The only wonder is that you're in business. And pirates bar closed 6 months later. She only mooched off other people's money and fame. It's sad how easily many of you are jumping on the hippie hate bus when hippie or not she's still a person. She needs to stay off stage; in fact go home and let your son run the place. The drinks were not as described on the menu, the underground area was closed, no specialty ice as described, the music was horrible, and the highest cover of all the spots visited in the evening. I love John and the work he does. The place is small and narrow and not designed for a live music venue. It's just a matter of time before this location closes. Imo, some of the things said against her here are totally uncalled for. Learn how to cook great Bar rescue food recipes . Underground Wonder Bar, 710 N. Clark St., has been busier since "Bar Rescue" host Jon Taffer forced changes and reopened the live music venue in October, Walker said. Apparently, her son is going to follow her right into bankruptcy. The Underground Wonder Bar was a highlight of our recent trip to Chicago. NIGHTLY UNTIL 4am/ 5am Saturday . Of course she's going to be resistant to change and set in her ways, everyone is, it's normal. Just like she's invested her life into her son and this bar. But, inasmuch as she "ran" the place, she was far more interested in her performances than anything else. You must stop. Her political affiliation is immaterial. Bar rescue food recipes recipe. The pirate episode? The bleeding heart stuff is immaterial. First of all, she's neglectful in the fact of the changed circumstances of the new location, and its attendant astronomical overhead, necessitates doing something to drive in more business. That was a big stage compared to a lot of the places I've played. Underground Wonder Bar previously announced they would close in February 2017, but then stated that they would remain open while the building was for sale . Like the third season, season four was also split into multiple parts. Still living in the 70's and unwilling to change with the times. Things became a lot weirder when Lonie and her bandmates whipped out small instruments and played around the bar. He … I hate liars and users like Lonie. 7 Bars Aired: March 2020 to . But Axel, I thought she recently moved to North River, and didn't start out there 25 years ago. What is that going to cost you? How could she change the name back when she signed a contract? Let me see your biz work then!! Wake up you washed up hippie! Underground Wonder Bar Celebrates 27 Years in Chicago! Her staff wasn't half-naked, underpaid substandard thieving bartenders. It's not about her being weird, it's about her being incredibly rude and ungrateful to Taffer and his experts, being weird does not automatically give her an excuse to be disrespectful and do nothing except bitch and moan the whole time, she deserves to fail, I hope her son finds another job far away from her. This show is evident of the struggles real small businesses face. paid most of that back. They just used what would create the most drama. The bar was renamed to Sheer during Bar Rescue but the owners reverted to Swanky Bubbles very quickly. Debt owed to CREDITORS.Lonnie's old bar was not a business, rather it is her private music (SIC) venue entirely. In 1989 musician Lonie Walker opened the Underground Wonder Bar in the city of Chicago, and the live music joint enjoyed success for almost 22 years. jazz groups that were more talented than this band. Bar Rescue - Bonny and Read's (Toucan's Oceanside ... Bar Rescue - Clear Bar (Underground Wonder Bar) Up... Bar Rescue - Second Base Bar and Grill Update, "Great intimate place to hear awesome live music. The fourth season of the American reality show Bar Rescue premiered on Paramount Network on October 5, 2014 at 9/8c except for the third half of the season that aired in the 10/9c slot, and concluded on July 31, 2016 with a total of 58 episodes. A psychiatrist may help her with her delusional stubborn and childish ways. Okay, I must admit: I HATE when Taffer comes to my town and into a neighborhood I work in and talks like he knows Chicago so well. You thought that stage was small? And as far as I saw, she only changed the name, not everything else but really who cares? With it, skin problems can occur. Unsure what's happening tonight. Please stop. The name Clear Bar, was a bad name anyways. Learn how to cook great Bar rescue food recipes . Beggars can't be choose'rs.....Instead of being thankful he helped u....All u do is complain. I agree.! Taffer entered the bar and noticed the presence of crayons and how disconnected Lonie was from reality. I do think she picked the wrong neighborhood to move to for wanting this kind of an establishment. She is still a person, are you saying she should've just given up and not looked for help? It's a shame she had to move and couldn't purchase the old bar. Nothing wrong with outer suburbs where you get more space for less. I still remember the massive business sign they put up as well, it was terribly obnoxious. Lonie’s expenses were astronomically higher due to the district’s high rent. If she wants a bigger stage, she could just move to the outer suburbs and start over. You are a COMPLETE IDIOT Loni!! Every race, creed and color - even visitors from other planets. The Bar Rescue Crew (Facebook) The Reviews Are In. See if they'll settle for your trip expenses for this misadventure. BAR RESCUE MISCUES: SEASON TWO. Feel stupid now? Worst jazz music ever. But I didn't until I saw it, and it was a let down. It stars Jon Taffer, a long-time food and beverage industry consultant specializing in nightclubs, bars, and pubs, who offers his professional expertise plus renovations and equipment to desperately failing bars in order to save them from closing. Bar Rescue is an American reality TV series that premiered on Paramount Network (formerly … Be afraid. Lonie was not open to new ideas and kept her "crayons" around so that she can keep losing money. The typical U.S. bar goes through ups and downs, depending on what's hip, and it's his job via the "reality" show Bar Rescue to take a failing bar and mold it into something that will work. I'm not really surprised by all the hateful comments on here, is she weird? You are saying the government is somehow keeping these establishments in business? Ahargggg, When you are a half mil in debt regardless of if the show is staged or not, you are getting 80k free stuff and you complain? Every single ending to Hell's Kitchen goes like this "Next time on HK, you don't want to miss it, craziest ever, outrageous, thrilling!!" Stay in the suburbs please. (she must have had rent-control or multi-year lease or something) Last: This is Chicago, baby -- not New York! Lonie got what she wanted which was a glamorous bar & showed her appreciate by wiping her feet on John Taffer & staff...& oh yes, her SON. Dogs must be neutered and have current rabies tag or dog license. I will visit Chicago again someday, and The Underground Wonderbar is tops on my list. Wake up. Our phone number is 508-752-9909. He thought it would be easy and the bar did well for the first 2 years then things started falling apart. As an Illinois resident myself I have to say he really does what the hell he's talking about. In order to pay taxes you need to make money. Out of the 10 bars that ended up being featured on season two, four closed, and two others went back to their old lumpy selves. Not the food, drinks, name, staff, owner, ect.. I kno they have to add drama for show ratings and whatnot but there is no way I would ever b a patron to her bar. Wow. Prototypical original hippy... self-centered with no integrity what so ever. If it wasn't for her crony capitalist connections in Chicago bailing her out, she wouldn't have lasted 30 days much less 30 years. TL;DR. You are obviously lonnie. Whether or not she had paid back most of her initial start up cost, I believe she herself said she was losing 2000.00 a month, I am surprised it wasn't more . They played for a Should have bought a building somewhere rather than relocating here. Seriously, where is your respect for your elders? People loved the performances, customer service, and the atmosphere. Amen, that woman needs to come back down to fricken earth. If 31 is average age of your customers then its not the way to go. An episode was produced, it got ratings, so no injury there. Because when logic proves you wrong you resort to this type of behavior that is classified in DSM-5 and the type of behavior you have displayed in you last two posts shows that you do indeed have this mental disorder. Yes, that includes your limited edition whatever from 1984 that's in mint condition that your friends secretly want to burn because anytime eyes lay upon it. Braaaavoo but I'm telling you save that 400 this woman is truly out to fucking lunch and your visit would only serve to bolster her already inflated ego "you drove here forrrr meeeee" yes.. Because I hate you I think your confused... Next thing you know her son has you in full Nelson.. Not worth the jail time brother. Hope you aren't screwing over your own son. Only thing this place has to offer me Is the live music and great Bartender was cool and always had a pint of Guinness ready for me. Anyone who has had a senile grandparent would recognize it. Below is a photo of the Bar Rescue crew at the scene of the crime in Dearborn Heights. are the producers taking this pos bar to court for the name change since you made them sign the waiver and they are clear in breach i dont know where u find some of these people you chose to help most of them are clearly not worth the time. The way you write and your avatar, you sound like Lonnie's sock puppet. John Taffer's initial reactions to walk out of the bar and get them to sign an agreement to not change their bar name was the right idea. 'Cause THAT is lunacy and if you read the post above you can CLEARly find me online. (Ravenswood and West Lakeview are good alternatives too). I feel sorry for her son. we wondered how many of Florida's "Bar Rescue" bars have actually succeeded and how many have shutdown over the years. Thank you for proving what a total shithead you are. Wonder Bar is super dog-friendly! Every single one of you has ancestors who were raised in that period. I looked you up on Wikipedia. The original location was smaller and the rent was cheaper. I addressed nearly everything you said, line by line, and avoided most of the "bleeding hearts," stuff because I agreed it was "immaterial." On one of the links above it's discussed that she was relieved she didn't have to stick with it, so she changed it back. This woman Lonie clearly has a mental issue. Staff is very friendly So now a 20+ year business owner is a typical liberal? Underground Wonder Bar previously announced they would close in February 2017, but then stated that they would remain open while the building was for sale (Link). I'll take, "I agree with your content." Nom nom bacon! Share Your Experience! You just can't help but regale them with how awesome it is!! Both Lonie and Jordan "baited and hooked" Bar Rescue in order to receive debt/credit alleviation, necessary renovations and upgrades, for free. Fear the tie-dyed grey haired hippies, they might actually be doing something with their lives, run for it! But when she moved to her current place, she kept on doing the same old, and I'm guessing it brought in more or less the same level of business, but with the higher overhead, that didn't cut it anymore. You have to realize something Cassacacia. You're a total effing moron you know that, there's no cure for stupidity for idiots like you that drool every single bogus story on Faux news. Get one of our Bar rescue food recipes recipe and prepare delicious and healthy treat for your family or friends. Meh, Don't we want a packed house not an empty space? That's probably going to bite her in the ass. DVR ALERT—The episode of "Bar Rescue" that makes over venerable bar and music club Underground Wonder Bar will air on Sunday at 8 p.m. on Spike TV. This old hag Lonnie acts like the stereotypical washed up red diaper doper baby complete with ingratitude, and I hate men complex. Details, please. Just because you don't have the same ones doesn't invalidate her freedom, or yours, to have them. It's called reality. Millions of people today are running in the opposite direction of progress or profitability, not because they don't want it, but because they believe they're doing the right thing. She should have moved the bar to San Freakcisco. Taffert killed it in this episode. You have a chance to kick ass and take names. I don't think she gives a hoot about another 100k tacked on. half hour and then took almost a half hour break. River North has, what we called in the restaurant biz here, the "white-wine-and-cocaine" crowd. after now viewing the episode and learning that "we" are the targeted demographic (30-34 $100,000+/year) it was even more disappointing. THE best comment. Watch Episodes. Crayons and hippie 80s music is out! You say, "he seems cool." Also, the bar has tons of different bands and talent so it's not "just" Lonie and her band playing all the time. Sadly a fool & their money are soon parted. The other guy here who played there said, what? Jon should ask the owner what type of concept they are willing to own and then fix the operational and management issues. However, Underground Wonder Bar … Take the death of Robin Williams, he had it all, but behind that was a very broken hearted man who gave everything to us. I wouldn't call my grandmother mentally ill for liking older music but I would call her f*cking DUMB for paying 18k/month to like it/play it for others who don't want to hear it. Where is the benefit to eliminating jobs when they're needed? There are so many hyped-up skincare ingredients, yet few are as widely loved as niacinamide. The orange sunshine had just come on, and they were so big and ebony wouldn't believe how fulfilled I was...") %---}, thank you for making my point by showing off your mental disorder. The old gray mare ain't what she used to be, Eat the crayons and claim you mistook them for appetizers. If it is a labor of love, fine. The Grant is owned by former construction manager DJ Miller, who bought the bar in 2014. The fact of the matter is that many narrow spaces like this one are simply NOT conducive to live music (except for the softest of smooth jazz music for background atmosphere).Lonnie is too stupid, self-centered and inept business wise to understand that basic fact of bar life.Lonnie deserves to fail and bankrupt her creditors.Perhaps her son will take what he learned from Jon and try it elsewhere. Take a look at it Loni YOU CAN'T SING, hell I can't sing either I am sure your water goes off in the shower just like mine does. SacTown Sports Bar and Grill was renamed to Brannan Manor Restaurant and Spirits and is open. I'm 90% positive that this bar fits that definition just like O'Face Bar, Amy's Baking Company (Kitchen Nightmares), and Rotting Woodstock (Hotel Impossible). Completely childish to create jobs, dedicate 30+ years of her life into her community, and is paying taxes to feed the useless people of America. Before the rescue, most Yelp reviews were negative. Most unlikely small businesses have no value to career criminals I mean politicians so easy to get that confused lol. Do humanity a favor and nuke it from orbit. They don't have the money to hang out in River North. Did you just watch the show to form your opinion or do you actually know her? So far, he has rescued 188 bars across the United States. Bar Rescue, the nightlife cousin of shows like Restaurant Impossible and Kitchen Nightmares, is a reality series we could keep watching forever.. Jon Taffer is essentially the bar-version of Gordon Ramsey, who uses his over thirty years of experience as a food and beverage industry consultant to help desperate nightclubs, bars, and pubs reinvent themselves so they don't have to close. She could be your grandmother, do think your family would appreciate you calling them mentally ill because they like older music? I see you are the typical liberal. Holy Christ that was funny. Now that I'm older and long out of my prime... maybe to probably. She wants everyone to pay attention to her. Bar Rescue Season 7. Still got something awesome but had to complain anyway because they aren't mature enough to really function on their own.The music from the show was awful but that could be that they tried to make it awful and to be fair I dont like that style of music. The sad part is you wont care, call another name and just act like a child. It really wasn't that awesome though. He's very tuned to people's behavior, reads them, and reacts appropriately/entertainingly. Next episode, someone drops a napkin, ooh thrilling! Like the third season, season four was also split into multiple parts. 99 (11,942) UNO Paper Family Card Game Mattel Games $9.99 $ 9. If I were them? Sometimes that's a drastic change, sometimes it's a change of attitude, but it's always good TV. She was clearly raised in the 60's, which is not her fault and doesn't equate to being mentally ill now. LOL. OK, I played there last night (2/14/2015)...The only downside was Jon Taffer cut the stage down to the point where there is no room for musicians. Again though, this woman pursued her dream, how is that in any way wrong? Jon Taffer is an American hero. The blank stares and far away looks are enough to convince anyone of that. Menu. However, you can't fix stupid even if John didn't do it the way STUPID wanted it. Season 3. Anger lines??? Outer suburbs? If they tell you to take a hike go there next day with a crayon made from your intestinal fortitude, Ahhhhh yeah the under ground dumper bar where all the cool chicks and hep cats go to shit on one another's chest allllll niiiight long and you better believe cover after 9 heavy set guys who just Mexican always free so come on down to the under ground dumper bar. Also, you realize she cried after the remodel, right? thank you for making my point by showing off your mental disorder. The Wonder Bar is not cheap, so expect to pay around $10 to the bouncer (unless you sweet talk him) after 10:00pm. Wonder Bar Yappy Hour. Taffer returned for one last try and Lonnie appeared to be willing to embrace change, and she and Jordan were made to sign a contract that prohibited them from changing the bar’s name for a year after the rescue. Select a Rating Select a Rating! Funny thing is, I noticed Taffer asked her a similar question as he of the owner of Piratz. G, how do you pay a $18K monthly rent with a passion for the arts when people are not buying? Just watched this episode. soponder $18.97 $ 18. Lonie’s momentum was ground to a halt in 2011 when the bar’s building was sold to pave way for a development project and she was forced to borrow around $360 grand from family and friends so she could reopen Underground in the River North district. I’ve been hooked on Bar Rescue since it first came out. Old bar,old concet even Older owner who is definitely trying to relive her glory days when things still pointed up and she could count on some chiseled African American fellow to,give her a good stern rodgering ! If a concept isn't working, it isn't working. Despite the limited time, Jon has a fairly good success rate as far as reality TV shows go. Episodes & Videos. I bet she has voodoo dolls at home. It's sad to watch an owner who is obviously crazy. 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