Finale, Act II (The Pirates of Penzance) Lyrics [Part I, Sighing Softly to the River] [MAJOR-GENERAL] Sighing softly to the river Comes the loving breeze, Setting nature all a'quiver, And why? His half-deaf nurse had been instructed to apprentice him to a … The Pirates of Penzance - or, The Slave of Duty. Top Pirates Of Penzance Lyrics Poor Wandering One With Cat-like Tread, Upon Our Prey We Steal When You Had Left Our Pirate Fold Finale When A Felon's Not Engaged In His Employment I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Sighing Softly To The River Oh, Dry The Glistening Tear Pour, Oh Pour The Pirate Sherry When Fred'ric Was A Little Lad and. I object to pirates as sons-in-law. Illustrated with Historic Photographs of D'Oyly Carte Productions The alternate lyric song below, sung to the tune of “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General,” is a delightful synopsis of story of The Pirates of Penzance. All The Pirates of Penzance lyrics sorted by popularity, with video and meanings. GENERAL: But wait a bit. (ST: "Q&A") In 2368, Dr. Beverly Crusher intended to mount a production of Pirates on board the USS Enterprise-D. Featuring. The Pirates of Penzance! First produced at the Opéra Comique on April 3, 1880 Act I. FREDERIC: Yes, I have done my best for you. In 2254, Una sang part of "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General" from The Pirates of Penzance when she was stuck in a turbolift with Spock. As it turns out, Frederic was indentured by mistake. Composed by Arthur Sullivan. You are here: Archive Home > The Pirates of Penzance > Web Opera Written by W. S. Gilbert. The Pirates Of Penzance JR. is a light, comic introduction to the work of Gilbert and Sullivan, featuring opportunities for singing as an ensemble or in small groups, with vocal parts written in unison or simple two-part harmony. The Pirates of Penzance is a comic opera from 1879 by Gilbert & Sullivan. by Gilbert and Sullivan. Lyrics & Book: William S. Gilbert: The Pirates of Penzance tells the story of a young pirate apprentice named Frederic who has come to the end of his indentured period. It was my duty under my indentures, and I am the slave of duty. The Pirates of Penzance, or "The Slave of Duty", was a comic operetta written and composed by Gilbert and Sullivan in the 19th century.. I have often heard of them. The Pirates of Penzance (Revival, Musical, Comedy, Operetta, Broadway) opened in New York City Jan 5, 1939. Ninety Minutes of Music. [Thanks to pokemon555999 for adding these lyrics] Back to: The Pirates Of Penzance Lyrics Soundtracks / Top Hits / One Hit Wonders / TV Themes / Song Quotes / Miscellaneous All the Lyrics and Dialogue. MABEL: All except this gentleman (indicating FREDERIC), who was a pirate once, but who is out of his indentures to-day, and who means to lead a blameless life evermore. PENANCE CRANE: The pirate anchored on a Wednesday And why he came to port I wonder To see a lady so my friends say She dances for the sailors In a smoky cabaret bar underground