The Fountain is about accepting death and learning to let our loved ones go, even in the face of immortality. I love this movie, and show it to everyone I am close with. The Fountain is a 2006 American epic romantic drama film written and directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz.Blending elements of fantasy, history, spirituality, and science fiction, the film consists of three storylines involving immortality and the resulting loves lost, and one man's pursuit of avoiding this fate in this life or beyond it. Im not so sure about that... Like the author, I see the fountain as a movie about accepting death. The experiment was hosted on the social networking website Reddit beginning on 1 April 2015 (April Fools' Day) and was active until 5 June 2015, the first time that no user pressed the button before the timer reached zero. He finds the cure hidden in an Amazonian tree, but was too late to save his wife. so he goes on board of a nice spaceship with "the tree of life /izzy" on board. Taken as a whole, The Fountain of Lamenth is the story of one man's life, and his life's quest. We are all willing to suspend disbelief, but have our own threshold of the fine line between 'meaningful' and 'pretentious bullshit'. Tales of such a fountain have been recounted around the world for thousands of years, appearing in the writings of Herodotus (5th century BC), the Alexander romance (3rd century AD), and the stories of Prester John (early Crusades, 11th/12th centuries AD). even though i explained more the "big picture" rather then actual scenes. Which is why the Hedge Funds vs. Reddit WallStreetBets/GameStop battle resonates with me. By the 1970s it became widely used throughout the world and was codified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).. She also shows Tommy a book she is writing, set in the age of conquistadors, titled The Fountain. At the end he sprouts into flowers or a tree i forget. There are some movie experiences that awe you, some make you think; some make you bow at the sheer brilliance of them, while some may evoke a melancholy strain. The Fountain . If they were really any good, they'd be making films, rather than tearing apart someone else's work. . he follows the rumor of salvation and eternal life by the mayas in south america. I personally subscribe to Tom(B), but I can see how the other one is fun. The movie ends with him and the tree going into the supernova to once again start new life and that way 'live forever'. i will refer to the 3 timelines as past, today and future. AMA – Ask Me Anything. Boulder shooting victim: Suzanne Fountain, financial counselor and theater buff, killed in mass shooting The 59-year-old enrolled hundreds of people … The Fountain is an incredibly ambitious film that crams too much into its slim 90 minutes, but has just enough moments to keep it from being the disaster it could have been. The Fountain makes things difficult by being three separate stories.And the lines are blurred between what is real and what isn’t real. Heron (Hero) of Alexandria was a mathematician and an inventor. A couple in love deals with death in their own way, which is telling a story. Here's Tenet explained. I just saw The Fountain for the first time after reading that Darren Aronofsky had directed it and seeing all the love it gets on Reddit. Directed by Darren Aronofsky. damn those open endings always get to me :D. i hope this helped. It’s neither a critical or box office success, but Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain is the kind of movie that serious film-o-philes will be talking about for years. Just because you are told a story, and get brought along, you don't have to assume that the characters that are telling the story are sane or capable story tellers. I thought this was Hugh's best work. But I still keep to my interpretation. Adds another interesting layer to the movie. Hugh Jackman's scientific character was hit by grief so hard that he had to make up a mythology of eternal life just so he deal with loss. There is nothing to get. After watching the film, I came to a different conclusion than the reviewer or GMLiddell did, one that was a lot more pedestrian. The original, which is lost, consisted of a standard urinal, usually presented on its back for exhibition purposes rather than upright, and was signed and dated ‘R. since we dont actually know that he found a way to achieve eternal life (and if he did he cant bring back what is lost) we have to assume that he has. he flies towards the nebula of xibalba, according to the maya the place where death is transformed into new life. she leaves him alone in this world and knows it, but in preparation she writes this book he has to finish by himself as a symbol for the story of his life. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,,, Man's eternal struggle against things that are out of his control, In my opinion this was to symbalize that all stories or forms are repeated endlessly, just with different characters, and at different times. He feels guilt for not spending the time he had with her. Okay. We can view this as Tommy accepting his wife's death..and in turn, his own. AMAA – This means Ask Me Almost Anything. but just after he lets go he can be "reborn", the ending is a real mind buggeling arwwwwww ... does he find inner peace and through that feels reborn or is he reborn and if so, just by himself or with her ? Tom(a)- Driven by rage, Tommy vows to find a cure for death and descends into a faustesque madness that probably occurs off screen. As a modern-day scientist, Tommy is struggling with mortality, desperately searching for the medical breakthrough that will save the life of his cancer-stricken wife, Izzi. This and Cloud Atlas are both beautiful and the soundtracks are incredible. i hope this helped. hes like living 3 lives or something. Who cares what the critics say? Those that gave it a 1/10 l Tommy is a neuorosurgeon racing to find the cure for cancer before his wife dies. The person in charge of the Fountain Fortuna Event has a chronic "always asleep" condition, that's preventing him from activating it, that is why it's never up. The Imdb page really helped me put everything into perspective. One of my personal favorites. Started a "Go Fund Me" page to bring the man some coffee and a calendar alarm. Tomas is sent to the new world to find the fountain of youth. The interpretation that they are three different lifetimes is just false. The Spanish conquistador is simply the retelling of of Izzies book. my mothertounge is not english(as you might have noticed), so dont be a grammer nazi on me :). A rather brilliant film, if you're not going into it looking for some elaborate bombastic screenplay. this part ends with him planting a seed on her grave, so the tree of life with what stood at the end of the past is introduced again (there is one more very importand reoccurring symbol: the ring, wich i guess symbols the connection between those two characters), the future is where it gets controversial, for one its the end of the movie so any missinterpretation will end in "wrong" a conclusion and it is in itself very cryptic. Miserable and in the cold void of space he labors to bring her back to life until the moment when he accepts her death and realizes that he too will die and the two of them will be reborn again. he keeps hurting/reminding himself with the rings he tattoos on his hand so he cant loose the ring again. I blows my mind that people don't get that. . Other articles where Fountain is discussed: Maurizio Cattelan: Comedian recalls Marcel Duchamp’s revolutionary Fountain, wherein a mass-produced object (in that case a urinal) became art through conceptual means: the artist’s declaration that the urinal was art, the work’s acceptance into the 1917 Independents Exhibition in New York City, and its placement on a pedestal in a gallery. on the other hand its intresting to know that arronofsky sees the film as solvable. I saw this as being symbolic of the circle of life. He might even realize that her 'soul' is in the tree? It never really occurred to me to take the future story literally, but I can see that argument a lot better after having it explained. mmmmm just read it and i dont think this is right ... just too much you have to discard. So he embraces it. I had seen Aronofsky's Pi, Requiem of a Dream and The Wrestler.I found them interesting but a little dark for my taste with the exception of The Wrestler which I found extremely human and hit on many personal things I've been through. Space tom can be the end of the book, or future Tom....One of the many things that make this movie great? Same goes for the ridiculous backlash for Cloud Atlas. Even though we do not fully understand our role in a story, someone elses story, or sometimes our own. I really don't understand critics who say it was the worst film of the year, it seems like when certain films are hyped up but then fall short of expectations, critics take it to the extreme. The controversy The Fountain: a beautiful mess or something more?If you look up reviews , you’ll be confronted with two extremes: those that thought it was sheer drivel and those that thought it was the one of most incredible film ever.Why such a disparity? All of this is part of Izzi's story. That's why he's still alive and struggling with his wife's death. The Button was an online meta-game and social experiment that featured an online button and 60-second countdown timer that would reset each time the button was pressed. When we see Tom plant a seed by his wife's grave, that's the beginning of Tom's acceptance of his wife's death. Each opinion is a function of how many aspects the viewer appreciated from this multifaceted work. religion has stopped working as promise for eternal life, replaced by science. ok for starters, there is no way you can get what is going on on the first time you watch this film. the conquistador is out to find a cure for his beloved queen (she symbols both, his true love and his motherland, both endangered by the inquisition). i was just curious if i was actually supposed to understand what the fuck was going on. She dies before finishing the story and the scientist picks it up after her death. I think its just the guy living the same life in three different time periods kinda. Tom plants a new tree of life from the seed of that found in South America which is how he stays alive traveling through space. I may have been confused while watching it, but it made sense in the end. But again, all this occurs off screen. He then delves into research of that tree, discovering that it is the actual tree of life and he uses that to live an absurdly long amount of time(off screen). but i think that might be better for understanding "the fountain" and of course i didnt watch it for quite some time. thanks tho, Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Fountain is one of Duchamp’s most famous works and is widely seen as an icon of twentieth-century art. Set in the present, Izzy writes the past as her way of accepting her own coming death while making a commentary on her husbands valiant efforts to save her life. Excellent soundtrack. i always was under the impression its not. This is also an actual subreddit too. Tom (B)- The story is as above with Tom(a), but it's actually Tommy finishing Izzy's story. When she goes to sleep, Tommy reads the book and falls asleep as well. For me it is on a par with any film soundtrack of the last 10 years. It's one of those 'make of it what you will' movies. In this case the story has Tomas (Tommy/Tom Creo) character no longer resisting the choice left to him in all the scenerios, acceptance. explained? With Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz, Sean Patrick Thomas, Ellen Burstyn. Anmol Ahuja. Just the past decade you think? He is well known for his steam engine, the Aeolipile, and many other inventions that use pneumatics. Astro-Tom was a character in present-day Tom's book: a character that he made up to finish the story that his wife began. The main theme is how to cope with the death and loss of a loved one. The exception was citric acid, which did increase fountain height too, but which required slightly more than usually used in drinks. in the end he experiences that he cant just be alive forever,has to be reborn/transformed first. It's no wonder that he would write the tree that would possibly grow from his wife's grave into his story. We have 3 different storylines to follow. The key when watching for me was to realize that the scientist looking for a cure in our time was literally the same person as the one flying through space in the future. The space ship reaches the star right before supernova, but the tree still dies. Your imagination is infinitely better than any story someone could tell you. The conquistador story is what she wrote for him, and he sees himself as the hero looking for immortality. That accounts for why the Mayan priest saw Astro-Tom at the end of the film: Tom was mixing elements of his wife's story with his. I am going to try and recreate one of my favorite inventions by Heron, the “Heron Fountain”. Tommy- Again, straight foward. the problem with explaining it to you is that you just dont give me any hint what part is preventing you from getting into this masterpiece. If you kind of liked it even though you didn't understand it you might want to try to find and read the comic ( Todd Gilchrist (15 Articles Published) Todd Gilchrist is a Los Angeles-based film critic … June 16, 2017. its about understanding death about not being afraid of it. Ending Explained; Movies Anywhere; About The Author. or is the tree of life an analogy for the earth, implying that someday the earth will die to be reborn in another form/star ? Or make them even more confusing. "Finish it!". in the past, myth and religion are the tools for humans to cope with loss. Clint Mansell and Mogwai collaborated on it. I agree with your synopsis. Reddit Slang & Acronym Explained: A Reddit Lingo Glossary. Similarly every segue shot into the modern story is nested into shots of Major Tom being haunted by memories. Then after she dies, as a way of both dealing with his loss and fulfilling her dying wishes, Tommy goes on to finish the story she started only setting the ending in the future where the ghost of izzy haunts him. THe present is well, the present and the future is Tom fulfilling Izzie's idea she was talking about while at the museum about how life was created. I have yet to hear an OST that can hold a candle to what Mansell created. that, in my opinion, is not imortant if you want to get to the message behind it. Here is where the two possible explanations diverge and lead to two different interpetations of the 3rd story line. his reincarnated spirit and that tree mean a lot. I wrote this on the subject of Caress of Steel a few days ago. The core of it is the reality of her dying while he looks to science as a cure, and fails. fountain fortuna explained! I think for most people that is an asymptotic graph. I usually dont mind films that make u think (being john malcovich) But, i just couldnt wrap my head around this one, tl;dr: Man's eternal struggle against things that are out of his control. He takes her beginning, but it takes a different path with his belief in science and hope for a future. He did discover a cure for dying, just too late. Usually described as enlightenment. i know this film can be very hard to wrap your mind around, mostly because there is no "oh thats the point of the director / writer" part. I think it is revealing of the critical psyche. "It is just a super ambitious album by guys that were maturing into Rush. After watching the film, I came to a different conclusion than the reviewer or GMLiddell did, one that was a lot more pedestrian. nice that means i am just too dumb, im going to read this later...i just tried and my brain is not working properly...maybe after some sleep or something. It brought back that anger and flood of memories mentioned in the preceding paragraphs. ‘The Fountain’, does all that and more. The A Series starts with the largest size, A0, which is 84.1 cm × 118.9 cm, or about 33.1" × 46.8". Total cost of build = $2 (you can scavenge the 3 water bottles) The whole space/supernova bit is just the last chapter(which ties in with the priest seeing Tom in Tomas's story). Astro-Tom was a character in present-day Tom's book: a character that he made up to finish the story that his wife began. He plants the seed of the Amazonian tree on his wife's grave(refering to the story she told him of "living forever"). Photographed, then subsequently thrown away, by Alfred Stieglitz, urinated on by Brian Eno and sometimes cited as the work of a Bauhaus baroness rather than the man it is most commonly associated with, Marcel Duchamp's Fountain is arguably the first piece of conceptual art ever, certainly the most famous ready made in art history, and has inspired countless artists from Grayson Perry to Damien Hirst, Richard Hamilton to Richard Went… At home, Izzi points out a golden nebula to Tommy, describing it as Xibalba, the Mayan underworld. This is because some of the compounds tested actually increase surface tension when they are dissolved in water. not sure if u just watched the movie....or wrote the script, Try reading [this thread] ( The intermixing of reality, his inability to accept her death and a fantasy story told from two different points of view make for a conflicted narrative. There were three evolving story-lines taking place in the movie. the visuals are just so powerful. You can check out the full list here. Birth and death are repeated throughout all time. the aztec "death", his disease cure, and the actual tree when hes a space man or whatever. It's pretty interesting and has some stuff that wasn't in the movie that might clear things up a little bit. i have spend hours and hours analysins this flick , talking with people about it and explaining it to people who did see it but where overwhelmed by the visuals and cofused by all the reoccuring symbols. Our corpses feed more life and that can be a bueatiful part of dying to some people. GameStop mania explained: How the Reddit retail trading crowd ran over Wall Street pros Published Wed, Jan 27 2021 3:14 PM EST Updated Thu, Jan 28 2021 1:04 PM EST Yun Li @YunLi626 Visual ques and all.....One interesting note: Izzy ask Tom to finish her book whcih she states starts off in spain and ends at Xbalba. There is nothing in the whole movie to imply that the conquistador storyline is anything other than Izzi's book and every segue into those shots are Tom reading the book or Major Tom remembering it. Tomas- Pretty straight forward Conquistadoresque story. The character of Astro-Tom is written by Tom after the events of the film, healing his mental wounds and accepting his place in the universe. The results aren’t fully explained by the previous theory relating to surface tension. When reliquishing ones futility an absolution of ones presence in your own life (story) creates a timeless observation. but i think that might be better for understanding "the fountain" and of course i didnt watch it for quite some time. During this time, he forms a 'relationship' with the tree he planted on Izzy. but before i start , i have to make excuses and make sure u are aware that this is only what i thought of the movie. Christopher Nolan's Tenet explained – Tenet is now out in cinemas, so we've delved into the mysteries of the ending to Nolan's film. I thought it was good. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, News & Discussion about Major Motion Pictures, Press J to jump to the feed. This is the moment he reaches inner peace. its been a few years since i saw it last :/. at least i know what i will do with the rest of the day, i guess. He has a realization that despite all that he's done, he can't escape death. Mutt 1917’. Within those three, I think there are two different interpetations of what actually is happening. When he wakes up, he finds that Izzi has gone to the museum. at least i know what i will do with the rest of the day, i guess. ehhhh i mean the basic story line was clear enough right? A fountain (from the Latin "fons" (genitive "fontis"), a source or spring) is a structure which squirts water into a basin to supply drinking water.It is also a structure that jets water into the air for a decorative or dramatic effect. She gets her feelings out by telling a story of love, faith and devotion in a Spanish conquistador and his queen. all of them involve him seeking a cure for death or trying to prevent it or save/ bring his wife back. tom now that izzy is dead, nurishes himself of a "mental" immage of her. disregarding that the past is set up as fictional and the future as, well i dont know what. Put simply it's a book and a memory from the perspective of an astronaut. The Fountain of Youth is a mythical spring that restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. But the tree of life the star right before supernova, but which required more. Seeking a cure for dying, just too late he is well known his! 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