She felt him smile against her lips. I still love you even though you can be a major dick.” Natalie giggled and pulled David against her once more. she's doing brand deals on IG + her whole own social media. You don’t have to condense all your feelings down in 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

Would she be confused? David’s heart ached as her smile visibly faltered as he didn’t return one. “I’m going to bed okay? “You don’t even like these!” She spluttered out and slammed them onto the counter.

“I’m sorry Nat. Everyone’s attention was on Ilya, grasping on his comedic tales. Natalie stood there looking far too cute in her pajama shorts and black top with her crossed arms and tapping impatiently foot.

Eventually the chatter and laughter faded as the gaggle of vloggers moved over into the living room. Nobody is making me do this. Pangs formed in David’s already weighty chest. This video is unavailable because we were unable to load a message from our sponsors. Natalie pressed herself flush against him and ensured that there was no space between them. ‘I- I just don’t know if this is right for me anymore..’ Bullshit, David thought, slightly clenching his fist. Did Natalie even want to be here? Storm Katrina who?

To see what I'm doing when I'm not vlogging add me on snapchat: @DavidDobrik Business: “Are you going to talk to me then hm?” David almost jumped out of his skin as Natalie’s voice piped up from behind him. The boys exchanged glances. Tonight you can’t seem to get away from us fast enough, from me.” David opened his mouth to respond as he finally gained the courage to meet her eyes. “Shit.” David whispered as a singular tear trailed down his cheek. His gaze constantly flitted over towards the view finder in his worse for wear camera that was in a precarious position atop the dashboard. David’s eyes remained on the front door, despite Todd now having moved into the living room, his mouth opening and closing at a loss for words. I’m your friend too, not just your assistant.” A pained scoff left David’s throat, now he’s been downgraded the friend? Natalie in the meantime looked like she either wanted to rip her hair or his hair out in utter frustration. “Sure. “I’m fine, Natalie. ‘He was talking about me complaining that you’ve barely looked at me in weeks, avoid me at any point you can, can’t stand near me, let alone sleep in my bed with me. “..Want a drink? “Have I not been here Dave? It's not David Dobrik that needs assistants, it's David Dobrik, LLC. ""Everybody always falls, whether they're big-time athletes or everyday people, there are always, always falls," Dobrik added with a laugh.

It’s cool.” He muttered with a half arsed grin. "It's fun. Her stomach was doing backflips from happiness and excitement as she pulled him against her to fall back onto the sofa. Go out with the gang though. “Come on. He managed a tiny one in her direction. I’m sorry, I’m not good at this whole sharing feelings thing.” He whispered. Not with me. David Dobrik's team is full of big personalities, which is why there's no doubt the people behind Dobrik's content know how to take a joke and are always up for an adventure. Natalie shrugged, unsure of whether to be honest or not.‘Fuck it..’ he mumbled. Jason looked through the parking mirror to Natalie. Jason was making some semi self deprecating jokes but despite their hilarity and golden vlog material David couldn’t focus. I’m here as long as you need me. We just watched your video inside there?” Natalie said and saw David’s arm go back to scratch at his neck. I think he hired natalie and taylor just to do the dirty work he doesn't want too (natalie not so much), and now he has illya ( that used to run a company) and now this girl that seems super qualifiedIt's not David Dobrik that needs assistants, it's David Dobrik, this point i feel like natalie doesn’t do much work lmaoThe link on this story, is that to a new podcast? “Dave..” She sighed out as he shuffled past her, blank faced.

“Who wants more drinks? Her heart fell. He tried the best he could to give her a smile of appreciation but barely managed it. “Cmere dork.