In my dream I’m riding a Hippo and it’s walking along the water bank. These differences are mostly based on their outside appearance.
Don’t be afraid to unleash your full potential to help humankind. So all of a sudden I see this HUGE bell going down the water to this hippo and they started ringing the bell obnoxiously. The dream could also be a sign of sorrow or bad luck in the future.
Continue to leverage the unknown to your advantage, and show your strength only when necessary.In my dream I’m riding a Hippo and it’s walking along the water bank. When analyzing dreams about water, take into account the type of water formation you are surrounded by (i.e., river, ocean, swimming pool, puddle, etc.
They will become more and more apparent in their plans, which can be an advantage for you if you maintain a cool head and think of a good strategy to enable them in their plans.This interesting dream has negative connotations. I couldn’t even say anything to my daughter because I didn’t want to draw any attention to her in those hippo infested waters.
If the person from your dream was someone familiar, then you might see this person as a threat or competition. Even though this dream doesn’t look that positive, you will certainly be lucky in real life.
Use your power and influence to achieve the best outcomes. I fought him off and we had a huge fight.I dreamed about a mommy Hippopotamus giving birth in a some sort of zoo, I guess.. Everything is just the way it is supposed to be and you wouldn’t change anything. I looked around again and saw that the entire lake was filled with hungry hippos, and they wanted to eat us. This person might try to sabotage your current life and make you unhappy, so be careful and don’t fall for small tricks that this person might play on you.If a crocodile or an alligator was chasing you on land in your dream, then you will be able to solve all of your problems.
As he ran back toward me he crossed in front of their pet hippopotamus and he opened his mouth and ate my dog.
My mom and a few more of my coauins. I was setting green “things” in an area where there was a little water for them to absorb some of the water.
Dreaming of a hippopotamus means hiding your true power and strength.
It is a sign of great luck to see a hippo standing in clear water. Such plot has quite positive interpretation. Be careful about what you say and to whom you say it to before you end up in a big mess.If you dreamed about a dread crocodile or a dead alligator, then you will be able to resolve all of your problems in real life. He is a writer for I dreamt last night I had a close encounter with a large hippo that was in my garden. Perhaps it could be time to take a break, step back a little from these projects and relationships. I looked around again and saw that the entire lake was filled with hungry hippos, and they wanted to eat us. The bodies of these dead animals were blocking my path all in front of the garage of the house and the walk way myself and the 3 guys managed to get over the animals and disappear into a busy market shop across the street we waited for it to become crowded and all the sudden these men we didn’t not know who appeared to be in a group talking and laughing filled the gap without words they looked at us 4 and began to descretly tighten their group to block the view of anyone from the house we had escaped being able to see us so that we could adaquately disapear into the crowd and then we escaped into the wilderness when I looked up I was by myself we all spit and went seperate ways.
Those who do not know your true nature will be in for a surprise upon discovering what you are capable of. This made you feel extremely happy and in control of your destiny that you now can’t help but feel great about life.Alternatively this dream can be a representation of bizarre situations you got yourself into. Dream about a crocodile or an alligator in water If a crocodile or an alligator was in water or swimming, then this dream represents that you are happy about your life. Social skills won’t be very good in the upcoming period so avoid any conflicts you might regret later on.Alternatively these individuals could be your parents or someone else in your life that plays a significant role.If you saw an image of these animals in your dream, then you might come in great danger because of your enemies. I had a dream that a group of wild hippo is coming from the mountains but most of them fell from the stone and fell to the water.