as in the below photo. Solution: A dog will bark at anything it sees or hears. More than ANY mammal in north america... 4 FouR sharp pointy k9~fangs w\TeN"10 upper incisors" No other mammal in North America has more than 6! We normally don't have a problem with it. (Or fleas, etc.) If you live in a green area you probably have a few wild “guests” in your yard every now and then, including possums. These are the more rare instances where you may have an issue with your dog or cat thing attacked by a possum. Such reasons make it possible for the possum to be a host for rabies.

In this case, it is a matter of self-defence. ! In the case, you notice If your dog is up to date with their shots, there should be nothing to worry about. However, this does not mean they will get all of them and that the spreading of parasites is not a concern.

The real threat your dog faces from an opossum bite wound is the chance of infection. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Your first priority should be to check if your dog is hurt or bleeding because sometimes possums can fight back even against large breed dogs.

Now imagine it were your cat or dog up against this creature. The farmer was trying to warn you to keep your dog away or risk him being killed. Email us at - Humane Wildlife Control Advice - Wild Animal Education I have had SEVERAL first hand encounters with possums and the most common response is hissing or growling. The good news is that your dog faces almost no rabies risk due to an opossum bite. For one thing, your dog should be vaccinated against rabies. © Copyright 2003-2020 by AAAnimal Control. George and Gavin’s story is the perfect example of what you should do if your dog attacks a possum. If the rabies test is possible, the possum will be tested and you should have the results shortly.Unfortunately, if the possum turns out infected, keep in mind thatIf, as it usually happens, the possum turns out clean, consider your dog a very lucky one andThis defense mechanism is so engraved in their DNA, that it’s not a voluntary action. An uncleaned, untreated bite wound can contain plenty of dirt and bacteria. Possums can look threatening. You should be aware that certain harmful bacteria and viruses, rabies included, may be contained in saliva hiding in your dog’s coat. Problem: Will an opossum attack … Just as with humans, possums would do what they can to avoid a confrontation with any pets such as dogs or cats in your house. They do not ONLY play dead or attack. Possums are from Australia. If your dog decided to have a tussle with the badger your dog would lose I'm afraid, they are very mean animals, quite dangerous. The rabies vaccine protects your dog from the disease and is legally required in many areas of the country. Father dog attacks puppy and leaves him with broken ribs internal bleeding damaged organs @dev_naz ... Our dogs got a hold of a possum on the fence. So if your dog messes with a possum, and the possum doesn't play dead, it might bite back. If your dog or any other pet decides to interfere with the activity and freedom of a possum, and if the possum doesn’t choose to play dead, it could bite back. Depending on the dog, this may not always be easy because Being possums nocturnal animals, it will be fairly easy to keep them and other wildlife out of your yard. It will be enough to If you’ve seen animals around your garbage bins, you can make a 50:50 solution of ammonia and water and spray it around the area you want the animals to keep away from.If there’s a chance your dog has come in contact with an animal affected by rabies, A dog with rabies will be almost unrecognizable, as most of them haveIf any of these symptoms show up, you’re obligated to report it to your veterinarian. Despite this, you’re still not going to want to get too close. Infection. PoSSuMS have FiFTY 50→ TeeTH! This will also prevent the dog from injuring or killing an opossum. There is generally not a threat of rabies when a possum attacks a cat, dog or human, and it is actually quite rare for diseases to be passed on to humans. An uncleaned, untreated bite wound can contain plenty of dirt and bacteria. If escape is not possible then the threatened opossum may “play 'possum”, show its teeth, or bite in self-defense, as any animal would. The odds of a healthy, vaccinated dog getting rabies from an opossum bite are next to none. Cats are also very clean animals and they can also be tick and flea carriers. I heard a news story about them and a disease that their fleas carry.