The Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center is an open-air folklife museum and research center dedicated to preserving and celebrating Pennsylvania German folk culture, history, and language in a unique educational setting at Kutztown University. Printers, especially in Pennsylvania, with its high number of German Publication History. The First PA Dutch Online Dictionary. Nimmst du dabei auch die Musik der Pennsylvaniadeutschen mit in den Blick? The Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783 Item Preview > We specialize in distinctive Pennsylvania German decorative arts such as painted furniture and smalls, Fraktur, baskets, folk art of the region, and 18th and 19th century American textiles and pewter for … "The Red Church: The Art of Pennsylvania German Braucherei is the finest book on German magic to be seen in decades. The title varied somewhat from volume to volume. The German Immigration Into Pennsylvania was by far greater than in any of the other States previously mentioned, but, for the purposes of keeping the record straight, when we speak of the "Pennsylvania Germans" we might just as readily include the Germans settled early … Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Volumes I & II: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808 . Some … The Pennsylvania German Society Proceedings and Addresses was a more-or-less annual publication of the Pennsylvania German Society, publishing minutes of its meetings and historical studies of interest to its members. About the Project Penn State's digital project includes Pennsylvania German fraktur as well as broadsides. Search PA Dutch. The settlers of the Pennsylvania German region came from the Rhineland, Switzerland, Tyrol, and various other regions beginning in 1689. Und nun zur Musik: Wenn du nach Pennsylvania reist, wirst du sicher auch musizieren. Dictionary for the Pennsylvania Dutch (Pennsylvania German) dialect. Don and Trish Herr have been antiques dealers doing business as The Herrs since 1975. Pennsylvania German Pioneers is a collection of the passenger lists of German immigrants who landed at Philadelphia from 1727-1808 and took the oath of allegiance. Uff jeden Fall! Broadsides printed in German in North America featured commentaries on political events, devotional hymns, lists of books for sale, prescriptions for medical treatments, and many other topics. Ich werd mir mol e paar Gassehauer empfehle losse un mir des äände oder onnere Lied vun Pennsylvania … Generally only the names of the adult male passengers (age 16 and above) were recorded. Widely regarded as the most complete collection of colonial passenger lists ever published, this work comprises all the original lists of persons who arrived in the port of Philadelphia between 1727 and 1808. Search About Download Events Store Contact.