He therefore bears as much responsibility for such evils as that other creature of Christian mythology, the devil.Beware of such beliefs! It seems to me that a morality based on belief in a divine command theory of ethics, that one must do what God says one should do because that is definitive of what is good and disobedience is evil, is a very primitive morality. Even though we are guilty and deserve to die, God still loves us. What, then, of those who have lived in times or places in which the name of Jesus is unknown or ill-understood? . Moreover, Dr. Craig takes it to be one that is populated solely by believers who freely acknowledge Christ. So all of his arguments based on P and P 1-5, it seems to me are simply wrong; they're logically fallacious.

God has selected some short and long faithful men and women from the earth to go to heaven. But people who would freely reject God's every effort to save them shouldn't be allowed to have some sort of veto power over what worlds God is free to create. All this talk about what God can and cannot do can easily trap us into accepting the underlying presupposition that a God actually exists.

In my view, there's as little reason to believe in the existence of any God as there is to believe in Santa or the Tooth Fairy. Do we just take that metaphorically? Jesus died in our place.

Yet the God of the Old Testament is so very different from the God of the New Testament. - …

We can't judge them. The verse goes on to say they shall suffer "exclusion from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might." The Bible says that "All persons are under the power of sin. His desire is that everyone be saved, and He pleads with people to come to Him. "But now the logical inconsistency between (1) and (2) becomes obvious on several scores all at once. For since (5) merely asserts a logical possibility, it is one of those propositions which, if true, is necessarily true. Needless to say, this principle applies just as much when describing God as it does when describing Hitler. There's nothing more thereafter. And I said, "How could this be true?"

In order to receive forgiveness, we need to place our trust in Christ as our Savior and the Lord of our lives. We will now turn things over to Dr. Bradley for his opening remarks.

the grounds of morality if one were not to believe in God. How can God condemn people who through no fault of their own never had the opportunity to receive Christ as their Savior? That would have to be looked at in much greater detail on a case by case basis. Now while I'm not of this opinion myself, it does represent one way in which you could blunt the force of this objection. Secondly--this did not come out the debate--but I personally don't see any reason to affirm that people have free will to sin in heaven. A just being wouldn't punish someone eternally for the sins committed during a brief lifetime but would proportion the punishment to the offense.P3. Dr Craig is commendably firm on this. And that's really the essence of what hell is. For Christ has died for those sins. But that is not the reason for which He created them.

After all, there is no But what are these assumptions? Here's our problem of inconsistency. Let's look first at God's justice. That is to say, in technical terms, heaven is a possible world. A person's salvation or damnation thus appears to be the result of historical and geographical accident, which is incompatible with an all-loving God.This objection is, however, fallacious, because it assumes that those who have never heard about Christ are judged on the same basis as those who have. On a quick count I found 20 or so passages in the gospel of Matthew alone in which Jesus threatens unbelievers with what he calls fiery hell, that is, with eternal punishment, in an eternal fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.What should Christians say about such passages? He is totally fair. God's being all-loving implies that in any world He creates He desires and strives for the salvation of every person in that world. .

What does objectivity mean with respect to morality? But I want you to know as long as it is in the Bible it needs to be preached. Are we then to suppose that a loving God will send to hell all those who can't believe either because they have never heard or because, like me, they have heard but still find it impossible to believe?Once more, Dr. Craig bites the bullet. Why did God have to create just this subset of possible individuals with free will? In order to explain this, let me lay out for you the Christian teaching on God and hell. If we don't need to have free will in heaven, why the hell, might I ask, do we need it here on this earth? But is the objection itself persuasive?

People just don't My spiritual journey is different than Dr. Bradley's.