Is our table large enough to seat our guests? When determining dining table size, consider the number of seats at the table, the clearance around the table and the room's proportions. Long, narrow dining areas need long, rectangular tables. My dining room is 12 ft x 13 ft with one end opening up into a sunroom/playroom (2 steps down) and the other end opening up into my front foyer. We were looking at one price range, but then we talked about all the other things we want including private school education for our kids, travel, and being able to extend kindness through giving. We enjoy our friends when they come to dine with us.I’ve given up on the “large table” dream and have put that energy into other things that really matter. Does our cooking and home really have to be perfect before we’ll invite others in? I’ve thought of some people eating in the dining room and some in the kitchen; my sister has done that before, but we all like to be together! we had a square table that could sit 4, but tightly fit 8. i realized that when friends hang out its either in the kitchen or dining area. I’ve been thinking lately about how to get out of our heads the thoughts and worries of “needing everything to be perfect” before we open our homes, and how to replace those thoughts and feelings with love and contentment.When will things be good enough?

Based in Albuquerque, Burch is a Feng Shui consultant and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner. our dining room doubles as the home to 6 bikes. Feasting on Life is real, and every time we do it, we grow a little more. It is an honor for us to know them more. I'm Sandy—lover of food, family, cooking, THE BIG BOARD, travel, and bringing people together. It is very difficult to enjoy all of your guests. I see people moving in to bigger homes that I would like to have, yet they still don’t share their homes with others.This is what I’ve learned, and quite honestly, I’ve had to learn it over and over again.I still think back to my first home with Paul, our square table that seated 4, and when I longed for a “real” dining room. The most important thing is … It was perfect. I take sitting in chairs balancing a plate over that any day.this is so incredibly good, so timely for me even just this week. The orange hue of the table is a little off but a nice light color would lighten up the feel of the table and you might even like it too. What is more important, square footage or experiences for our children and teaching them the value of generosity and giving? And then we moved.

thanks!i love this post, Sandy. You’re awesome Sandy!Very timely indeed, Sandy!

Using this guideline, a dining room 10-by-12-feet long accommodates a table 36 to 42 inches wide and 60 to 72 inches long.

Feasting on Life begins the moment we open our door (and hearts) to hospitality, wherever we are. It’ll make a great story later, too.I love this post. For family functions needing seating for 14-17, we MOVE THE TABLE AND ADD ANOTHER TABLE INTO THE LIVING ROOM which drives me nuts (not to mention nicks on my table from young men bumping into walls, but that’s OK cause it adds character and memories! we also have a kitchen island that seats 3. we felt that we didnt need two living rooms (one is downstairs) and the former living room was a waste of space since there is no tv. My table seats 6-8. Having bigger and more stuff is not what it’s all about…it’s about enjoying what you have and be grateful for that!

I'm looking at a new dining room table that measures 96" x 43" (8 ft by 3 1/2 ft). My husband and I share a small rowhouse with three roommates . I get SO nervous about having people over and I always stress about everything being perfect before they come. We’re just trying to embrace our current lack of space; we entertain a lot and it’s never caused someone to eat less or enjoy their time less!