Explainer: What is a coronoavirus? Check out these other important actions aimed at stopping the reckless and dangerous actions of LFK’s independent MPP Randy Hillier. All members of the caucus which includes Randy Hillier - MPP, Maxime Bernier - PPC Party Leader, Derek Sloan - MP, Daryl Herlick - Perth East Councillor, and Steve VanLeeuwen - Centre Wellington Councillor, signed the following statement as a means of establishing the caucus. I have created a petition calling on the government to provide the per-pupil funding it provides school boards, $12,500 per student, directly to parents so they may choose the best education arrangements for their individual needs. Independent MPP Randy Hillier (Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston) is arguing that his Charter rights are being violated by the province’s Election Finances Act. Shame Randy … 2,125 Likes, 363 Comments - Randy Hillier (@randy.hillier) on Instagram: “While there are those who have cause to celebrate and give thanks today, our government has caused…” ... Keep me updated via email on this petition and related issues. (2020, September 30). This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Petitions; Randy Hillier - Latest News. It is correct that the PCR test will detect pieces of viral RNA which may not have infectious potential. (n.d.). Please sign this petition calling for the resignation of MPP Randy Hillier if you support ending this ignorant, unfit man's position as MPP of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. It appears in comments sections of Global News (Canada) that majority know what's going on. WHEREAS the government of Ontario has been contradictory in its position on the safety of reopening schools;. Randy Hillier, Perth, Ontario. Please share this petition with your networks to maximize impact and send a message to Randy Hillier that he does not speak for us! Hillier is scheduled to appear in court January 7, 2021. 5,364 signatures This petition starter stood up and took action. Twenty doctors sent a letter to Premier Ford explaining the harm his policies are causing for people, and demanding he reconsider the direction he is taking the province. — Randy Hillier (@randyhillier) December 28, 2020. The mortality rate was approximately 5 times higher in COVID-19 patients compared to those with the flu. Mr. Hillier is now abusing his position and office as MPP in a personal vendetta against the establishment that his sons were kicked out of, asking his supporters to shut the establishment down. Randy Hillier on OJTV; Judge rules Burlington couple don’t always have to wear masks in their building. The condo corporation has serious concerns with the ruling; Farmers’ protest; From the FB of Mr. Randy Hillier, MPP; Other Covid-related links; Covid-19 Update #48: Links from Global Research.ca; Angry Nurse has had it with the COVID-19 Hoax Randy Hillier on OJTV; Judge rules Burlington couple don’t always have to wear masks in their building. Please return this petition with original signatures by mail or deliver to MPP Randy Hillier, 1-105 Dufferin St, Perth, ON K7H 3A5. COVID-19 to me on examination of all the proof and rejecting of the propaganda tells me we should lead normal lives with full freedoms and have our responsibilities to exercise our own judgement re-instated and defended (Hillier, 2020).” Unfortunately, this infection does not just stay in one segment of the population. (2020, October 19). The End the Lockdowns Caucus has formed with Centre Wellington councillor Steven VanLeeuwen, MPP Randy Hillier, People’s Party leader Maxime Bernier, MP Derek Sloan and Perth East councillor Daryl Herlick as founding members. WHEREAS the threat of COVID-19 is now understood not to be a risk to the vast majority of the people of Ontario;. You are spreading misinformation that minimizes the seriousness of COVID-19 to support your personal anti-lockdown and anti-mask beliefs. The disapproval of Hillier’s COVID-19 rhetoric has pushed Kelley Denham of Smiths Falls, Ont., to take it upon herself to create a petition called “Demanding the Immediate Resignation of MPP Randy Hillier.” As of Thursday evening, the petition has received 8,335 signatures. Ontario hits 150 COVID-19 patient threshold in ICU raising concerns around other hospital care. (Video) What is COVID? WE the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows: That the State of Emergency in Ontario be ended, that all healthcare institutions and business be allowed to open while taking the necessary health precautions to allow for a full economic recovery and to ensure a healthy, prosperous Ontario. I provided a number of examples of highly qualified and revered experts in the field calling into question the government's current PCR testing regime, with many noting methodical issues which are leading to high rates of false positive testing. The risk for acute respiratory distress syndrome (which often leads to intubation) was 19 times higher for those with COVID-19. Sign this Petition You need a representative that grasps commonly accepted health and science to work to safeguard your family. This is not an argument that PCR testing is false, it means that you need to understand the nuances of testing. The concern was that as with any test, when you test people with a lower likelihood of disease a greater percentage of positives may be false positives. Independent Member for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. . We have thrown away the rule of law A Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario – No More Lockdowns. Sign the petition against the new lockdowns ... Posted in F3, Featured, FR, Video Tagged Health Care Rationing, Lockdown, Ontario, Randy Hillier permalink. Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch7wze46md0, Additional Signatories to open letter to Randy Hillier received after December 18, 2020, Within Kingston-Frontenac- Lennox and Addington or Leeds-Grenville- Lanark District Health Units, Rachel Tyrrell, MB, BCh, BAO, CCFP, PGDip(derm), Physicians from other Public Health Units in support. HILLIER MPP LANARK-FRONTENAC-KINGSTON— PETITION … And a petition in support of the group has already garnered 14,000 signatures. Risk for In-Hospital Complications Associated with COVID-19 and Influenza - Veterans Health Administration, United States, October 1, 2018-May 31, 2020. Will you do the same? Last week I had the pleasure of meeting up with Randy Hillier, Independent MPP for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston. True believer of Freedom, Justice and Democracy. Randy Hillier has been outspoken about provincial restrictions throughout the pandemic and posted a picture on social media on Dec. 27 of what … I believe politics needs more independent voices, and I … Dear Mr. Randy Hillier: As a physician who both lives and works in this region, I must express my dismay at your recent attendance at rallies protesting the use of public health measures in the fight against COVID-19. The following document has compiled evidence of the CCP's involvement in the worlds scientific & medical communities, among other industries. In response to the unprecedented mass violations of Canadian’s Charter Rights from government across the country in response to the COVID19 pandemic, a group of current and former elected representatives have come together to form the End the Lockdowns National Caucus.. Seasonal Influenza, Avian Influenza and Pandemic Influenza. By Marty Graham SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - SeaWorld said on Thursday that it has suspended a San Diego-based employee while the theme park's lawyers investigate accusations that he infiltrated an animal rights group in a bid to undermine its work. This morning I woke up to a Change.org petition started by Dr. Jeanette Dietrich. Both the scientists you reference were discussing the situation in the UK in September when many asymptomatic people were being tested and case counts were rising but deaths were not. Please return this petition with original signatures by mail or deliver to MPP Randy Hillier, 1-105 Dufferin St, Perth, ON K7H 3A5. I have viewed the video on your website where you purport to, “Stick to the proof and not the propaganda, (Hillier, 2020)” yet it is filled with misinformation. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/duration-isolation.html, https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/explainer-what-is-a-coronavirus, https://www.randyhilliermpp.com/20201118_whatiscovid, https://ipac-canada.org/influenza-resources.php, https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-hits-150-covid-19-patient-threshold-in-icu-raising-concerns-around-other-hospital-care-1.5195799, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-26/brain-deficits-nerve-pain-as-covid-torments-infected-for-months, https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/91-percent-of-covid-survivors-have-this-in-common-study-says/ar-BB19yiqi, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch7wze46md0, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Together our voices hold this government responsible. 2,844 Likes, 355 Comments - Randy Hillier (@randy.hillier) on Instagram: “Our voices are making a difference. It is rising in all age groups and has entered nursing homes again (Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2020). Please return this petition with original signatures by mail or deliver to MPP Randy Hillier, 1-105 Dufferin St, Perth, ON K7H 3A5. The article states “In December 2019, another virus joined these dangerous cousins. We support you and are doing all we can to fight the lies and spread the truth. Retrieved from Science News for Students: https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/explainer-what-is-a-coronavirus, Hillier, R. (2020, November 18). Frexit contre l'Etat profond de l'UE - Politique & Eco n°289 avec Charles-Henri Gallois - TVL Covid-19: the problems with case counting. Randy Hillier, the independent MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston has repeatedly violated the regulations setup during the present present health crisis / COVID-19 pandemic. Sign the Petition I support Randy Hillier's legal challenge to level the playing field between political parties and independent candidates. If you and your followers exercise your so-called “freedoms” it will drive infection rates which will lead to more hospitalizations, deaths, disability, and postponed surgeries. Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier has launched an online petition calling on the Ontario government to fully resume the provincial legislature and to end the province’s state of emergency.. March 24, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Outspoken Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier said in a … News Freedom, Politics - Canada Wed Mar 24, 2021 - 7:14 pm EST. Retrieved from https://www.randyhilliermpp.com/20201118_whatiscovid, Infection Prevention and Control Canada. The Kingston-area MPP tweeted his call to end the province's emergency measures The PCR test is specific to SARS-CoV2, the agent that causes COVID-19, not other viruses that cause the common cold and the CDC has stated that swabs may remain positive for up to 3 months after infection (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020), not 6 months. doi:10.1136, Queen's Printer for Ontario. Demanding the Immediate Resignation of MPP Randy Hillier Kelley Denham started this petition to Randy Hillier (Independent MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston) Independent MPP Randy has gone rogue, accountable to no one it seems. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), pp. 1528-1534. La personne qui a lancé cette pétition a décidé d'agir. During these violations he has brought together large groups of individuals to protest the lockdowns, mask and social distancing requirements. As the professional organization representing 46,000 RNs, NP and nursing students, we share our dismay of MPP Hillier’s attendance at rallies protesting the use of public health measures in the fight against COVID-19. Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier has launched an online petition calling on the Ontario government to fully resume the provincial legislature and to end the province’s state of emergency.. RNAO joins Dr. Jeanette Dietrich on her petition to stop MPP Randy Hillier’s actions that result in increased burden of COVID-19 illness and death. AND WHEREAS present testing methods are defective and inaccurate at discerning viral spread due to their excessive false-positive rate;. Our voices are making a difference. A Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario – MANDATORY FACE MASKS. RNAO joins Dr. Jeanette Dietrich on her petition to stop MPP Randy Hillier’s actions that result in increased burden of COVID-19 illness and death. Please return this petition with original signatures by mail or deliver to MPP Randy Hillier, 1-105 Dufferin St, Perth, ON K7H 3A5. petition and related issues. While I recognize that it is legitimate to debate the relative risks and benefits of lockdowns, that debate must be based on valid representations of the effects of COVID-19. Ferez-vous la même chose ? Retrieved from CTV News: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-hits-150-covid-19-patient-threshold-in-icu-raising-concerns-around-other-hospital-care-1.5195799, Langreth, R., & Court, E. (2020, August 26). Shame Randy for his staggering irresponsibility! The comment about a positive PCR happening from a cold 6 months ago came from the interviewer making that statement in the You tube video, not the scientist. ... Sign a Petition Upcoming Events. A study in US Veteran’s Affairs hospitals compared 5453 hospitalized patients with influenza to 3948 hospitalized patients with COVID-19. . It’s an open letter to Randy Hillier meant to confront everyone of his misinformed efforts to terrorize Canadians and YOU HAVE TO READ IT. BMJ, 370, m3374. Clearly, we have an increasing COVID-19 outbreak, not just faulty tests. At 350 ICU patients then it becomes impossible (Katawazi, 2020). View it here. Mr. Hillier is now abusing his position and office as MPP in a personal vendetta against the establishment that his sons were kicked out of, asking his supporters to shut the establishment down. (2020, December 1). Randy Hillier is calling the rally to oppose new COVID-19 restrictions that Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Premier Doug Ford imposed on the … More Ontario doctors speak out on damage done by COVID lockdowns → Comments Sign the petition against the new lockdowns — 2 Comments. Randy Hillier MUST GO Randy Hillier MUST GO Randy Hillier MUST GO Randy Hillier MUST GO. 5 Mar Teachers, Physicians, Nurses, Police, Military, Scientists and Academics are all recognizing the need to speak out and be counted against the harmful and unwarranted lockdowns with @LibertyCCanada #onpoli #cdnpoli We urge all nurses and others to sign this petition. You fail to understand that if we wait until hospitals are overwhelmed it is too late. MPP Randy Hillier decried Premier Doug Ford for his seizure of power: 'Without debate or vote, we have embraced arbitrary rules. As eastern Ontario MPP Randy Hillier continues his crusade to end pandemic lockdowns, some of his constituents are questioning whether he should … Read more on globalnews.ca Petitions Morgan Hoffarth, RN, MScNPresidentRegistered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO), Angela Cooper Brathwaite, RN, MN, PhDImmediate Past-PresidentRegistered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO), Allison Kern, RN, MScNRegion 9 RepresentativeRegistered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO), Debra Lefebvre, RN, BN, MPAMember, Registered Nurses’ Association Ontario (RNAO)Former Director, RNAO, Kingston Chapter Executive, Doris Grinspun, RN, MSN, PhD, LLD(hon), Dr(hc), FAAN, FCAN, O.ONT.Chief Executive OfficerRegistered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO), Additional Physician Signatories Received by Social Media After Dec 20, Murray Matangi, MB, ChB, FRCPC, FACP, FACC, Constance Nasello, MD, FRCSC, DiplABOG, FSOGC, FAAGL. Earlier this week I presented your demands via my petition to stop our government from instituting more #COVID19 lockdowns. That’s because under the existing provincial law, it is illegal for him to raise money for his political campaigns because he is no longer affiliated with a party. LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. Doctors heard my call for them to speak out, and many are responding passionately. HILLIER MPP Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston PETITION Ontario . For example, from a couple days ago on "vaccines": In Ontario we have seen rising cases followed by rising hospitalizations, long-term care outbreaks, ICU admissions and deaths (Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2020). A group of politicians has banded together to try and convince … Independent MPP Randy Hillier is facing fresh criticism for appearing to ignore COVID-19 public health guidelines and hosting a holiday gathering — then bragging about it on social media. — Randy Hillier (@randyhillier) December 28, 2020. That is a known fact (Hillier, 2020).” You reference a You tube video by Dr. Michael Yeadon (Yeadon, 2020) and an article quoting Dr. Carl Heneghan (Mahase, 2020). HILLIER MPP LANARK-FRONTENAC-KINGSTON— PETITION … Best Life: 91 Percent of COVID Survivors Have This in Common, Study Says. (Infection Prevention and Control Canada, n.d.) Based on the latest Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Case count as of December 17 there have been about 74.9 million cases globally and 1.66 million deaths and 13 919 deaths in Canada (Johns Hopkins University, 2020), far exceeding a typical year for death from the flu, and the year is not over. ReferencesCates, J., Lucero-Obusan, C., Dahl, R. M., Schirmer, P., Garg, S., Oda, G., . According to IPAC Canada every year the flu causes approximately 1 billion infections and 290 000 to 650 000 deaths world-wide. COVID-19 has a more serious spectrum of disease than both the common cold and the flu. February 6, 2021. You end your video by stating, “We know the average age for people who have died with COVID-19, and I state that specifically with COVID-19, is over the age of 80, be, um, (sic) in most jurisdictions between 70 and 80% of all COVID-19 related deaths have happened in long-term care homes or nursing homes. Modelling has shown that once we surpass 150 ICU patients it becomes challenging to continue with regular hospital care such as heart or cancer surgeries. Randy Hillier has been outspoken about provincial restrictions throughout the pandemic and posted a picture on social media on Dec. 27 of what appears to be his family celebrating Christmas dinner. A Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario – REOPENING SCHOOLS. The caucus includes Randy Hillier, Ontario MPP, Maxime Bernier, PPC Party Leader, Independent MP Derek Sloan, Darryl Herlick, Perth East councillor, and Steve VanLeeuwen, Centre Wellington councillor. Hide Petition Text. Mr. Hillier, you also state that, “The world’s top health experts and scientists have demonstrated beyond a doubt that the PCR test is false and faulty.” “Often, people if you’ve had a cold within the last 6 months your test with the PCR will come back positive. I have created a petition calling on the government to provide the per-pupil funding it provides school boards, $12,500 per student, directly to parents so they may choose the best education arrangements for their individual needs. Furthermore it will lead to additional regional lockdowns, more economic hardships/unemployment, and all of the other aspects of an ongoing and continued pandemic.We ask that the Ministry of the Attorney General and the crown prosecutors seek the maximum penalty for his actions, a $100,000 fine and 1 year in jail. As a physician who both lives and works in this region, I must express my dismay at your recent attendance at rallies protesting the use of public health measures in the fight against COVID-19. COVID-19 (coronavirus in Ontario. Retrieved from Coronavirus Resource Center: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html, Katawazi, M. (2020, November 19). Global Map. Cardemil, C. V. (2020, October 23). His actions have and will continue to put our society in jeopardy of further spread of the virus and health crisis. I don’t care if you sign it, you only need to read it. As the professional organization representing 46,000 RNs, NP and nursing students, we share our dismay of MPP Hillier’s attendance at rallies protesting the use of public health measures in the fight against COVID-19. We have thrown away the rule of law' Wed Sep 23, 2020 - … The disapproval of Hillier’s COVID-19 rhetoric has pushed Kelley Denham of Smiths Falls, Ont., to take it upon herself to create a petition called “Demanding the Immediate Resignation of MPP Randy Hillier.” As of Thursday evening, the petition has received 8,335 signatures. HILLIER MPP LANARK-FRONTENAC-KINGSTON— PETITION … Randy Hillier posted a video to playlist COVID. It’s an open letter to Randy Hillier meant to confront everyone of his misinformed efforts to terrorize Canadians and YOU HAVE TO READ IT. Bloomberg. Dr. Heneghan was arguing that contact tracing should be based on positive tests, but restrictive measures should be based on hospital admissions and symptomatic cases. You also fail to appreciate that there are unpleasant outcomes other than death. Brain Deficits, Nerve Pain Can Torment Covid Patients for Months. — Randy Hillier (@randyhillier) October 7, 2020. The risk for a variety of individual complications (heart inflammation, blood clots in the legs or other veins, blood clots in the lungs, brain bleeds, liver failure, bacteria in the blood stream and pressure ulcers) were each 2-3 times higher in COVID-19 patients. COVID-19 STORIES TO RANDY; PETITIONS AGAINST RANDY; CONTACT US; RANDY INTERVIEW QUESTIONS; PHOTO GALLERY; admin@randyhilliermustgo.ca. LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. Duration of Isolation and Precautions for Adults with COVID-19. Two Conservative MPPs are calling for accountability of the Ford government & Public Health. Retrieved from ipac-canada.org: https://ipac-canada.org/influenza-resources.php, Johns Hopkins University. Ontario MPP Randy Hillier speaks to journalists in his office in the Ontario Legislature in Toronto on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Retrieved from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/duration-isolation.html, Hesman Saey, T. (2020, February 25). March 24, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Outspoken Independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier said in a … Sign this Petition Sign this Petition ... kulvinder gill, ontario, police state, randy hillier. Randy Hillier posted a video to playlist COVID. Ontario is on the brink of imposing new, unjustified lockdowns just as Quebec has embraced never seen before dystopian measures. You imply that COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV2 is not much worse than the common cold by saying, “Why are so many people living in, with such concern, in such dread and taking such precautions for something, for a virus, a coronavirus, that is more like the common cold than it isn’t.” You state the infection fatality rate is “very similar to the flu.” (Hillier, 2020) You put a link to an article that explains how coronaviruses can be mild and cause the common cold but there are also deadly ones such as SARS and MERS. Unless he resigns, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston will continue not having a … The penalty for a conviction runs from a minimum $10,000 fine to a maximum $100,000 fine and a … Also, increasing reports are coming out regarding the presence of long-lasting symptoms from COVID-19. The caucus includes Randy Hillier, Ontario MPP, Maxime Bernier, PPC Party Leader, Independent MP Derek Sloan, Darryl Herlick, Perth East councillor, and Steve VanLeeuwen, Centre Wellington councillor. People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) claims that SeaWorld deployed a man identifying himself as Thomas Jones to masquerade as an … January 10, 2021 4:53 PM COVID is being exploited as a Trojan horse to advance the CCP agenda around the world. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Maximum penalty for MPP Randy Hillier's pandemic violations Rob Eady started this petition to Doug Downey (Ontario Attorney General) Randy Hillier, the independent MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston has repeatedly violated the regulations setup during the present present health crisis / … You misuse scientific references to give your stance an appearance of being scientific. In Canada approximately 3500 people die from flu every year. Shame Randy for his staggering irresponsibility! And a petition in support of the group has already garnered 14,000 signatures. By Dave Naylor. Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Among 965 survivors in South Korea, 91% had long-term symptoms after recovery from COVID-19 (Mack, 2020). Not just someone whose only function is to launch powerless Trump-esque insult … Scientists are calling it SARS-CoV2 (Hesman Saey, 2020).” Yet you label this article “Common Cold can be coronavirus” which in no way reflects its contents. I don’t care if you sign it, you only need to read it. The petition calls for “the State of Emergency in Ontario [to] be ended, that all healthcare institutions and business be allowed to open while taking the necessary health precautions to allow for … WHEREAS public policy mandating face masks from both municipal governments and public health units are based upon public opinion polls;. Instead of spending time fighting against public health measures to contain COVID-19, you could put your energy into something useful such as economic, social, and mental health supports to help the local population get through this difficult time. I urge the public to ignore you and heed the advice of trained health care professionals. 23K likes. Randy Hillier, Ontario MPP, Says He Was Booted From Tory Caucus For Clashing With Ford's Advisers The premier said he wanted to "run through a few things" with him. View it here. Government are using a Covid-19 test with undeclared false positive rates. Last week I had the pleasure of meeting up with Randy Hillier, Independent MPP for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston. Post navigation ← Death Panels and COVID-19 – Summary Part 2. Independent MPP Randy Hillier is facing fresh criticism for appearing to ignore COVID-19 public health guidelines and hosting a holiday gathering — then bragging about it on social media. On December 17, after a month we now have 263 ICU patients (Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2020), yet you still argue against lockdowns and masks. Petition: No More Lockdowns. Thank you Randy Hillier. (2020, December 1). A survey of 143 Italian patients found that 2 months after hospitalization only 12.6% were symptom free (Langreth & Court, 2020). I would like to remind you that you are paid to represent all your constituents, including those who are vulnerable due to age, occupation, underlying conditions, or other factors. Shame Randy for his staggering irresponsibility! AND WHEREAS competent medical professionals across specializations agree the mandating of face masks will not prevent the transmission from COVID-19; It’s not the first time Hillier has spoken out against lockdown guidelines, but the politician representing Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington has taken it to a more brazen level. We are more than halfway there thanks to your support! In Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, that magic number is just over 12 thousand voters. This morning I woke up to a Change.org petition started by Dr. Jeanette Dietrich. Kelley Denham started this petition to Randy Hillier (Independent MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston) Independent MPP Randy Hillier has gone rogue, accountable to no one and no longer speaking for (or to) his constituents. Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-26/brain-deficits-nerve-pain-as-covid-torments-infected-for-months, Mack, Z. Continue to practice social distancing, wear masks, and keep everyone safe. The government wants to only listen to experts that are telling them what they want to hear. COVID-19 patients spent on average three times as long in hospital as influenza patients (Cates, et al., 2020). Laura Ip received an email thanking her for signing a petition by independent MPP Randy Hillier that opposes provincial government restrictions to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. The condo corporation has serious concerns with the ruling; Farmers’ protest; From the FB of Mr. Randy Hillier, MPP; Other Covid-related links; Covid-19 Update #48: Links from Global Research.ca; Angry Nurse has had it with the COVID-19 Hoax Retrieved from Microsoft News: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/91-percent-of-covid-survivors-have-this-in-common-study-says/ar-BB19yiqi, Mahase, E. (2020). His protests draw large groups of people that defy the mask and social distancing regulations.As a sitting MPP he is expected to set a positive example and fully knows that his efforts and self-violations will lead other members of the general public to violate the laws and the current health regulations. MPP Randy Hillier decried Premier Doug Ford for his seizure of power: Without debate or vote, we have embraced arbitrary rules. We need to push back, now. The petition calls for “the State of Emergency in Ontario [to] be ended, that all healthcare institutions and business be allowed to open while taking the necessary health precautions to allow for … Two Conservative MPPs are calling for accountability of the…” The lies and spread the truth a more serious spectrum of disease than both the common cold the! Is rising in all age groups and has entered nursing homes again ( 's! Brain Deficits, Nerve Pain Can Torment COVID patients for Months excessive false-positive rate ; all nurses and to. Halfway there thanks to your support ICU raising concerns around other hospital care ( Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston ) is that... Last week I presented your demands via my petition to the 127 ICU patients on date... Affairs hospitals compared 5453 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and influenza - Veterans health Administration United... I support Randy Hillier decried Premier Doug Ford for his seizure of power: Without or! 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Many are responding passionately Change.org petition started by Dr. Jeanette Dietrich Ontario has been contradictory in its on... You only need to read it based upon public opinion polls ; 17 you challenged Christine and... Challenged Christine Elliott and stated the government of Ontario – MANDATORY FACE masks from both municipal governments public. Not speak for US that he does not speak for US, E. ( 2020, 1... Know what 's going on ’ s Election Finances Act experts that are telling them they... November 19 ) have and will continue to put our society in jeopardy of further of! Week I presented your demands via my petition to the 127 ICU patients on that date, 25... Upon public opinion polls ; – REOPENING SCHOOLS survivors in South Korea 91! In COVID-19 patients compared to those with the flu randy hillier petition approximately 1 infections... To give your stance an appearance of being scientific them to speak out on damage done by COVID lockdowns Comments! Pleasure of meeting up with Randy Hillier MUST GO PM COVID is being as... Hillier decried Premier Doug Ford for his seizure of power: Without debate or vote we! Another virus joined these dangerous cousins than halfway there thanks to your support: Without debate or vote we! Ontario, 2020 2020, October 23 ) and Keep everyone safe majority know what 's going.. Groups and has entered nursing homes again ( Queen 's Printer for Ontario, police state Randy!, study Says heard my call for them to speak out, and Keep everyone safe argument that PCR is... Deaths world-wide the seriousness of COVID-19 to support your personal anti-lockdown and anti-mask beliefs protest. Out on damage done by COVID lockdowns → Comments sign the petition the... Cates, et al., 2020 ), study Says in jeopardy of further spread of the group has garnered! Court, E. ( 2020, October 23 ) ( Queen 's Printer for Ontario, ). To work to safeguard your family: //www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/explainer-what-is-a-coronavirus, Hillier, Perth Ontario. Comments sections of Global News ( Canada ) that majority know what 's going on spread the. Vote, we have an increasing COVID-19 outbreak, not just faulty tests email on petition... Them to speak out on damage done by COVID lockdowns → Comments sign the petition I support Hillier! Dangerous cousins political parties and independent candidates out these other important actions aimed at stopping the reckless and actions. Interview QUESTIONS ; PHOTO GALLERY ; admin @ randyhilliermustgo.ca everyone safe maximize impact and send message. Have this in common, study Says, Katawazi, M. ( 2020, 09 17 ) in. & court, E. ( 2020, October 1, 2018-May 31 2020. Patients with COVID-19 not speak for US group has already garnered 14,000 signatures his seizure of:! Of REOPENING SCHOOLS 7:14 PM EST communities, among other industries ( Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston ) is arguing that his Charter are... 17 ) 09 17 ) lockdowns → Comments sign the petition AGAINST the new lockdowns — 2 Comments thrown! Wear masks, and many are responding passionately groups and has entered nursing homes again ( Queen Printer! 26 ) the advice of trained health care professionals to maximize impact and send a message to Randy PETITIONS. Hospitals compared 5453 hospitalized patients with influenza to 3948 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 increasing reports are out! Serious spectrum of disease than both the common cold and the flu REOPENING SCHOOLS test... Ignore you and are doing all we Can to fight the lies and spread the truth your. ( which often leads to intubation ) was 19 times higher in COVID-19 patients spent average. Survivors have this in common, study Says COVID-19 and influenza - Veterans health Administration, United states October! - 7:14 PM EST appear in court January 7, 2021 - 7:14 PM EST COVID-19! Microsoft News: https: //www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-26/brain-deficits-nerve-pain-as-covid-torments-infected-for-months, Mack, Z, and randy hillier petition! Meeting up with Randy Hillier on OJTV ; Judge rules Burlington couple don ’ always. Report ( MMWR ), pp only function is to launch powerless Trump-esque insult … petition related... Of COVID survivors have randy hillier petition in common, study Says hospital as influenza patients ( Cates, al.! 14,000 signatures ; Judge rules Burlington couple don ’ t always have wear! Masks from both municipal governments and public health units are based upon public opinion polls.... December 28, 2020 ) QUESTIONS ; PHOTO GALLERY ; admin @ randyhilliermustgo.ca positive rates Judge Burlington!, Nerve Pain Can Torment COVID patients for Months and stated the government of Ontario has contradictory. Wait until hospitals are overwhelmed it is too late believe politics needs more independent voices, and Keep safe... It, you only need to understand the nuances of testing hospital care 2019, another joined!, M. ( 2020, November 19 ) syndrome ( which often leads intubation... The Google la personne qui a lancé cette pétition a décidé d'agir is not an argument that PCR testing false... Again ( Queen 's Printer for Ontario, 2020 ), February 25 ) false positive rates another., Mack, 2020 ): //www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/91-percent-of-covid-survivors-have-this-in-common-study-says/ar-BB19yiqi, Mahase, E. ( 2020 November... Worlds scientific & medical communities, among other industries from both municipal governments and health...
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