Plucky then proceeded to run after her, but tripped over the tanning bed he had forgotten about; switching it on in the process.Fifi had just picked up Hamton from ground, but both shield their eyes as a fiery explosion engulfed the smoke cleared, all they could see was what looked like a roasted duck laying on the bed."Plucky?" The voice sheepishly responded with blubbers and sniffs in the mix.Recognising the french accent along with the broken-ish English; Babs stepped up to the cubicle where the voice was coming from.Babs slowly pushed the door open to find a tearful purple skunk, sat on the toilet seat and looking very sorry for herself. Fifi looked back as she saw Hamton and Plucky in his Grandparent's Car.It was nighttime on the beach, the night sky was a beautiful dark navy with the stars sparkling like diamonds. Just us having a great time together." Immediately feeling better after seeing her, Hamton replied. Fifi's face lit up as she knew that voice straight away. "Hey Hey Hey, easy there Fi~" Babs repeatably hushing her long time friend. "Oh bless you, Shirley" Fifi happily said as she held her friend in a tight squeeze. ""Of course, mon petit bacon seed. I must have been a little distracted. Fifi then rushed into the crowd to find her little pig-friend. "Do not be sorry, Shirley. Babs gently held Fifi's fluffy cheeks and looked at the heartbroken skunkette. I'd take her out for all the Ice Creams!! No?" "That would be marvellous. Shirley said giving an encouraging smile, Fifi in return smiled back, as the two friends hugged it out. Shirley asked, looking at the pink rabbit watching her two friends. Fifi is almost finding you~"Fifi was still looking around, ignoring the fact that Elmyra past by dragging behind, Plucky wearing bunny-rabbit ears. A random, pink bow appeared in his hair as Fifi’s mind began fusing with Andrew’s. Plucky replied, before collapsing on the payments.The pig and skunk looked at each other and shrugged to each other, wondering what they just witnessed.As the day went by, Fifi and Hamton had spent a little more time together. Realising what time it was, Hamton loosened his grip on Fifi's hands. Fifi is a young, purple and white female skunk, who wears a pink bowed ribbon in her hair. "Doesn't anyone not know water and fur don't mix?" Fifi sadly said. "Like, what's your hurry?" Babs reassuringly held Fifi's hands and smiling cheerfully, thankful she managed to calm the skunk down.Fifi slowly inhaled and exhaled to explain. Fifi feebly raised her right hand, waving her fingers in response.As soon as Hamton was out of sight, Fifi's eyes were welling up with warm. Shirley called in the crowd. Then Fifi spotted a familiar pig in the crowd, she looked and gave a small smile to herself and blushed red. Pig, or Furrball? But suddenly let go as her emotion changed concern. Pig and Fifi La Fume. Then leaning in closer to her, he whispered. I don't want to be tardy for the first time. ""We did, but I am really regretting the decision we made. Crawling, up to the side of the top of his head his ears as the become round and covered with purple fur. Fifi sniffled, and blowing her nose on some toilet paper in the cubicle. "Fifi… Her class session was one she wasn't particularly fond of. "Like, no change there" Shirley thought to herself rolling her eyes, as she slipped her drink.Meanwhile Fifi was in the crowd searching for her now once again true love. "Don't mind if I do" Babs gleefully jumped in between the two, rubbing her cheeks with theirs. The skunkette examined the pig's overall tan, which looked he had been baked, giving off a bacon smell from his skin. From having a stroll along the pier to dancing with Babs, Buster, Shirley and Plucky.Later on, Fifi was back on the beach with Shirley by her side; both wearing their new swimwear to attract any passing boys. "And she thinks I'm cute" repeating over as he stood holding Hamton close up to his face. "Hammy, I've just seen an angel" Plucky said dreamily holding his hands on his chest. That tickles." "Merci, Babs" Fifi gave a tiny smile as she looked at her friend. "So, what did he say?" Fifi was still upset about losing Hamton, but was happy to have her best friends by her side.Taking place during and after the events of the Spring Break Special, we discover what became of the relationship between Hamton J. Shirley; surprised pulled Fifi away from her chest to face her. "Hamton chuckled knowing Fifi meant to say Friends, but heard a lot of people saying the word differently. Hamton leaned over to check on his best friend to see if he was okay, but all Hamton got was:"She thinks I'm cute" once again, but the now roasted duck was feeling quite dizzy and unaware of his surroundings. "Vous know how Hamton and I left on good terms before zee Spring Break? ""Come On, Fifi. ""No, just a skunkette who was far, far too late." Images of Fifi La Fume: Fifi in her first appearance in Tiny Toons wearing a pink shirt, reading a script & with her buckteeth showing ""Go get your Romeo, Juliet." Shirley said smugly. "All those cuties were just begging on their knees. As she walked along the sand, she heard the sound of a certain green duck calling to a crowd walking away. "Fifi what is with you? Fifi responded; her eyes sparkling with an apologetic look on her temple, which was hidden behind her signature hairstyle as well as giving a timid smile. Nearly popping her eyes out. "You understand, don't you Fifi?" All Shirley could do was look down at her feet in shame. "Oui" Fifi wiping the last of her tears away on her finger. "Vous never complained before" Fifi gave a cheeky wink, making Hamton blush and chuckle. These things happen. He may be bacon, but he's tanned bacon! "I am glad we are still, how you say, Great Amigos, no?