What is duck tring to tell me?

Can anybody tell me what this means. They are friendly towards one another and they do not attack other creatures.As other animals, ducks are protective of their little ones, so the only situation they could get aggressive is if they feel their young ones are threatened or endangered.Ducks are extremely adaptable and flexible living beings, because they are familiar with three of the main elements. Or not?I had a dream last night where I found a baby duck swimming in the pond. For it to happen 3 times – I’m certain the universe must be trying to tell me something.If you dream a dark setting with a duck being sacrificed and the neck being cut in front of you by someone who looks like a person dealing with black magic. Please Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We have the power to lift out of the watery emotions that threaten to drown us. In 13 years here we have never once seen nor heard a duck. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Goddess blessings to you Stacey. As long as you feel safe and secure, you’re happy.You can be counted on during times of crisis because you are calm and resourceful. After a few minutes it swam straight towards us, got out of the water and started waddLing in front of us. We are in Texas, USA. So weird.I had a dream is was in a pond and there were four or five ducks in the water.

saw one with 8 ducklings the other day! I have plenty of pictures of it if you want to see it. Some people say when you find a dead bird the meaning is someone you loved passed away. There must be some meaning. I gave the baby duck to someone (I forgot who) and told them not to let it swim too far. So, from a spiritual perspective, a dead bird is not considered to be a bad omen, but rather a sign of change and renewal. Thus, the Duck meaning prompts you to take the time to feel things. And thirdly, what are the chances that I’d be there weeding/fixing driveway (property of 20 acres!) Similar to the antelope meaning, the Duck symbolism is making it very clear that to be successful with your goals, you have to move now!Conversely, the Duck meaning may be a reminder that you should keep plodding along with your current project. Duck loves the gentle motion of slow moving water, drifting along meandering rivers and ponds, this is a powerful message to go with the flow, where the waters take you naturally". The instinct to duck is a strong, survival impulse that has saved countless lives. It stayed with us for about 30 minutes as we talked about it and It seemed to know what we were talking about. They are usually portrayed as curious, foolish and not so intelligent beings. You are more than welcome Surya. (See Below) These birds are connected with the spiritual world by many bonds. A change of heart followed by a change of direction seems possible.I had a dream that a duckling suddenly appeared in the house .

Try to reconnect with the earth ( if you don’t know what I mean ,google it or go to youtube ) Then ask for peace about this snd direction onhow to move forward with something have been meaning to dofor some time… a project…a conveconversation you need to have with someone…. I prayed for his safe passage to the spirit world. The dream is saying that when the pain does again rise to the surface, allow the pain and your feelings, and afterward there will be a long period of peace. The duck was a fawn color with on bright purple feather. I’ve struggled to find the meaning but I just don’t know what it is. The grass here is very wet and they are feeding well. Anyone have any insight to share re this different behaviour? I tried to no avail to get the big bird off my head, shaking, pulling, having the women help grab it to remove it. —- Full archives and more amazing resources from SpiritWalkMinistry Albatross,— Stamina and endurance, ability to remain in emotional situations for extended periods of time, awkward yet effective beginnings and endings, seeing the […] In that light, finding a dead bird might actually be a good omen. and this is the first page i pulled up!I had a dream that I had some sort of pheasant in my home trying to mate with my parrot. Share, be kind, be loving, and enjoy this free and rich resource!We respect your privacy and will not share your email address with anyone.

If you encounter one on your path or even if you accidentally hit…