It is a door alignment issue. Signs of a leaking gasket include a deformed shape, mold and moisture on the gasket and brittle cracks in the gasket’s folds. Lubricate the side of the gasket on the hinge side of the door with a thin film of petroleum jelly to prevent gasket drag when the door opens.Herb Kirchhoff has more than three decades of hands-on experience as an avid garden hobbyist and home handyman. Repeat on each side of the door panel.Close the refrigerator door to check for proper fit. Allow to cool. Simply loosening the screws at the bottom on the hinge side and raising it a bit down there fixed it.Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! Start here for a quick overview of the site Learn more about Stack Overflow the company The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Fit the new gasket behind the retainer at the top hinge-side corner and continue working the lip of the new gasket behind the metal retainer. Most refrigerator doors are rectangles, so make sure a short side of the gasket is at the top. Finally, reduce the freezer gasket drag by applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly only along the hinge side of the gasket. Thanks Loosen but don’t remove the hex head screws around the perimeter of the door with the nut driver or screwdriver. The most common way that warm air gets into a freezer is through a bad door seal or gasket. Close the door and pull out the paper. Detailed answers to any questions you might have

The gasket is the rubbery strip that seals the space around the edge of the door to keep warm air out of the refrigerator. If the door warped during the repair, grip the top and bottom corners on the side opposite the hinge side and push and pull on the corners until the door aligns with the jamb on the refrigerator body. Clean the refrigerator door gaskets with warm, soapy water and a soft cloth. One way to tell if a seal is bad is the paper test. Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer Since retiring from the news business in 2008, Kirchhoff takes care of a 12-acre rural Michigan lakefront property and applies his experience to his vegetable and flower gardens and home repair and renovation projects. If it falls out, it's definitely time for a new gasket. Discuss the workings and policies of this site Pull the old gasket out from behind the retainer and discard it.Lay the new gasket in warm water for 5 minutes to make it more pliable. The retainer is held in place by hex head screws, Phillips head screws or slotted screws. If you want to confirm the need for a door seal, try the dollar bill test. Open the freezer door and insert the paper between the gasket and the door frame. A new, tight-sealing door gasket will let your fridge run more efficiently, which will save you money through reduced energy usage.Repair a deformed but otherwise sound gasket corner or gasket section by wiping off any dirt or mold from the surfaces and folds. How to prevent frost build up in the freezer. Simply loosening the screws at the bottom on the hinge side and raising it a bit down there fixed it. Reinstall and tighten the screws.

Condensation or mold on the gasket of your refrigerator door means it's time for a new door seal -- an exceptionally easy repair. If this repair doesn’t restore the gasket, you will have to replace it.Remove the old deteriorated door gasket by pulling back and lifting the inside flange of the door gasket to expose the metal door gasket retainer. There is a noticeable gap between the door gasket and the frame of the fridge. Working in the center bottom of the door, finish installing the gasket. It only takes a minute to sign up.Nobody has been leaning on the door but there is now a 1/4 inch gap towards the bottom (beginning about halfway down) unless it is pushed closed tightly. Study the position of the refrigerator door relative to the other door and the refrigerator cabinet. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Signs that the refrigerator gasket needs to be replaced include excessive frost buildup and reduced cooling. If either the refrigerator or freezer door is sagging or too high, loosen its hinges and align it. If you find a gap or a twist, go back to it and reinstall the gasket. Tighten the retainer strip’s screws all the way around the perimeter.If your refrigerator door gasket is held in place by the inner door panel rather than a retainer strip, remove the screws on the top side of the panel, cut off and remove that section of the old gasket and slip the new gasket’s inner lip behind the panel. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Check to see if it twisted around the corners. A worn, cracked or torn refrigerator door sealing gasket allows warm air to get into your fridge, increasing the workload and energy consumption of your unit. How do I fix a gap in my refrigerator door gasket seal?

Heat the deformed section with a hair dryer until the gasket is warm and pliable.