gordon, commander of the Dutch East India Company garrison at Cape Town, on a trip to the interior in 1779. The first European to record the existence of Long Island Sound and the Connecticut River was Dutch explorer Adriaen Block, who entered it from the East River in 1614. While the first Dutch fort in Asia was built in 1600, the first forts and settlements along the Essequibo River in Guyana date from the 1590s. Dutch ships carried goods throughout the world for virtually every European nation, Dutch merchants and bankers made Amsterdam the economic center of Europe, and the Dutch navy was a power to be reckoned with. The Netherlands had a considerable part in the making of modern society. The first known European explorer to visit the region was Dutch Willem Janszoon (also known as Willem Jansz) on his 1605–06 voyage. Pages in category "Dutch explorers" The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total. Gendler, Robert; Christensen, Lars Lindberg; Malin, David (2011). [87][88][89][90][91], Jan Weltevree (1595–?) The area that is now Manhattan was long inhabited by the Lenape Indians. The seven years Eckhout spent in Brazil constitute an invaluable contribution to the understanding of the European colonization of the New World. H. Justus Carl Hasskarl; Ruurd Dirk Hoogland; M. George Müller (explorer) This page was last edited on 28 December 2019, at … In the summer of 1643, the Castricum, under command of Martin Gerritz de Vries sailed by the southern Kuril Islands, visiting Kunashir, Iturup and Urup, which they named "Company Island" and claimed for the Netherlands. It was devised by Dutch sea explorer Hendrik Brouwer in 1611, and found to halve the duration of the journey from Europe to Java, compared to the previous Arab and Portuguese monsoon route, which involved following the coast of East Africa northwards, sailing through the Mozambique Channel and then across the Indian Ocean, sometimes via India. The accompanying article about the Dutch Golden Age focuses on society, religion and culture. Discovery of the islands was credited to Frederick de Houtman, Captain-General of the Dordrecht, as it was Houtman who later wrote of the discovery in a letter to Company directors. The brothers were imprisoned by the Portuguese for attempting to steal secret charts of East Indian sailing routes. A Dutch explorer and merchant, Abel Tasman was born in Lutjegast, the Dutch Republic (today the Netherlands), some time in 1603. In 1653, still in the Netherlands waiting for the government to decide his case, Adriaen van der Donck wrote a comprehensive description of the New Netherland's geography and native peoples based on material in his earlier Remonstrance. Block's ship, the Tiger , was accidentally destroyed in a fire in New York Harbor, whereupon he and his crew built huts and a new ship, the Restless , which Block later used to explore the coast of Long Island. Huigen, Siegfried; de Jong, Jan L. (2010). How strong a presence potential friendly natives in the area were. Which of the following best describes the motivation that caused European explorers to find a way to sail to Asia, otherwise known as the "Three G's" ... Rather than looking for the Americas, what were the first explorers searching for? In 1595, Petrus Plancius, a key promoter to the East Indies expeditions, asked Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser, the chief pilot on the Hollandia, to make observations to fill in the blank area around the south celestial pole on European maps of the southern sky. St Francis Island (originally in Dutch: Eyland St. François) is an island on the south coast of South Australia near Ceduna. Groote Eylandt was first sighted the Arnhem. The Brouwer Route played a major role in the discovery of the west coast of Australia. In 1643, still during the same expedition, Tasman discovered Fiji. Less about slaves or ivory, the Anglo-Dutch Wars were actually more about who would be the dominant European naval power. It was not until the voyage of Henry Hudson, an Englishman who worked for the Dutch East India Company, that the area was mapped. The first Europeans known to land on the Rottnest Island were 13 Dutch sailors including Abraham Leeman from the Waeckende Boey who landed near Bathurst Point on 19 March 1658 while their ship was nearby. It was originally applied to the entirety of the East River. They discovered the Schouten Islands (also known as Biak Islands or Geelvink Islands) on 24 July 1616. Cape Arnhem is named after his ship, the Arnhem, which itself was named after the city of Arnhem. De Vlamingh led a fleet of three ships, De Geelvink, De Nijptang and Weseltje and anchored on the northern side of the island, near The Basin. Like many explorers of the time, Hudson was actually seeking a northwest passage to Asia and its wealth (that's why he was employed by the Dutch East India Company instead of the Dutch West India Company), but the wealth of coveted beaver pelts alone provided a reason to claim it for the Netherlands. The Dutch made one landing, but were promptly attacked by Maoris [impossible - Maoris are from New Zealand] and subsequently abandoned further exploration. It is part of the Sea of Okhotsk. [38][40], The search for the Northern Sea Route in the 16th century led to its exploration. • Explorers like Tasman were looking for knowledge and ways to make money. [84][85][86] To that end, Johan Maurits brought from Europe with him a team of artists and scientists who lived in Recife between 1637 and 1644: painter Albert Eckhout (specializing in the human figure), painter Frans Post (landscape painter), natural historian Georg Marcgraf (who also produced drawings and prints), and the physician Willem Piso. The Dutch traded for coveted luxuries such as Asian tea, coffee, sugar, rice, rubber, tobacco, silk, textiles, porcelain, and spices such as cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg and cloves. Dutch vessel Duyfken, captained by Janszoon, followed the coast of New Guinea, missed Torres Strait, and explored perhaps 350 kilometres (220 mi) of western side of Cape York, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, believing the land was still part of New Guinea. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. In February 1624, Dutch admiral Jacques l'Hermite discovered the Hermite Islands at Cape Horn. Formerly a Protestant province of Spain, the Netherlands was determined to become a commercial power and saw exploration as a … Robert O'Hara Burke (1820-1861) and William John Wills (1834-1861) were Australian explorers who were the first Europeans to cross Australia from south to north. Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world. The river was first named by Carstenszoon in 1623. The early Spanish explorers were looking for Silver and Gold! On 10 January 1697, de Vlamingh ventured up the Swan River. The first such landfall was in 1616, when Dirk Hartog landed at Cape Inscription on what is now known as Dirk Hartog Island, off the coast of Western Australia, and left behind an inscription on a pewter plate. • Plancius's constellations (mostly referring to animals and subjects described in natural history books and travellers' journals of his day) are Apis the Bee (later changed to Musca by Lacaille), Apus the Bird of Paradise, Chamaeleon, Dorado the Goldfish (or Swordfish), Grus the Crane, Hydrus the Small Water Snake, Indus the Indian, Pavo the Peacock, Phoenix, Triangulum Australe the Southern Triangle, Tucana the Toucan, and Volans the Flying Fish. The Joseon Dynasty at that time maintained an isolation policy, so the captured foreigner could not leave the country. Maatsuyker Islands, a group of small islands that are the southernmost point of the Australian continent. The most important Dutch navigator to follow in Hudson's path was Captain Adriaen Block, who explored New York and southern New England in 1613-14. It was on his homeward leg back to the Netherlands after having left the Straits of Magellan that Sebald De Weert noticed some unnamed and uncharted islands, at least islands that did not exist on his nautical charts. [47][48][49] Precedence of discovery has also been claimed for China,[50] France,[51] Spain,[52] India,[53] and even Phoenicia. Part of Thijssen's map shows the islands St Francis and St Peter, now known collectively with their respective groups as the Nuyts Archipelago. Dutch interest in the Americas began in 1602, when the Dutch government issued a charter to the Dutch East India Company to discover a new route to the Indies, as well as to exploit any unclaimed territory they came across. This pipeline took Spain from being a junior member of the European family to being a world power in the 16th and 17th centuries. Possible sources of income (they had to look at what their crown (ie the king or queen of their country) and their financial backers could use to make money off of such as things like timber and furs). He named Tasmania Van Diemen's Land, after Anthony van Diemen, the Dutch East India Company's Governor General, who had commissioned his voyage. The Dutch East India Company financed English sailor Henry Hudson in 1609 for another search for the elusive Northwest Passage. The Dutch empire was built on industry and trade, and Dutch merchants were remarkably pragmatic in political and economic matters. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. He and his crew are believed to have been the first Europeans to do so. The Joseon dynasty was often referred to as the "Hermit Kingdom" for its harsh isolationism and closed borders. At the same time, however, the influx of gold and silver was like too much of a good thing. They both died on the return trip, from exhaustion and hunger. It was like having five birthday cakes in a row or consuming five jars of cookies at one sitti… The Dutch Golden Age was a period in Dutch history, roughly equivalent to the 17th century, in which Dutch trade, science and art were top ranking in the world until Tulip Mania in 1637 and onwards.. Peter Trickett, for example, argues in Beyond Capricorn that the Portuguese explorer Cristóvão de Mendonça reached New Zealand in the 1520s, and the Tamil bell[69] discovered by missionary William Colenso has given rise to a number of theories,[53] [55][56][57][58][59][60], The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland, and the first recorded European landfall on the Australian continent, are attributed to the Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon. It is now part of the Nuyts Archipelago Wilderness Protection Area. Within the thirty-year period the Dutch West India Company controlled the northeast region of Brazil (1624–1654), the seven-year governorship of Count Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen was marked by an intense ethnographic exploration. Robert J. It lies 1.6 kilometres south of Freycinet Peninsula and is a part of Freycinet National Park. De Weert then named these islands the "Sebald de Weert Islands" and the Falklands as a whole were known as the Sebald Islands until well into the 18th century. Cloudflare Ray ID: 63a544ff9e92564c This globe was produced in collaboration with the Amsterdam cartographer Jodocus Hondius. The islands Sebald de Weert charted were a small group off the northwest coast of the Falkland Islands and are in fact part of the Falklands. Little is known of his childhood in what is now known as the Netherlands' province of Groningen. The wintering of the shipwrecked crew in the 'Saved House' was the first successful wintering of Europeans in the High Arctic. During his stay he created hundreds of oil sketches – mostly from life – of the local flora, fauna and people. The Dutch East India Company held a monopoly on all East Indies trade by ships routed through the Strait of The Dutch colonization of the Americas began with the establishment of Dutch trading posts and plantations in the Americas, which preceded the much wider known colonization activities of the Dutch in Asia. This voyage defined most of the southern coast of Australia and discouraged the notion that "New Holland", as it was then known, was linked to Antarctica. After unconfirmed reports of Dutch discovery as early as 1611, the island was named after Dutchman Jan Jacobszoon May van Schellinkhout, who visited the island in July 1614. The dutch English and french explorers of the 1500s and the 1600s were seeking what? Click on the text to see the title page of the book. Barentsz died during the expedition, and may have been buried on the northern island.[45]. ", Credit for the discovery of Australia was given to Frenchman, This claim was made by Allan Robinson in his self-published. The first ship and crew to chart the Australian coast and meet with Aboriginal people was the Duyfken captained by Dutch navigator, Willem Janszoon. We do know that it is likely that Tasman must have received some good education early on and must have belonged to a middle class Dutch family based on the skills he exhibited from early on in his career. The name "Hell Gate" is a corruption of Dutch phrase Hellegat, which could mean either "hell's hole" or "bright gate/passage". He replaced it with one of his own, which included a copy of Hartog's inscription, and took the original plate home to Amsterdam, where it is still kept in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. The Anglo-Saxon age in Britain was from around AD410 to 1066. [46] Although a theory of Portuguese discovery in the 1520s exists, it lacks definitive evidence. It is the entrance to the Derwent River estuary and the port of Hobart, the capital city of Tasmania. The Brouwer Route was a route for sailing from the Cape of Good Hope to Java. Because of his extensive voyages, accurate charting, and the valuable meteorological data he collected, he is regarded as one of the most important early Arctic explorers.. Willem Schouten, Dutch explorer whose 1615–16 expedition discovered a new route, the Drake Passage, around the southern tip of South America, connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific. Schouten Island is a 28 square kilometres (11 sq mi) island in eastern Tasmania, Australia. Explored Chesapeake Bay and discovered the Hudson River (1609) and … Stephenson, Bruce; Bolt, Marvin; Friedman, Anna Felicity (2000). (1993). – Weslager, C.A., “Dutch explorers, traders and settlers in the Delaware valley 1609-1664”, 329 pp., illustrations, University of Pennsylvania Press 1961, Philadelphia, U.S.A. – Zwierlein, L. D. “Religion in New Netherlands: A History of the Development of the Religious Conditions in the Province of New Netherlands 1623-1664” 327 pp. "Striking Home: The Telematic Assault on Identity". The sighting went unverified for over two centuries, and Carstensz was ridiculed in Europe when he said he had seen snow and glaciers near the equator. [74] The nearest inhabited land (50 residents) is Pitcairn Island 2,075 kilometres (1,289 mi) away, the nearest town with a population over 500 is Rikitea on island Mangareva 2,606 km (1,619 mi) away, and the nearest continental point lies in central Chile, 3,512 kilometres (2,182 mi) away. In 1524, Florentine explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano – sailing in service of the king Francis I of France – was the first European to visit the area that would become New York City. Soon, the Dutch East and West India Companies began to explore the New World through such explorers as Henry Hudson, Abel Tasman, and Willem Barents. 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