First screenshot of an iceberg. As of Update 1.2, Ice … Blue ice can be obtained using any tool enchanted with Silk Touch, though a pickaxe is the fastest. It's only slightly faster than a top speed horse atmGoing every other block doesn't work in Bedrock. If I understand you correctly, you have a 3 block wide road made of blue ice slabs, with glass panes on the 1st/3rd blocks (leaving the middle lane clear)? It's so quick to harvest that three unbreaking iron pickaxes can harvest enough to make several full stacks of blue ice in an afternoon. Posted by. Not using Silk Touch tools creates a variant where the broken blocks might reform during play. log in sign up.

Sources. Serious amounts of ice available to be mined. u/Angadar. Once you've harvested all the blue ice, harvest and craft the packed ice you find there. And that may only be the exposed part of one iceberg. Am I missing something or was it super nerfed at some point?Hmm I have a packed ice road in the nether and I go 100 blocks or so in a few seconds. Eis. Obtaining. For some reason I didn't know ice slabs were a thing. However it’s not currently craftable in bedrock edition. So you can save half the materials.This only works for Java. Ice will melt in the Nether, but it will not release water. The glass is center Ed on the brick, so I'm sure you could use fences alsoWe were lacking ice biomes and deserts were plenty, so it was easier for us to make glass.If you really want to save on ice, you only need every other block. Packed Ice was a Block added in Update 0.9.0 for Minecraft.It bears a resemblance to normal Ice and has similar qualities.. I’ll check the tracker later.I don't think it's a bug, they just haven't implemented it for some reason.Blue ice is 9 packed ice. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. 1 year ago. Blue ice can be found on icebergs. ( I use stairs on either side) I'm not 100% sure but I think you can get away with skipping a block on Java but not Bedrock.Blue ice can be slower as the chunk loading isn't fast enough in any version of the game and so you have to wait.It's not even going fast enough to notice a chunk loading that's what I mean.

Drops: Keine Mit Behutsamkeit: Sich selbst ID-Name: ice Dieser Artikel behandelt das Eis. In Bedrock Edition, there is a rare chance of a icecap to generate with only blue ice and snow. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche. Try having all ice and a 3-wide space. Is there a better way to solve these issues than making the side walls ice as well and using something like trapdoor to manipulate the ceiling height and prevent spawns?Our highway uses slab ICE slab, and then glass panes above the slab. Even in Java Edition these blocks are annoying to craft, but at least it’s possible.Blue ice is craftable, packed ice not.

An ice farm can be used to renew packed ice and blue ice blocks, by using the following crafting recipes: Ingredients Crafting recipe Description Ice: Packed Ice: Spleef . User account menu. Exactly what I was looking for. In Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, blue ice emits a light level of 1. Close. Gallery . I would test in creative. An aerial view of a frozen ocean with icebergs. Kategorie: Baumaterial . I decided to make an ice boat road from base to my end portal as the you have to negotiate a fortress if you take the nether route.I just made an ice track with 1 block of blue Ice every other block. Bedrock Exclusive: When a Carpet is placed on Ice and the Player drops an Item onto the Ice, it will still slide on top of the carpet above the ice. ( I use stairs on either side) I'm not 100% sure but I think you can get away with skipping a block on Java but not Bedrock. Aus Minecraft Wiki. 3. Blue ice is a block similar to packed ice, except for its darker shade of blue, and more slippery surface.

The rest can be air or non full blocks. 3. Ice will melt in the Nether, but it will not release water. What's the best configuration for nether ice roads on bedrock (including spawn prevention)?I attempted a 3 block wide tunnel with packed ice in the center block and stone slabs on the sides. But you can’t put anything in between, not so much as a price of string, oddly.I had an issue while making a nether highway recently on our Xbox realm where you'd get to a certain point and the nether would be unrendered as far as the eye could see. A large ice farm can double as a self-resetting spleef arena. Maybe check the bugtracker?I tried it last night and it didn’t work, and then I checked the wiki and the crafting recipes are labeled Java Edition only. r/Minecraft: Minecraft community on reddit. If I understand you correctly, you have a 3 block wide road made of blue ice slabs, with glass panes on the 1st/3rd blocks (leaving the middle lane clear)?If you haven't thought about spawn proofing it sounds like worrying about that may just be overthinking it.You shouldnt suffocate in a slab but try glass so if u do get out early you dont suffocateWe found that if you mine 3 wide, have ice in the middle and no blocks on the sides, and glass along the sides you can get away with the single row of ice. Usage. Is there a reason Blue Ice and Packed Ice are not renewable in Bedrock Edition? Bedrock Exclusive: When a Carpet is placed on Ice and the Player drops an Item onto the Ice, it will still slide on top of the carpet above the ice. History . Fill the gaps with packed ice.Yep like he said skiping does not work and mind the adjacent block as well.I suggest putting a soulsand block at the end or you will go flying ( with all blue ice i do 300 bloc in 4 sec )New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castMinecraft platform expansion community - For all things bedrock codebase.Press J to jump to the feed. It can also be crafted by combining 9 packed ice in a crafting table (see below). Breaking the block without Silk Touchdrops nothing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . On Bedrock, having every other block as air will slow you down, and it's even worse if you use nonfull blocks.Ah okay then thank you, i'm guessing if you put full blocks then it will slow you down too much?Pretty late to the conversation, but it came up in Google...Mount an overworld expedition to a frozen ocean then travel back via the nether with newly harvested blue ice which generates naturally in icebergs.Once you've harvested all the blue ice, harvest and craft the packed ice you find there.