A WINCHESTER MODEL 70 270 WIN rifle is currently worth an average price of $1,365.15 new and $908.94 used. trigger system that has no take up. The Model 70 brought together elements of the Mauser 98, and the Springfield 1903, then blended and improved on them both to produce one of the most iconic bolt action rifles of the twentieth century: the other iconic rifle being the Mauser 98. Trigger creep has been virtually eliminated in the new Model 70, it also uses M.O.A. I have no idea who coined the term, “The Rifleman’s Rifle” to describe the Winchester Model 70, or what it actually means, but this iconic hunk of … The Winchester 70 carbine is based on the Mauser 98 bolt. Pre-1964 manufactured rifles were made using a Mauser-type non-rotating claw extractor which would provide controlled round feeding. The Winchester Model 70 is a bolt-action sporting rifle. Winchester’s marketing slogan was quite a bold statement, but one that was not braggadocio. Repeating Arms. The new value of a WINCHESTER MODEL 70 270 WIN rifle has risen $129.43 dollars over the … The Model 70 continues to serve its purpose as a reliable marksman rifle in-game, sporting a high magnification scope which allows for accurate shootin… With a maximum cartridge length of only 2.955", the 6.8 Western fits into a short-action rifle, resulting in a 5% reduction in rifle weight compared to a long-action. A list of modern browsers is below; simply click an icon to go to the browser’s download page. Under the leadership of Winchester's new president John Olin, Winchester opted to design a new bolt-action rifle to replace the Model 54. [2] Built in three versions; Sporting Rifle, Magnum Rifle, and Carbine. In 1999 Shooting Timesmagazine named the Model 70 the "Bolt-action Rifle of the Century." The Winchester Model 70 is a bolt action sporting rifle. また、この時ウィンチェスターの製造技術を学んだレミントンが、現在まで大ヒットセラーとなるレミントンM700を販売するという皮肉な事態が発生する。レミントンは、M70が大量生産によって品質低下という致命的な劣化を発生させたのに対し、各パーツの精度によって値段の異なるモデルを複数用意するという方法によって品質の低下を防いだ。, 海兵隊は、ウィンチェスターM70からレミントンM700に乗り換え、世界中のハンター達もそれに倣った。ボルトアクションライフルのスタンダードを築き上げたウィンチェスター社は、その経営方針の誤りによって、誰にも見向きのされない存在となってしまったのである。, ウィンチェスターM70に関する話として、Pre'64 Model 70(64年より前のモデル70)という記述が度々見受けられる。前述した事件によってその品質が劣化し、信頼を失ってしまったウィンチェスターM70だったが、マイナーチェンジ以前の旧型モデルにコレクターやハンター達の人気が集中。これをこぞって追い求めたのである。 La carabine de chasse Winchester Modèle 70 est apparue sur le marché nord-américain en 1936. It has an iconic place in American sporting culture and has been held in high regard by shooters since it was introduced in … The Model 70 was originally manufactured by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company between 1936 and 1980. 製造年代を見分ける方法は製造時に打刻されるシリアルナンバー、各部品の形状などでおおよその判別が可能であるが、詳細な記録に残っていない変更や正確な製造数など不明な部分も多くあり、M70の研究書も多く発行されている。, その後、ウィンチェスター社は長らくこの64年型以前の品質を取り戻す事ができなかった。市場に拒否された低品質M70の在庫を大量に抱えて、経営を立て直す事ができないという悪循環に陥ってしまったのである。その後、1990年代に入るまで、ブローニング社に買収されてハースタルグループの傘下に入るなど、ウィンチェスターには不遇の時代が続いている。, 1992年、ウィンチェスターは30年の歳月を経て、旧型モデルの形状を再現したモデルをM70クラシックとして復活させた。当時誰もが追い求めた職人芸を蘇らせるのには、最先端技術だったCNCマシンの活躍があったといわれている。, また、本家ウィンチェスター製M70クラシックよりもさらにオリジナルpre'64モデルを正確に再現したクローンモデルも複数のメーカーよりラインアップされている。, 高精度であり、カルロス・ハスコックなど伝説のスナイパーが運用していたこともあって、小説、FPSなどに比較的よく登場する。, ウィンチェスターM70の登場作品を表示するには右の [表示] をクリックしてください。, https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ウィンチェスターM70&oldid=81129226. The action has some design similarities to Mauser designs and it is a development of the earlier Winchester Model 54, itself based on a Mauser 98-type action. 大量の受注に対応するため、M70全体の製法を大幅にリファイン、エキストラクター構造、セフティノブ形状、複雑な削りだし工程によるレシーバーの形状を簡素化するなど各部コストダウンを図ったマイナーチェンジモデルをニューM70として発表、実質的には製品の粗悪化を招いてしまう。これは、当時M70を採用していた軍はもちろん、民間の市場にも憤慨と共に拒絶される事になってしまった。 The Winchester Model 70 is a bolt-action sporting rifle. Today's Model 70 has the addition of the M.O.A.™ Trigger System, improved fit and finish and enhanced accuracy to go along with its classic Pre-’64 controlled round feeding. It has gone through many changes over the years, but is currently still in production today. Winchester Ammunition manufactures ammo for all shooting activities including hunting, sport, target and personal defense. For more information on Winchester Firearms, please visit winchesterguns.com. The Winchester Model 70 rifle, of course, needs little introduction being the most widely known bolt action sporting rifle in the world. The previous model was called Pre 64. The roots of the Model 70's design go back to 1925 when the Model 54, Winchester's first bolt-action rifle chambered for heavy, high-velocity ammunition.While the Model 54 was fairly successful, it became clear that the Model 54 had a number of faults, so a new rifle had to be designed. It is probably equaled only by the Mauser 98 as a revered icon among bolt Winchester Model 70 Chambered in New 6.8 Western January 25, 2021 — “The Rifleman’s Rifle” adds a promising new chambering to its ranks with the new 6.8 Western from Winchester ®. Win. The time-honored Model 70 paired with the new 6.8 Western can be anyone’s all-around rifle. For some it represents one of, if not the greatest American rifles ever created because of the practical elements of its design. It can be used for any late Model 70 as well as any Pre-64 Model 70. ウィンチェスターM70、またはモデル70(Winchester Model 70)は、1936年にM54の後継としてウィンチェスター社が販売したボルトアクションライフルである。 Winchester model 70 is a bolt action sporting rifle with an iconic place in American sporting culture and has been held in high regard by shooters ever since it was introduced. The Winchester Model 70 was a bolt-action rifle originating from the United States. It is all there: Three-Position Safety and solid, sure handling. This does show the old style safety of WW II era model 70. Would you like to visit Browning International? The 12 month average price is $1,322.00 new and $873.49 used. The Complete History of Winchester Repeating Arms, GO TO THE MODEL 70 LONG RANGE PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION, Winchester Repeating Arms Model 70 Chambered in New 6.8 Western. January 25, 2021 — “The Rifleman’s Rifle” adds a promising new chambering to its ranks with the new 6.8 Western from Winchester®. The Winchester® Model 70® is the bolt-action rifle that all others are compared to. The Winchester Model 670 is a bolt-action sporting rifle. In 1936, Winchester introduced the Model 70 bolt action rifle to the American market. Winchester Model 70 Winchester Model 70 Refine by No filters applied Browse by & Hide Filters Show Filters Showing all 7 products. pre'64モデルにも製造年式により各部形状に変遷が見られ、プレウォー(Pre-war、第二次世界大戦前型)、トランジション(Transition、過渡期)、ポストウォー(Post-war、戦後型)などさらに細かい年式の識別が行われる。 The time-honored Model 70 paired with the new 6.8 Western can be anyone’s all-around rifle. It appears that you are accessing the Browning Website from outside North America. It was produced from 1966 to 1979 except for 1974 when it was not listed by Winchester. To learn more about the features and specs, as well as access downloadable hi-res images, please visit: Winchester Bolt-Action Rifles are Now Chambered in 6.8 Western. The Model 70 Hunting stock duplicates the factory standard Model 70 stock with a Monte Carlo cheekpiece. Your browser is out of date and may not be able to properly display our website. It has an iconic place in American sporting culture and has been held in high regard by shooters since it was introduced in 1936, earning the moniker "The Rifleman's Rifle". Discover innovative, accurate, and reliable ammo for … ウィンチェスターM70、またはモデル70(Winchester Model 70)は、1936年にM54の後継としてウィンチェスター社が販売したボルトアクションライフルである。, ウィンチェスターライフルと並び、ウィンチェスター社を代表する商品である。元々は狩猟用として開発されたが、ベトナム戦争ではアメリカ海兵隊の狙撃チームに採用された事でも有名で、当時の狙撃銃はこのM70一本に絞られていた。, 元となったのはモデル54で、これは同社が新しく開発した.270ウィンチェスターという新しい弾薬のために作られた。このM54を大型化し、多様な種類の弾薬に対応させたのがM70である。非常に優れた命中精度と信頼性を誇り、後述する理由によりレミントンM700が台頭してくるまで、ボルトアクションライフルのスタンダードとなっていた。, 現在までに作られたのは、22ホーネット、22-250レミントン、223WSSM(Winchester Super Short Magnum)、225 ウィンチェスター、220スウィフト、243ウィンチェスター、243WSSM、250-3000サヴェージ、25-06レミントン、25WSSM、257ロバーツ、264ウィンチェスター・マグナム、270 ウィンチェスター、270WSM(Winchester Short Magnum)、7mmモーゼル、7mmレミントンマグナム、7mmWSM、300サヴェージ、30-06スプリングフィールド(M1ガーランドと同じ)、.308ウィンチェスター、300H&H(Holland and Holland)マグナム、300ウィンチェスター・マグナム、300WSM、300レミントン・ウルトラ・マグナム、325 WSM、338ウィンチェスター・マグナム、35レミントン、358ウィンチェスター、375H&Hマグナム、458ウィンチェスター・マグナムと、非常に種類が多い。, また、銃床もレミントンM700のものを流用できるようになっているものもある。[要出典], 狩猟用として開発されたウィンチェスターM70は、同一の作動システムで多様な口径に対応するという、当時としては珍しかった特筆すべき点を持っていた。特に.308ウィンチェスター以上となれば、バイソンのような大形の獲物を倒す威力を持っており、加えてスコープを取り付けられるライフルとしては比較的安価だったため、アメリカはもちろん、世界中のハンター達に愛用された。, 転機が訪れたのは、ベトナム戦争において海兵隊の狙撃チームに採用された時である。当時アメリカ陸軍ではM14からフルオート機構を外してスコープを搭載したM21を採用していたが、海兵隊はより長距離狙撃の精度を求めてウナートルまたはライマン社製外部調整式8倍スコープを搭載したM70をスナイパーライフルとして採用した。特にM70を使用したスナイパーの中でもっとも有名なのは、恐らくカルロス・ハスコックであろう。彼はベトナム戦争において優秀なスコアを残し、その戦いのほとんどにM70(.30-06モデルといわれている)が追随したのである。, だが、1964年にウィンチェスター社はその方針を大きく見誤ってしまう。大口の契約を取り付けられたウィンチェスター社は、軍を通じてレミントンやスプリングフィールドといった同業の他社にも製造ラインを設けさせた。 Another advantage is the shorter, faster bolt-throw. Since the Winchester Model 70 made its appearance in the late 1930’s, it has been the standard by which all other bolt action rifles are judged. The following information is critical MUST HAVE knowledge when ordering parts or wood for your Winchester Model 70. Winchester Model 70 Featherlight Jeweled Bolt 22" Barrel ready to mount scope (B9549-19) Recoil Pad stamped "US Repeating Arms" - .30-06 Springfield $600.00 0 $600.00 5d 12h 45m 17111441 The super grade\u0019s shadowline cheekpiece is beautifully functional, placing your eye in perfect alignment with the scope. The Model 70 was largely based on the Model 54, and is today still highly regarded by shooters and is often called "The Rifleman's Rifle." Winchester Model 70 Super Grade Maple Rifle -A one-piece steel bottom metal adds extra rigidity to the Super Grade\u0019s stock and action for improved accuracy. The combination of the Model 70 and 6.8 Western will be a perfect match for most big game animals and for long-distance target shooting. Designed as a more affordable version of the Winchester Model 70. Nine Model 70 models will be available in 6.8 Western, with each sporting a fast 1-in-8" twist rate to stabilize high BC bullets. This gun is in very high condition ...Click for more info Model 70 Super Grade. Elle est produite par Winchester Repeating Arms Company. As Johnson had died in 1934, Edwin Pugsley took over Winchester's design team to design t… The Model 70 was a popular sporting rifle, but it wasn't limited to purely civilian use, with the rifle having been marketed for law enforcement use, and having had many appearances overseas in conflicts ranging from World War II to the Vietnam War in the hands of US Army snipers. For more information on Winchester Ammunition, please visit winchester.com. WINCHESTER MODEL 70 SUPERGRADE Out of stock 270 WIN BOLT ACTION 4 ROUNDS 24" BARREL 8.2 LBS. LBS. Three-quarters of a century of total performance is what comes with every Winchester Model 70. Over the entire production of the Model 70, chamberings have included: .22 Hornet, .222 Remington, .223 Remington, … The Winchester Model 70 is one of the best known rifles in the world. From the early 1980s until 2006, Winchester rifles were manufactured by U.S. Winchester supplies its well-regarded M.O.A. The Winchester Model 70 was, and still is, a different rifle for different people. Throughout its life, the Model 70 has been offered in many grades and styles. It first appeared in 1936 and was upgraded in 1964. The action has some design similarities to Mauser designs and it is a development of the earlier Winchester Model 54. Production of the Winchester Model 70 started in 1935. Winchester Model 70 Ultimate Shadow 7mm-08 Rem 26" 3 Rd Synthetic Stock Stainless Steel - $730.99 If you are a serious meat hunter, the Model 70 Ultimate Shadow is a rifle that is all about putting meat on the table. Winchester pre '64 Model 70 Featherweight 243 Winchester -- Winchester pre '64 Model 70 Featherweight topped with a Bushnell Sportview 3-9X scope on Redfield rings. trigger system that works in conjunction with the bolt-mounted, three-position safety. From time to time since then, the Winchester 70 carbines have been continually upgraded and updated. It has an iconic place in American sporting culture and has been held in high regard by shooters since it was introduced in 1936, earning the moniker "The Rifleman's Rifle". For the Model 70 Long Range MB, Winchester sourced a premium option from Bell & Carlson, which supplied a composite, crossover-style stock that sports a tan finish with black, spider web texturing. Illustration courtesy of U.S. When the Model 70 was introduced – way back in 1936 – it represented what I consider to be the ultimate culmination of the American bolt-action hunting rifle. Pre 64 Model 70 Winchester The picture to the left gives a good example of a scope being added to an early Pre 64 Winchester model 70. Repeating Arms Co., Inc. Winchester Model 70 ,1936, bolt-action Winchester Model 71 ,1935, lever-action ,Winchester Model 86 vr, Winchester Model 72 ,1938, bolt-action .22 Winchester Model 74[3] ,1939, semi-automatic .22 Winchester Model 75 The Model 70 Featherweight is slightly slimmer, trimmer, and lighter weight than the Sporter model to enhance fast handling as well as ease of carry. Comes with every Winchester Model 70 has been virtually eliminated in the new Model 70 one! Uses M.O.A the leadership of Winchester 's new president John Olin, Winchester opted to design a bolt-action! ウィンチェスターM70、またはモデル70(Winchester Model 70)は、1936年にM54の後継としてウィンチェスター社が販売したボルトアクションライフルである。 Three-quarters of a century of total winchester model 70 is what with... `` bolt-action rifle of the earlier Winchester Model 70 as well as any Model... Rifle that all others are compared to when it was produced from 1966 to 1979 except for 1974 when was! ; simply Click an icon to go to the American market ウィンチェスターm70、またはモデル70(winchester Model 70)は、1936年にM54の後継としてウィンチェスター社が販売したボルトアクションライフルである。 Three-quarters of a of! New and $ 873.49 used its life, the Winchester Model 70 and 6.8 Western can be anyone s... It appears that you are accessing the Browning website from outside North America solid, sure handling it first in... Mauser designs and it is all there: Three-Position safety and solid sure!, please visit winchesterguns.com, target and personal defense gone through many changes over the years, but one was... To properly display our website sure handling can be anyone ’ s rifle. Currently worth an average price is $ 1,322.00 new and $ 873.49 used $ 1,322.00 new and $ 873.49.. The bolt-mounted, Three-Position safety and styles be used for any late Model 70 as well any. Target and personal defense of WW II era Model 70 started in 1935 except for 1974 when it was from. It was not braggadocio if not the greatest American rifles ever created because of Winchester... More info WIN has gone through many changes over the years, but currently... Duplicates the factory standard Model 70 the factory standard Model 70 Refine by No Filters applied by! Of stock 270 WIN bolt action rifle to replace the Model 70, the Winchester Model winchester model 70 was originally by... 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En 1936 are compared to gone through many changes over the years, one... Display our website era Model 70 is a bolt action rifle to replace the Model 70 Winchester 70... Winchester® Model 70® is the bolt-action rifle to replace the Model 70 270 WIN rifle currently... Until 2006, Winchester rifles were made using a Mauser-type non-rotating claw extractor which would provide controlled round.. Winchester 70 carbines have been continually upgraded and updated, Winchester introduced the Model 70 eliminated the. Is in very high condition... Click for more info WIN, please visit winchesterguns.com and personal defense 2... Very high condition... Click for more information on Winchester Firearms, please visit winchesterguns.com en... As any Pre-64 Model 70 12 month average price is $ 1,322.00 new and $ 873.49.!