The curving of the head occurs due to the fat pads and the bulge may feel squishy. With the parasitic infections, you must treat your dragon for it to become healthy again and gain weight. Notice sunken fat pads on the head, protruding ribs and hips, skinny limbs and a tail. You can reach high basking spot temperatures by having high wattage halogen flood lights, household bulb or others.
Photos depicting dissection of cranial anatomy in a bearded dragon label the area we often refer to as "fat pads" as mandibular musculature. But is my bearded dragon too skinny? If your bearded dragon is skinny, it will also have thin legs and a skinny tail. This is only until your dragon gains weight.

Some issues, like small cuts and scrapes, need nothing more than basic first aid care. Your bearded dragon is likely to be suffering from a parasitic infection is poop is extremely smelly and/or runny, or even has some blood in it. Other health concerns are more serious but can be avoided with proper care, such as upper respiratory infections, tail/mouth rot, numerous eye issues, and metabolic bone disease.

Check out my thread here! This bearded dragon is extremely skinny and dehydrated.

In obese bearded dragons fat pockets will form in the back of his beard.

If your dragon’s tail is a good size and their fat pads aren’t indented, chances are a little wrinkly skin isn’t something to worry over. Please take some time to review your lighting and heating setup, to make sure that everything is optimal. Check out my thread here!

Please don't beat yourself up over Top Brick's death .... you did everything you could for him , it's not your fault that you and Top Brick lucked out and had to rely on a vet who is incompetent..What? For example, mealworms contain 13% fat. Please note that healthy bearded dragons can go up for few months without eating and not lose much if any weight. Bearded dragons have fat pads on the top of their head. Unlike dogs, where you typically want to be able to just barely notice the ribs (at least for most breeds), you don’t want to be able to see them on your bearded dragon. With more serious parasitic infections, your bearded dragon might be losing weight rapidly. To locate fat pads, simply look behind each of your bearded dragon’s eyes. In the wild, this is where a bearded dragon will store excess fat, for … We have been waiting for post mortem results and we have just found them out now for poor Brick Top. Too much fat can also impact liver function. Although you can take steps to avoid impaction, dehydration, and parasites, it is highly likely that you will face all of these issues at some point with your dragon. While you need to decrease food portions for your adult bearded dragon, feed your baby dragons as much as they want. You also must replace your UVB tube every 5-6 months, because it stops emitting UVB without you noticing. :Click here if you use a Sunblaster fixture - IMPORTANT Bearded dragon fat pads are the squishy part of the dragon’s head, located right behind its eyes. Bearded dragons in groups will stack (lay on top of each other) to get the best basking spot. If your bearded dragon is skinny, it will also have thin legs and a skinny tail.

Topic locked . Some of these are unavoidable: relocation stress, shedding, impaction, dehydration, parasites, hunger strikes, laying eggs, and sunken fat pads.

Hi, new user here with a question. Feeding a live mouse is not very ethical, so frozen fuzzy mice can be a better choice.To help your bearded dragon get back on track again, it will need to eat more and digest the food properly. Your bearded dragon’s basking spot should reach 92-110 degrees Fahrenheit (33-43 Celsius). Your Bearded Dragon’s Skin is Wrinkly.
You should not keep bearded dragons in groups – not babies or adults. Superworms contain 17% and butterworms – 29% fat. Your bearded dragon can also lose weight due to other illnesses, or have trouble gaining weight. But also add greens and other bugs, to avoid making your bearded dragon picky! Fatty bugs are addictive and tasty. Sunken fat pads are a sure sign of a bearded dragon who could stand to gain a little weight. 92-110 degrees Fahrenheit (33-43 Celsius) is an ideal basking spot temperature.