All Rights Reserved. To keep it from drying out, make sure to water it on all sides. I'm guessing... To have or not to have. Draped over trees and swaying in the breeze, Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) seems to appear from … Spanish moss itself only becomes a problem for other plants if it grows thick enough to block the leaves of the host plant. Hi, I'm from Penang, I'm wondering where could I buy this gorgeous plant? If you live in the Deep South or in Spanish moss’s other native areas, it should be easy to find a plant in the wild to take a cutting from. If you grow Spanish moss in deep shade, it is likely to grow very slowly.

stems and leaves are covered with overlapping silver-gray I would like to introduce a New Series on Indoor Plants and hope to come up with 10 Best Indoor Plants for Beginners. Thank you for helping me to a good start. Rinse all the soapy water away from the strands, and double-check for debris. Wiki User. Numerous, small, solitary blue or pale green Avoid misting if the plant is already damp, as too much moisture is not good for the plant either.Humidity is also very important for the Spanish moss plant’s survival as an outdoor plant. Do check my latest Updates on Spanish Moss and my Progressive Experience and More Ideas Below: For someone who have not planted anything in her life and have just acquire a few strands from a stall, the information here is humongous. It took a lot to separate all the dead out & save the rest.. And I surely would hate to do something stupid at this point.. Allow the Spanish moss to dry completely before using it in plant beds or hanging it as a decoration in your home.There are several types of Spanish moss and its hybrids that do well in home gardens. I would like to introduce a New Series on Indoor Plants and hope to come up with 10 Best Indoor Plants for Beginners. I grew up in Florida & always loved it.. gray. compost? Mouthwatering recipes, handy kitchen tips, and more delivered to your inbox I will also pay better attention to its watering requirements as in the past it has had to survive on a fair bit of neglect.
Thanks for the tips, I'be been growing the moss for years, currently my moss is turning a reddish colour, in the stems, any thoughts? transplanting, requiring only warmth and moisture. Humidity will help the seeds germinate, but once they are germinated, too much humidity may cause the sprouts to rot.When watering Spanish moss, make sure to use purified, distilled, or rainwater. Spanish moss will grow on just about any structure, including another tree or shrub, a fence or a building, trellis, arbor or patio overhang. Indirect sunlight is OK as long it's not heavily shaded.

Top Answer. I love my Spanish Moss. To harvest your own Spanish moss, dress in protective clothing and pull the Spanish moss down from the tree.Spread the strands apart, pick any visible debris out, and wash with hot, soapy water. How fast does moss grow? Use a high-phosphorus fertilizer mixed at half the usual strength.There aren’t many pests that affect Spanish moss because it has little nutritional value for them. I often tell them about this very famous nurseries, the ones located in Sg.... To have or not to have. Here I show how I prune and reset the dying and resetting into the new set-up  I do not plant this Spanish Moss otherwise your pontifications on its care would be most useful. I'm pretty sure this is one of the plants that hates you when it comes to touching.

Thanks for sharing! The Thanks for signing up! Thank you James. dust and nutrient particles. It all seems to be doing pretty good.. Because of its climate preferences, Spanish moss grows best in zones seven through 11. nothing like experience. Thank you Hi James.....just checking into your lovely blog after not visiting for a long time.....catching up on what I missed. 9. I do use a diluted orchid fertilizer and rain water could it be too strong of a mix or I'd the reddish colouration normal? Hope you enjoyed my 10 years of Growing Experience with Spanish Moss. Hello! Will they thrive if I don’t water them?We spray them when they are dry. But it has a great number of other uses.Native American women used it for dresses in the past. If this happens, then the growth of the host plant might be stunted.Spanish moss cannot be used for eating by people or animals, as it has essentially no nutritional value. The plants are very easy to grow, as they need no soil or

Copyright © 2020. The biggest requirement Spanish moss needs in order to grow as an aerial plant is a tree or shrub to grow from. Basically this is step by step method on care & maintenance on how I reset and redo my overwhelming, overgrown Spanish Moss back to life. Spanish moss doesn’t make good livestock feed, because it has almost no nutritive value. Lots of useful info on Spanish moss. It was a bliss to watch them swaying when the wind blows. Aloha The plant has no roots but derives its nutrients from rainfall, detritus and airborne dust. I have just moved most of it to create a natural archway, hanging it on a piece of horizontal bamboo.

Although the plant produces brown, green, or yellow flowers, they are difficult to spot.The biggest requirement Spanish moss needs in order to grow as an aerial plant is a tree or shrub to grow from.

; Spanish moss may be propagated by seed or by division. Thanks great summary, I am in south Louisiana where it is essentially a weed.

conditions of our Here it seems to grow on dead branches or near water sources. It depends on what type of moss it is, whether it’s situated within favourable conditions or ones that aren’t quite right for flourishing. on the wind and stick to tree branches. My Garden is slowly settling to its permanent position where I'm going to maintain what I have currently.

Why do sloths grow moss? Hi James, hv added u on facebook..such lovely garden u hv..fantastic...tq for this lovely blog about spanish moss Spanish Moss does not live forever. There was an error in your submission. I have never seen spanish moss thanks for the tips and nice presentation I liked the last photo it looks like a painting with oncidium and the moss in the bkgrnd The flowers, which bloom for a period Wear gloves and layers to protect your skin.Spanish moss is a hardy plant and is not susceptible to disease. Your Spanish moss is really lush which negates the use of bamboo blinds.