Normal semen is slightly alkaline, with a pH ranging from 7.2 to 7.8. Besides of the stench of cement-like smell, you also might have to be careful of bees.
My husband could not smell it until I insisted he get it on his nose, then he says its fine.I can smell it about 4m away or further as the wind blows.His excuse is growing up at their Nursery in Knutsford UK where they grew them.The Chestnuts are blooming in my neighborhood park.
Catkins allow a tree to reproduce as the Both male reproductive organ and chestnut flowers produce a chemical compound called spermine. What's that awful smell? It's dumb, and you already know the answer.Now, back to the trees.
Mr Vickery said: "Sweet chestnut flowers smell of semen; lime flowers do not. Basic amines such as putrescine, spermine, spermidine and cadaverine are probably components of such floral fragrances. "The two species cannot be easily confused, but when they grow close together, as they do sometimes, people can attribute the smell to the wrong tree." "Any time plants emit fragrances, it's typically to attract pollinators, and that's what the pear is doing as well," In the world of chemistry these smells are known as "volatile amines," which basically mean they're molecularly similar to ammonia. When you mean “talking” to them, do you really mean their breath?Ugh. Flowers that smell like semen are not uncommon. Chattanooga is close to Virginia isn’t it? now idk if all dudes sperm smells the same. But I just want to quickly clarify that of all people, those dudes know Anyway, the point is don't ask that question.
And that is how whenever anyone brings up semen trees, some sort of dude always invariably says, "Hahahaha, how do you know what semen smells like? The confusion could stem from the fact they often grow together. Those who smell it say it’s a foul, wretched, indescribable odor. Spermine is present in most organisms ranging from plants, animals and even bacteria. But it's a weird thing to be walking down the street on an early spring afternoon and get a nose full of jizz. No literally.
To survive, sperm needs to be covered in alkali compounds. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. 3 years ago. Spermine is one of these compounds. I’m from east of the Hudson and have trouble with rural American geography (just kidding – I think it’s a hop-skip-jump down 81->40->75).I’m soooo glad Web 30.0 isn’t here yet, or you’d probably be posting a copy of the smell file on the blog for all of us to experience…@BA – I don’t think I’m going to be able to make the meeting in Chattanooga, BUT I will be going to the Virginia Chapter’s Annual Meeting in Roanoke next weekend (Oct 11th) which should be educational and great fun!Hmm…the graph? This distinct smell that makes chestnut flowers and human semen smell so similar is caused by two chemicals called putrescine and cadaverine.Putrescine and cadaverine are almost identical and they are used in creating spermine and spermidine which are also known to be very similar.
If planted close enough together, the bees move between blossoms and both chestnut trees for successful pollination and future nut set.For those who planning to go for a walk or a stroll, going to areas where chestnut trees are prevalent perhaps not a good idea. It is just driving my crazy to try and figure out what the heck this smell is coming from! And from the name itself you can tell that spermine has something to do with sperm.Sperm was discovered to contain spermine in 1677 by the You see, the pH level inside a woman’s vagina ranges from 3.0 – 5.0 which is slightly acidic. I’m one who does not smell it. You know the smell. While researching her PhD, she found that multiple Victorian books state that chestnut trees smell like semen.
Evidently the linden tree also has that seminal smell: A reader expands on yesterday's popular post: I used to do chemical analyses of the fragrances of plants, especially orchids.
Evidently the linden tree also has that seminal smell:I used to do chemical analyses of the fragrances of plants, especially orchids. so thats how it smells like.
but i was driving with the windows down and i passed some trees. - I don't like it - When I pass by the chestnut tree in the peak of summer, I don't like the odd smell it gives off - I have never smelled chestnut flowers but I hate the smell of cum - I hate it, I wonder why they plaint it at school - But do women actually like the smell? im a dude so i jerk it.