This essay is a contribution to the question whether grounded theory methodology (in the variant of STRAUSS & CORBIN) contains an abductive research logic as developed in the work of Charles Sanders PEIRCE. However, abduction has been largely neglected by nurse scholars. Then, as data is created, collected, and repeated, certain elements and concepts become apparent. Grounded theory involves the application of inductive reasoning.The methodology contrasts with the hypothetico-deductive model … Grounded theory relies on a question being asked so that data can be collected. Abduction, deduction and induction describe forms of reasoning. 167-186. Abductive analysis then brings methodology and practice closer together. In: The SAGE Handbook of Current Developments in Grounded Theory . The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Abductive Analysis and Grounded Theory. Chapter 26 | Abductive Analysis and Grounded Theory Previous Next. Download PDF . Answer: We are obviously deeply indebted to grounded theory and, in fact, marshall some of the traditional methodological heuristics of grounded theory in our approach. In this paper it is proposed that abduction may play a part in qualitative data analysis - specifically, i … Grounded theory aims to discover problems in a given business environment and how parties involve handle these problems. The article will focus both on stages of the coding process—that could be considered the core of the overall process of … With regard to the logical arguments used in GT approach, Glaser and Strauss did not explicitly refer to abductive reasoning, although The Discovery of Grounded Theory ‘‘contains many considerations that point to an abductive reasoning’’ (Reicherz 2007, p. 226). These elements and concepts are then coded and … Theory Construction in Qualitative Research: From Grounded Theory to Abductive Analysis Grounded theory has become a leading approach promising the construction of novel theories. Iddo … In 1967 two sociologists, Barney Glazer and Anselm Strauss introduced grounded theory as a systematic, iterative, constant comparative method of data analysis for the purpose of sociological theory construction. Abductive reasoning is to abduce (or take away) a logical assumption, explanation, inference, conclusion, hypothesis, or best guess from an observation or set of observations. Question: How is your approach different from grounded theory? After going through the works of STRAUSS and CORBIN I answer the question with a resounding yes. Sections . ... Abductive reasoning . Stefan Timmermans and Iddo Tavory, 2012, “Theory Construction in Qualitative Research: From Grounded Theory to Abductive Analysis.” Sociological Theory, Vol. Show page numbers . Grounded theory is a systematic methodology that has been largely, but not exclusively, applied to qualitative research conducted by social scientists.The methodology involves the construction of hypotheses and theories through the collecting and analysis of data. Search form. 30 (3), pp. This article aims to contribute to the analysis of the logical arguments in Grounded Theory (GT), both in the version of Glaser (Basics of Grounded Theory analysis: emergence versus forcing, 1992) and of Strauss and Corbin (Basics of qualitative research, 1990). Grounded theory aims to formulate, test and reformulate prepositions until a theory is developed. Return to Article Details Abduction: The Logic of Discovery of Grounded Theory Abduction: The Logic of Discovery of Grounded Theory I ddo Tavory and Stefan Timmermans, 2010, "Two Cases of Ethnography: Grounded Theory … Deduction and induction are discussed in the nursing literature. But it does not only contain the logic of abductive reasoning but also that of … It can also begin if qualitative data exists. Handbook. Allows inferringa as an explanation of b.
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