The skin is typically yellow or purplish green, often with numerous darker streaks or stripes. Unfortunately, this unique superfruit is not available beyond South America, and its health benefits are not widely known.We get our energy from the glucose stored in our body, derived from the food we eat. If the soil is too fertile fruit production will suffer due to excess vegetative growth. The pepino was widely introduced to Europe in the 18th century, spreading from Spain to other countries. It is one of two leading commercial cultivars in New Zealand.Fruit is creamy white with a faint salmon glow, lightly striped with purple. Solution to Cholesterol. The fruits mature early.

Digestive problems affect people suffering from kidney diseases. So the next time you are feeling weak, grab a Pepino melon and experience some good energy.Pepino melon has been known to possess anti-inflammatory properties – and can be helpful to soothe pains and aches throughout the body. And amongst the sources of vitamin K, pepino melon is a great choice.Pepino melon has calories, but they are stored as carbohydrates. The diuretic properties of the fruit help in decreasing the wastes through urine from the blood.Pepino melon fruit is native to South America. Flavor sweet and refreshing, with ho hint of soapiness. Less the fluids in your kidneys, the lesser is your blood pressure.Pepino melon can help people who have liver diseases. In appearance the pepino dulce is much like a potato plant, but the leaves may take many forms–simple and entire, lobed, or divided into leaflets.The small flowers are blue, violet-purple or white marked with purple, and are similar in form to unopened potato flowers. (As we all know that we get energy from the glucose stored in our body, derived from the food we eat. These properties help in reducing the effects of diabetes progression. In addition to the regular treatment, Pepino melon could help in the treatment. (Pepino melon has no sodium, but a considerable amount of potassium, and hence can be effectively used to regulate high blood pressure. Its fruit extract also contains immunomodulatory and anticancer properties, which are discussed later.Rare, super-healthy, and with loads of health benefits – Pepino Melon, or commonly Pepino fruit originates in South America. Decreasing your daily intake of sodium lowers your blood pressure and reduces your risk of developing illnesses related to high blood pressure, such as heart disease and kidney disease.
These carbohydrates are broken into glucose by the body and used as a fuel. In addition to the regular treatment, pepino melon could help in the treatment. Especially when the bones start to grow weak during aging, vitamin K can still help maintain good bone health. These glucose cells otherwise get stored in your body as fat. This fruit could be beneficial for them too.Pepino melon has calories, but they are stored as carbohydrates. It contains flavonoids and phenol, which helps in building the immune system. In the study, it was discovered that pepino fruit extract has anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory and anticancer properties. The pepino was also grown in the California and Florida by the late 19th century. The fruit show considerable diversity in size and shape. Skin is smooth golden yellow when mature, prominently striped with deep purple. Ripe Pepino melons are stored in a refrigerator packed in airtight plastic bags for up to 3 days.Generally harmless, it is one of those fruits that can be taken in breakfast – for the energy and fullness it provides. The fruit are usually round to egg-shaped, about 2 to 4 inches long, with some growing up to 6 inches. It is an evergreen shrub popularly grown primarily for its fruits. Diuretic properties of the fruit help in decreasing the wastes through urine from the blood.If you want to prepare tasty a pepino dish chill it then scrub off the seeds clean. So the next time you are feeling weak, grab a pepino melon and experience some good energy.Pepino melon consists of high soluble fiber content that keeps cholesterol levels in check. Many pepino-shaped vessels, amulets, and other ornamental have been excavated from Incan sites. Pepino in Spanish means cucumber, and the fruit tastes like honeydew melon and cucumbers both mixed. However, ripe variety has a higher content of flavonoid and phenol. It is a medium-sized fruit, strongly striped with purple with wonderful flavor. Flesh is deep salmon. The pepino dulce is considered to be parthenocarpic but a much heavier crop results from self-pollination or cross-pollination. Other than this, there is no known allergy or counteraction of this fruit.Have Pepino melon for the unique taste it offers, under a unique skin.

Still others are round, slightly larger than a baseball and completely seedless. The fruit generally has light-yellow or light-green skin and is streaked with purple lines. Since the liver is the core of many bodily functions, a healthy liver makes your overall health.The fruit has anti-inflammatory, antiglycative, and antioxidative effects.

Immunity booster. The bright green leaves are sparsely covered with very small hairs.

The sweltering days of summer make your life miserable, heating you up inside and… The pepino melon is also sodium -free. Strengthening the liver is one of the best ways to boost energy, balance weight and strengthen overall health.