To answer your question Ali would have been able to continue. And by reaching into it to pull out stuffing, he made the split that much worse. First two rounds he is outright outboxing Ali and beating him up. It would of been good on both fighters if they had a rematch ,but it would of not changed coopers career if he had won because ali wasnt a … Reunited: Henry Cooper and Muhammad Ali remained friends long after their two heavyweight fights Inevitably, talk turned to what may or may not have transpired in the young Clay’s corner that night. Clay TKO Well we all know about the KD and the legend of the cutting off the gloves but Cooper probably doesnt really get the credit he deserves for this fight cause he really goes to war and puts it on Ali. He cut to easily, his defense was suspect (to say the least..) ... i do no longer think Henry Cooper replaced into robbed against Ali, by way of fact even nonetheless Dundee did open up the glove it purely bought Ali some greater desirable seconds relax. Boxing memorabilia signed by Sir Henry Cooper - one of British sport's most popular and charismatic personalities of the past century and even today. Plus a delay would be more likely to help Cooper than Ali, since Cooper was the older fighter, was being beaten, and was tiring. This is one of the biggest myths in boxing which - with all due respect to the late British champion - was perpetuated by Henry Cooper, who dined out on it for decades after the fight. Indeed, Ali came out after the bell and landed a flurry of punches to Cooper… After Clay was knocked down at the end of the 4th round, it was rumored that Angelo Dundee, in Clay's corner, cut his glove so that it had to be repaired, or replaced, to give Clay time to recover from the knockdown. Muhammed Ali vs Henry Cooper - Was Henry Cooper robbed? The delay as Ali's gloves were replaced is believed to have given him enough time to recover from Cooper's left hook. 1. Cooper 2. Cooper 3. Cooper 4. Cooper 10-8 5. ... Dundee pulled on a cut in the glove of Ali and then needed time to get new gloves. He had a minute to rest and was fine the rest of the fight. But then of course when it was strategically advantageous after the knockdown, he did call the referee’s attention to Ali’s split glove. A replacement pair of gloves were fetched from the dressing room and, in the fifth round, a rejuvenated Clay set to work on slicing up Cooper’s already bloodied face; a heavily bleeding cut over his left eye left Cooper unable to see properly and the contest was stopped, with Clay winning by technical knockout. No. Ali would of recovered and won by stopping cooper,cooper would of been to cut up by alis punches,cooper was known for his easy cuts. Well, the BBC replayed the radio broadcast to determine how much time elapsed between each round. Keep in mind it was the younger Ali who was dropped by Sonny Banks and Henry Cooper; who gave away rounds to Doug Jones and Billy Daniels; who panicked and asked Angelo Dundee to cut off his gloves in his first match with Sonny Liston; and, despite dominating, just could not drop Ernie Terrell or Floyd Patterson. I heard a report on BBC radio last night about this famous incident. Ali had a minute to recover and Dundee gave him more time. Cassius Clay vs Henry Cooper 1.....Torn Glove Controversy I keep reading wankers claiming that Ali received 1 or even 2 extra minutes in between rounds 4 and 5 after he got Knocked Down by Cooper.

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