From soft paper products like napkins and baby wipes, he graduated to eating regular paper — the pages of books, for example, those ruffly edges of notebook paper, junk mail. Visit our What To Do When Baby Eats Paper Most paper is treated with harmful chemicals, especially colored paper, and the ink in the paper is poisonous in large quantities, so we wouldn’t advise eating your copy of Catcher in the Rye for lunch (eat a pastrami on rye instead). But do keep paper away from your baby so it doesn't keep happening.. - Infant Care (up to 18 months old): What To Do When Baby Eats Paper He'll be fine - it's not ideal but unless he's eaten a lot then it's ok (our 9 month old has eaten his fair share of paper and cardboard and there's nothing coming over him!). Then, sitting on the couch watching TV, mindlessly tearing off and eating bits of a baby wipe like it was a bucket of popcorn.I began to get concerned and placed a worried call to his pediatrician, who suggested I bring him in for a full workup of blood tests to check for any nutritional deficiencies.

What To Do When Baby Eats Paper - Long as though it was not alot of paper your baby should be fine. Surprisingly, though, everything came back fine; he was healthy, his vitamin and mineral levels completely normal.The pediatrician said it was a condition called pica — a compulsion to eat non-food items, most commonly things like paper, chalk, soap, dirt, or ashes.The doctor said that it’s found a lot in children with malnutrition, but since my son wasn’t malnourished, that it was probably behavioral and he’d grow out of it by the time he was 4. I never had any problems with her stomach. lol. …

I am trying not to worry because he is … Anyway, he has already grown out of it. Long as though it was not alot of paper your baby should be fine. So I wouldn't worry about it. Guess what he started eating first? As long as it wasn’t interfering with his regular diet (it wasn’t) and he wasn’t at risk of choking (he was eating them little bits at a time), I pretty much just ignored it, clinging to his doctor’s belief that it was something he’d outgrow.It became so normal to see him eating paper that after a while, I barely even noticed.
I usually do layers though: newspaper or cut up paper feed bags on the very bottom to wick away moisture, a t-shirt to cover the paper, and when they are a little older I put grass on top to keep the poop away from the babies. I'm not sure how safe it is either, but by baby boy (now is 13 months) used to eat paper all of the time. Special consideration must be given to objects such as button batteries and sharp objects such as pins and bones. Paper in and of itself won't hurt the child. She ate everything in sight that was made of paper. Paper is one of the safest non-food items your baby can eat. On occasion, we also use cookies to collect information from our toddlers, but that’s a totally different thing. My baby loves to eat ANY form of paper I know that alot of babies put things in their mouth but if its ANY form of paper she will eat it.

I hope your little one grows out of it soon, too! There was a problem adding your email I had the same problem with my baby girl around the same age. In the coming years he'll eat anything and everything he can!

Paper isn't a concern at all, it will just dissolve in his stomach and be gone, no worries there. The variety of non-food items that children place into their mouths is alarming. Candy wrappers can also be eaten if you I hope your little one grows out of it soon, too! I could usually get it out, but I have to admit that I did see paper in his diaper on more than one occasion!! Concerned your toddler or preschool-age child is eating non-food items? Call the Poison Center Helpline (1-800-222-1222) if you or another person have been exposed to something that might cause an unwanted and/or unexpected reaction.2.

My son was probably just seeking attention, he told me.However, that’s the one part of the diagnosis I disagreed with. Hint: it wasn’t the chicken strips.He had just started on his straw wrapper when a lady came up to our table.“Excuse me,” she said, pointing, brow furrowed with concern, “but your son is eating that straw paper.”“Oh, thanks!” I said, as though she had saved him from something terrible, and removed the paper from his mouth. One hates frosting, so he’ll scrape it off (a trait he did And when he eats a sucker, that includes the stick.The good thing about this? Remain calm - the majority of poison emergencies can be resolved quickly; over the phone. Everything ends up … Anyway, he has already grown out of it. How much paper? Yikes! If just your average everyday paper, your baby should be fine.