Boston fern, the standard Victorian parlor plant and a midcentury favorite, is also at home in a contemporary setting. If that’s what you’re looking for, one of the best choices is the versatile The fiddleleaf fig does best when it receives three to four hours of filtered sunlight a day. Keep the plant out of direct sunlight, intense heat and dry air. Chances are they’ll also thrive.On the other hand, trees and tall buildings may filter the light so it’s no longer bright, or may even block the light during a good portion of the day. ... Plants may span many zones, so please don’t feel limited to the outline here! Feed monthly while it’s growing. Despite its exotic look, it’s fairly easy to grow.Keep the soil evenly moist it is growing in the spring and summer, then cut back in late fall and winter. However, don’t be afraid to branch out and experiment with other plants as well. A weed can be any plant growing where you don't want it to, but there are some particularly weedy species to keep an eye out for. (Schefflera actinophylla and Schefflera arboricola)Let the plants dry out slightly, then water thoroughly and drain off any excess. These aggressive plants choke out the garden plants you've worked so hard to grow.

You can do this by applying about a quarter of the recommended dose weekly when the plant is growing, then cutting back to the same amount about once a month the rest of the year, generally late fall and winter. For these flowers, a western exposure can mean certain death. Good Flowers for East Exposure. Even if an eastern exposure means the sun does shine directly on the plants, it’s far less intense and for a far shorter period of time — and therefore less prone to burn them — than a southern or even western exposure.Whether you’re a novice at tending to houseplants or you’ve been keeping them alive for years, here are seven good choices for this prime location, as well as many others you may want to try. Certain plants produce flowers that fry in the heat that the sun gives off in the afternoon. Pinch off branches to shape.Classic fern. Some great foliage selections for east window plants include: Cast iron plant – The cast iron plant ( Aspidistra elatior ) is a great foliage houseplant that can tolerate quite a bit of neglect. It’s hard to go wrong if you start with a philodendron. Cut back in winter. If it still struggles, you may need to look for plants that do well in low light, such as those that thrive with a northern exposure.Taking care of houseplants is also fairly straightforward. Fertilize while they are growing, generally spring through fall, and pick off any yellow leaves. Water them thoroughly, draining off any excess so they don’t stand in water.

An indoor tree is a statement plant in any space. Those tight spaces (narrow walkways, against the side of the house, petite little borders) that need a little something that makes a style statement, but doesn’t become a maintenance nightmare by overgrowing the area. if a plant is leaning toward the light, getting leggy or struggling to grow, try moving it closer to the window. House plants, trees, flower plants, garden flowers and indoor plants are great for upgrading or accentuating your decor. A related plant, the New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri) can also be grown in the part shade found along north-facing walls. Butterfly palms can get large, but it will take them some time.Humidity lover. Whether you're planting your first-ever seeds or you're a gardening mogul, seeing your hard work go to waste when your plants die is not fun. Unfortunately, these house-hugging plantings frequently consist of stiff evergreen shrubs that do little for the house they adorn. We've put together a selection of easy-to-grow plants that can withstand almost any condition. It can be placed outside the house in summer and autumn, provided the temperature remains at above freezing. Plan for at least 1 foot of space between the house and any mature plant to allow room for maintenance.