Stimulates memory, clears the mind, and smells divine.Asperging means to sprinkle or bless your home, etc. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal. One would assume that more than one "master" sabotaged his wife's garden to assert his own authority!


There’s SO many ways to use rosemary and dozens of rosemary spells to cast for nearly any magical intention. Fibroids can … By piercing the food through the pointed tip of the stick, flesh naturally becomes saturated by the marinade, hence morphing the barbecue into something indescribably out of this world. It also tastes delicious sprinkled over potatoes and roasted in the oven! Leave a comment.

Salts like epsom salts and sea salt can also be used.

In Asia, rosemary is used as a medium for contacting the dead, so I guess it all depends on where you are to decipher the proper meaning of the herb.

Ingredients: 3 drops rosemary essential oil; 2 drops lemon essential oil You can also cleanse yourself by sweeping from your head to your feet with the rosemary besom.

If you grow and use just one herb, make it rosemary.

An old adage states that where Rosemary grows, the woman rules, as it was believed that Rosemary would only flourish in a garden where the lady of the house ruled the roost. Although you may not have noticed, rosemary does grow a small purple or white flower towards the end of wintertime and because of this, the herb has become associated with its own symbolic floral meaning. Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Eventually, it also became associated with the fidelity of lovers, and was presented to wedding guests as a gift. Stuff a healing poppet with dried rosemary to take advantage of its medicinal properties, or mix with juniper … Burn for purification rites. By using Learn Religions, you accept ourUse rosemary for purification and other magical needs.Make a Simple Magical Herb Bundle to Hang on Your DoorProjects to Celebrate Samhain, the Witches' New Year

But here’s a quick breakdown of rosemary magical properties: purification, all-heal, protection, love, lust, memory and mental clarity, aids sleep, and attracts elves.

with holy or blessed water.

In Asia, rosemary is used as a medium for contacting the dead, so I guess it all depends on where you are to decipher the proper meaning of the herb. I particularly love using rosemary with poultry dishes and in stews and sauces.

Sprinkle it around your candle or roll your candle in it. The majority of practicing herbalists also state that it can be helpful with ailments associated with backaches, memory loss and also especially stress. Bring it into divination sessions to increase psychic abilities and improve clarity.

Rosemary Baths. I genuinely believe nothing happens by accident, so by taking a closer look into our own mind and how we think, we may glean some insight into how our illnesses have come about.

Christian folklore says that rosemary will grow for 33 years, until it reaches the height Christ was when he died, and then it will grow no more. In other cultures, blanches are used to cover aisles in churches to wish a newlywed luck during their ceremony. Use your imagination and incorporate rosemary and its magical properties into your rituals and spells. Here I’ll explain rosemary magical properties and ways to use rosemary in your witchcraft (though there’s so many I don’t think I’d ever be able to list them all! The first important spiritual benefits of rosemary essential oil.

In spellwork, rosemary can be used as a substitute for other herbs such as frankincense.

One rosemary spell I always use involves a gigantic smudge bundle of it! In Spain, rosemary is dropped along the cathedral’s floor during Holy Week and in other parts of Europe; they are planted near tombs to honor the dead.

History and Folklore The word Rosmarinus is from the Latin meaning “dew of the sea”. Use this rosemary besom to cleanse your sacred space (altar, home, etc.). I burn rosemary instead of buying white sage. Interestingly, for an herb plant, rosemary is surprisingly hardy. Christina Gessler / Getty Images. As long as you don’t have an allergy to rosemary, it’s perfect in ritual baths.

Rosemary spiritual meaning.

If you live in a climate with harsh winters, dig up your rosemary each year, and then put it in a pot and bring it inside for the winter. If you like this blend, you can make a bigger batch by ensuring that there’s 40% rosemary, 20% ylang ylang, and 40% tea tree.