In Christian mythology, the demon Belphegor is depicted as a horned bearded demon with sharp nails and a mouth that is always open, that sits on a toilet throne. Also, before using the toilet, people had to make their presence known by coughing because Kawaya no Kami was said to have the form of a blind man hiding at the bottom of the toilet clutching a spear.
][Note: According to the text, this would make for 176,000 slain as a result of the blasphemy, bringing the number of dead to an even 200,000. The toilet is clogged: If you have a clogged toilet, turn off the water supply valve as soon as you notice the toilet is not flushing properly. A 13th century English church, notoriously ‘the demon church’, is being defended by the Church of England who assure historic prayers will stop black magic rituals being performed inside. about 13th Century ‘Demon Church’ Attacked With Satanic Black Magic Rituals about Mesopotamian ‘Demon of Epilepsy’ Discovered on 2700-Year-Old Tablet about Experts Map Cave Full of Witches’ Marks Used to Counter Evil about Beware the Wandering Wombs of Hysterical Women about Magic and Mayhem of Japanese Legend: Don’t Try To Out-Trick A Tengu! Please read ALL Laird Barron stories before reporting back here. In the semitic languages of the 2nd and 1st millenium BCE, Ba’al was an honorific meaning “lord”, and it came to be applied to gods. Numbers cap 25 vv 1-8.By Philip De Vere (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia CommonsBelphegor is derived from the Hebrew בַּעַל-פְּעוֹר‎‎, or baʿal-pəʿōr. In the second part of this article, we will turn to the use Laird has made of the abomination of the Moab nation. This spirit is said to appear wearing a white mask and a red cloak. Witch and King’s Marks Carved into English TreesArchaeologists May Have Discovered the Birthplace of King Arthur: Legends Come to Life?The Real Story of the ‘Bearded God’ Named QuetzalcoatlThe Disturbing True Story of the Pied Piper of HamelinThe Real Story of Medusa: Protective Powers from a Snake-Haired GorgonBatman Existed in Mesoamerican Mythology and His Name Was Camazotz Dreams of Human-Powered Flight: The Myth of DaedalusDo you dare enter a fairy ring? Who were the Moabites? Idolatry with Baal-peor. Japanese mythology also speaks about Kawaya no Kami, the toilet god who was born from the excrement of the goddess Izanami. There are brief mentions of Chemosh, Peor, Moab, and Moloch in John Milton’s Truly, Ba'al Pe'or was rescued from the footnotes of Jewish Scripture and given a new life by the Christian demonologists seeking to populate Hell with the gods of rival cultures.
[Map of Old Testament Israel drawn from []What little we know of them comes mostly through Hebrew sources, a few Assyrian and Egyptian documents, and the Moabite Stone (see below). Rabbis believed that this demon could only be invoked while sitting on the toilet … The location of Mount Pe’or itself is uncertain. Learn about toilets in a number of fun and interesting topics: Explore a history timeline, learn about toilet mythologies, see a map of toilet taboos, and find out what's happening in the world to improve toilet access for everyone.

Nebo. Since the 13th century, a series of legends mentioning the mysterious Black Knights emerged. While plague doctors have been plying their trade since the Middle Ages, it was only after this period, during the 17th century, that they acquired their creepy trademark costume. 1818: Belphegor… I don’t find it surprising that people attached mythology to toilet areas as I imagine they were smelly places to be avoided until absolutely necessary. [Left: Mesha Stele. In Ancient Rome, Cloacina was the sewer goddess, Stercutius was the god of dung, and Crepitus was summoned when someone was constipated or had diarrhea. Popular in Japan and Korea, Aka-Manto is an evil spirit of the toilet. Another frightening version of the legend speaks of a giant lizard with three heads using the voice of a little girl to attract its prey. The potty commonly used to toilet-train human young is essentially a portable commode. There is no English translation of the book, to my knowledge, and the text is extremely relevant to our appreciation of Laird’s stories, so I’ve taken the liberty of translating the entries as best I could. He is the least dangerous of all the toilet gods and demons and he is said to have originated as a scare tactic for children to keep toilets clean. There are 90 mentions of Ba’al in the Hebrew Scriptures, made in reference to several different gods. Those who want to summon Hanako must knock three times on the stall door and ask whether or not she is in there. As early toilets were darker and more dangerous than present ones, Kawaya no Kami was said to provide protection to those using them. These are the tepuis (a Pemón...It is perhaps the greatest unsolved mystery of all time: Did the lost city of Atlantis actually exist? If the person tries to trick the spirit by saying another color, he or she will apparently get dragged to Hell through the toilet. Toilet Isn't Flushing Properly. What appear to the be the walls of a Dark Age palace have been found in the exact place, and...Oceania was the last region to be settled by humans and the last part of Oceania to be settled by humans was Polynesia.

Females are thought to find him very attractive. [Wikipedia]The book of Genesis gives an unflattering account of the origin of the Moabites. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. It makes frequent mention of Chemosh, much in the way a sports star might make frequent mention of God:It provides no details about the attributes of the deity or its worship. Because the person was alone in the restroom, he or she was vulnerable and this offered the demon the perfect occasion to attack. The Babylonian demon Sulak was also said to hide in the toilet.