But little or no work has been done on the economics from the farmer’s perspective of harvesting and collecting just the cobs off the field. Row Width: Area Planted: acres. Warm Welcomes from the Farm Student Contest, Landowners Trust Tenants to Care for Their Land, Iowa Farmers Care About the Water We Share, History of Iowa's Ethanol Industry Media Kit. Most farmers used their corn crop to feed the pigs that were then sold for profit. According to the USDA, in 2009 Iowans planted 13.7 million acres of corn. How much money does a farmer make per acre of corn? This estimate is still relatively high compared to previous years and well above the 2019 average yield of 167.4 bushels per acre . Guidelines for replanting are posted on our Web site. Corn, wheat, and potatoes were the three major crops in 1850. In the top 10 corn-producing states (in terms of the planted area), crop insurance was purchased on 61.4 million of the 65.2 million acres planted, representing crop insurance coverage for 94% of corn acreage. Many of those acres may not be planted … In Iowa, that's June 15. Production in Iowa – 2021 The estimated costs of corn, corn silage, soybeans, ... tandem disk, apply Nitrogen, field cultivate, plant, and spray. Cost of production in 2018 is predicted to be $645 per acre . Using this information, we find that 52 percent relative yield potential is possible with a population of 32,000 plants per acre when corn is planted between June 24 and June 28. The acreage gap has shrunk from corn leading by 1.6 million acres in 2001, to corn still leading but decreasing to 483 thousand acres in … Forage crops for cattle can often be harvested multiple times as they regrow. On average, Iowa grows 183 bushels of corn per acre. 1,294,425 : Acres of pastureland in Iowa. For 2019, a 63 bushel per acre yield and $9.00 per bushel price are used in projections, giving $567 of crop revenue. What is the average bushel per acre of corn in Iowa? Last year, based on data from the Iowa Crops and Weather Reports, Iowan's planted from 37,000 acres per suitable day to nearly 1.4 million acres (see Table). Ten years ago, Iowa farmers were planting fewer than 10,000 acres of cover crops per year. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. This would suggest 27 million acres of corn will be planted the first time in the month of June, and possibly 1 to 2 million acres of corn will need to be replanted in June, according to Kluis Advisors’ records. For 900 pounds of dry matter needed daily, approximately 1,800 corn plants are needed divided by 75 percent effective grazing or 2,400 effective corn grazing plants needed. Corn has been the leading crop in Iowa for more than 150 years. In that year, Texas was the sixth largest and Georgia was the tenth largest corn producing state, with nearly 10 million corn acres between them. The barns and buildings you see dotting the countryside are used to care for a animals including cattle, hogs, turkeys, sheep, dairy cows, meat goats, and poultry. Livestock in the U.S. have been fed genetically modified crops since they were first introduced in 1996. Update: In July, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collected updated information on 2019 acres planted to corn , cotton, sorghum , and soybeans in 14 states. For the 2019/20 marketing year, U.S. producers intend to plant 92.8 million acres of corn, up 4 percent, or 3.66 million acres, from the prior year. Standard Loss %: Normal Range: 5-20%. 202.0 bushels . Figure 1. Estimated yield based on planting date and final population is listed in a table in the Corn Planting Guide. During the period of 1900-1905, there were 10,500,000 acres planted, with a decline to 8,862,000 acres in 1925-1930. The unprecedented 30.6 million acres of corn planted after June 2nd will result in a US corn yield of 165.0-167.0 bushels per acre, in line with USDA’s estimate of 166.0 bushels per acre. Question: How many of Iowa’s corn and soybean acres are covered by crop insurance? Kim Reynolds said Tuesday during a news conference. We find a striking stability and similarity in the minimum number of days required to plant the corn crop in … Iowa farmers planted 13.6 million acres of corn in 2009, yielding 2.42 billion bushels of grain and 4.84 million tons of corn silage. Illinois had many counties with high levels of prevented planting, and corn planting decreased 532,000 acres … Grain corn dries on the stalk with the kernel forming a dent on one end when ripe, which is caused by shrinking starch. Crop insurance coverage for corn was the highest in Iowa at 12.2 million acres, followed by Illinois at 9.5 million acres. As for ears per plant, most hybrids commonly grown in Iowa have one dominant ear. USDA estimates the state’s total row crop acreage for 2021 will be around 4.18 billion acres. In fact in the United States, alone, 9 billion food-producing animals are produced annually, with 95 percent of them consuming feed that contains genetically engineered ingredients meaning consumers come in contact with GMO's on a daily basis. 4.709 billion bushels or 33 percent of Iowa Corn went directly into livestock feed. A single corn bushel can sweeten about 400 cans of soda pop. Very small changes over time, but these changes can really add up over the decades of a producer’s career. © 2021 Iowa Corn Promotion Board/Iowa Corn Growers Association. The low point during that span came in 2001 — the only time over the last 18 years the number went under 12.3 million acres. Higher planting rates require closer planted rows along with seeds planted closer together within the row. That’s down 400,000 acres from 2020. 88,637 : Number of farms in Iowa. More than 97 percent of those farms are owned by farm families. Acetochlor was the active ingredient with the greatest total amount applied in Iowa. A bushel of corn is 56 pounds, about the weight of a large bag of dog food. Many might find this surprising. Corn population in Iowa, 1963 – 2014. The large size of modern planters obviously implies that a planter today can cover many more acres per day than smaller planters of the past. In this post, we provide a history of the state rankings of soybean planted acres by state from 2000 to 2019. Iowa ranks number one in producing corn, soybeans, hogs, eggs, ethanol and Dry Distillers Grain Solubles (DDGS) which serve as a premium source of protein for livestock. NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. In the Midwest there’s only one growing season. Germination %: Normal Range: 85-98%. A recent post discussed the fact that forecasts corn production is a function of planted acres and yield. Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania rounded the top 10 states on total cover crop acres (Table 1, Figure 1). Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin also reported an overall state average corn population in excess of 30,000 plants per acre. Ten years ago, Iowa farmers were planting fewer than 10,000 acres of cover crops per year. Meanwhile, the upper Midwest is devoting the same amount or more acreage to corn than was the case in the 1930s and 1940s. The deadline to record your corn prevented planting acres to FSA is 15 calendar days after the final planting date. The primary use for cobs today is utilizing the nutrients and tilling them back into the ground. Iowa officials have estimated that at least 10 million acres of corn and soybean crops were damaged or destroyed by the violent windstorm. Iowa, the largest producer of corn in the US, grows three times as much corn as Mexico. ... Licht says 33,000-38,000 seeds per acre is an ideal range for much of the Midwest. When Iowa’s corn farmers deliver corn from the field, it’s “Field Corn”. When the price of oil goes up, so does food prices. In Iowa, a corn field may have 30,000 plants per acre. One bushel of corn produces 17 pounds of DDGS as well as 2.8 gallons of ethanol. Two: Economic Seeding Rate/Plant Population. Commodity Planted All Purpose Acres Harvested Acres Yield Production Price per Unit Value of Production in Dollars; CORN: CORN, GRAIN: 12,900,000: 178 BU / ACRE It’s considered a grain. Sizable decreases in corn acres occurred in Illinois. Depending on the hybrid or variety, field or grain corn planting rates vary from about 20,000 to 44,000 plants per acre. Desired Final Stand: plants per acres. Iowa, the top U.S. corn and No. The annual August Pro Farmer Crop Tour estimated corn yield to be closer to 177.5 bushels per acre after field inspections. sulfur (S), was applied to 22 percent of acres planted to corn. Change in acres in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio are illustrative. The breakeven price for corn at a yield level of 200 bushels per acre is $3.23 per bushel. Tractors are becoming more technologically advanced and planting and harvesting corn is becoming easier over time. Some fields didn't get planted at all--as farmers exercised the "prevented planting" option offered by crop insurance. Producers intend to plant 9.8 million acres of soybeans – 400,000 acres than last year. About 150,000 acres of oats are expected to be planted, also a decrease from last year. Nationally the average is 173 bushels per acre (USDA). Today, the United States is the largest corn producer globally, with approximately 96 million acres of land reserved for corn production. How many acres of corn are in the US? Corn , soybeans, and wheat can only be harvested once. See the Estimated Machinery Costs table. In 2006, Georgia corn producers planted 280,000 acres and Texas had 1.75 million acres. 2 soy producing state, had the most water, covering 474,271 acres, followed by Missouri with 203,188 acres, according to Gro Intelligence. The World Bank conducted research determining crude oil as the number one determinant of global food prices. As educational opportunities and financial support for cover crops have become more readily available – spurred by Iowa’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy – cover crop use has exploded in Iowa! Grain corn dries on the stalk with the kernel forming a dent on one end when ripe, which is caused by shrinking starch. This is a change of 1.20% from one year ago. 14 percent or 2.065 billion bushels of Iowa corn was exported out of the state in the 2018/19 marketing year. Due to the large amount of questions surrounding the difference between NASS estimated planted acres and certified acres reported to FSA, USDA is publishing this update of the August 1, 2019 data. At 180 bushels per acre it is $3.58 per bushel. Illinois follows with 10.9 million acres of corn planted, up 4% from 2019, and Nebraska planted 9.8 million acres, down 3% from 2019. Here are some interesting facts about farming in Iowa: 26,256,347 : Acres devoted to cropland in Iowa. In 2008 and 2009, over 1.2 million acres were planted per day suitable for field work during the best weeks. Iowa farmers look to plant 13.2 million acres of corn for all purposes in 2021. Iowa harvested 3,548 acres (1,436 ha) of sweet corn in 2007. Overall the amount of corn being planted has remained higher than soybeans, however, the acreage gap between corn and soybeans has slimmed down in recent years. One variable important in any replant decision is what yield to expect. Most farms in 1850 averaged 160 acres in size, with farmers cultivating anywhere from 25 to 40 acres. As of Sunday, Iowa farmers had 80% of that state’s corn crop planted vs. a … No other revenues are projected, giving a gross revenue projection of $567 per acre. The cost of energy from oil is integral to so much of the 84 percent of what makes up grocery costs. Since there was a corn population of 24,000 and 12,000 pounds of dry matter per acre, each corn plant has approximately 1/2 pound of dry matter per plant. Approximately 90% of those acres have been insured using Revenue Protection (RP) multiple peril crop insurance. See the Estimated Machinery Costs table. Atrazine was the most widely used pesticide overall applied to 56 percent of the planted acres. Which state has more acres of cropland Iowa or Connecticut? In Illinois, where the best sweet corn on the planet comes from, an acre will yield between 14,400 to 18,000 ears. At 56 pounds per bushel, that’s over 150 billion pounds of field corn. Farmers and ranchers that provide our meat, milk and eggs depend on genetically enhanced crops as critical components in production of their animals' feed. In Iowa, that's June 15. Hundreds of scientific studies have confirmed the safety of these biotechnology products. All rights reserved. The last time this country planted over 90 million acres of corn was in 1944. Field corn is the classic big ears of yellow dented corn you see dried and harvested in the fall. Iowa ranks number one in producing corn, soybeans, hogs, eggs, ethanol and Dry Distillers Grain Solubles (DDGS) which serve as a premium source of protein for livestock. Crop insurance coverage for corn was the highest in Iowa at 12.2 million acres, followed by Illinois at 9.5 million acres. The great thing about corn is that it provides: A renewable, environmentally-friendly fuel source (Ethanol), Animal feed for livestock which is important to our food supply, Exports supplying the world with corn and corn products which boosts our economy, Food ingredients necessary for preparing many of our favorite meals, Bio-based, renewable materials for industrial uses such as bioplastics, Corn can be produced in various colors including blackish, bluish-gray, purple, green, red and white but the most common color grown is yellow, There is one silk for every kernel that grows in an ear of corn, The number of kernels per ear can vary from 500 to about 1,200, but a typical ear would have 800 kernels in 16 rows, Corn is grown in every continent except Antarctica, One acre of corn is about the size of a football field. Soil and available nutrients have to be able to support that many plants, and each farm and each field is different. Soybeans are, of course, no different. 92 million 99 percent of corn grown in Iowa is “Field Corn”. We can put a lot of corn in the ground quickly! The short answer: 55% of the U.S. intended corn acres and 60% of the intended soybean acres. Last year, based on data from the Iowa Crops and Weather Reports, Iowan's planted from 37,000 acres per suitable day to nearly 1.4 million acres (see Table). Only one percent of corn planted in the United States is sweet corn. Fields of corn, soybeans, and alfalfa wave in the wind. Iowa has approximately 86,900 farms. Garren Benson, retire… Pre-report estimates had been calling for a reduction of 1.8 million acres, to 95.2 million acres of corn. Iowa … Acres; Cropland: 25,968,200: Pastureland: 3,104,500: Forest Land: 2,358,600: House Lots, Ponds, Roads: 897,100: Land in CRP/WRP: 1,030,600: Total Land in Farms: 33,359,000 Last year, the state planted nearly 4.1 billion total acres. On the low end, South Dakota and Kansas reported state average population less than 25,000 plants per acre. Sweet corn is what people purchase fresh, frozen or canned for eating. Many products depend on corn as well, from paper goods and cardboard packaging, to all the meat, milk, eggs, poultry and other protein products that come from corn-fed animals. Your email address will not be published. Corn is in more than 4,000 grocery store items a few examples include: shampoo, toothpaste, chewing gum, marshmallows, crayons and paper. That number includes 11,154 acres of corn and 4,587 acres of soybeans. Whether it’s your first turn at planting corn or you are an experienced producer who could use a brush-up on the basics, here are a few tips to consider. Corn seed should be planed about 1.5 to 2 inches deep in the ground. Your email address will not be published. It’s consumed as a vegetable. Please check the marked fields below. But with seeding small grains or cover crops, we talk about bushels or lbs per acre. Northwest and north-central Iowa have only 8% of their corn in the ground; northeast Iowa is 5% planted. 99 percent of corn grown in Iowa is “Field Corn”. Nearly 30,000 kernels of corn are planted per planted acre, and corn yields can be close to 200 bushels per acre in a good year on high CSR land. Iowa produces more corn than the entire country of Mexico. Central, south-central and southeast Iowa farmers already have at least one-third of their corn planted. Here are some interesting facts about farming in Iowa: 26,256,347 : Acres devoted to cropland in Iowa. 1,294,425 : Acres of pastureland in Iowa. Yeah, that’s a lot of corn. Each field must be a number. For 2019, a 63 bushel per acre yield and $9.00 per bushel price are used in projections, giving $567 of crop revenue. Iowa farmers planted 23.4 million acres of corn and soybeans in 2020. Pre-report estimates had been calling for a reduction of 1.8 million acres, to 95.2 million acres of corn. Depending on the soil and environment, 28,000 to 45,000 corn seeds can be planted per acre. “Largely because our climate, our soil and our market is better suited for our corn and soybeans.” Since 2000, corn acres planted in Iowa have hovered between 11.7 million acres and 14.2 million acres. Before the storm hit, the U.S. Department of Agriculture had been expecting a record national corn crop this year of 15.3 billion bushels harvested from about 84 million acres. What is the average corn yield per acre in Iowa? Corn is seen as a staple in the average family diet. Higher planting rates require closer planted rows along with seeds planted closer together within the row. As educational opportunities and financial support for cover crops have become more readily available – spurred by Iowa’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy – cover crop use has exploded in Iowa! Soybean Acre Changes Figure 3 shows a map with planted acre changes for soybeans. Iowa farmers have planted 21% of the state’s expected 2019 corn crop, two days ahead of last year but two days behind the five-year average. Not the delicious sweet corn you might enjoy on the cob or in a can. 88,637 : Number of farms in Iowa. Depending on the hybrid or variety, field or grain corn planting rates vary from about 20,000 to 44,000 plants per acre. Pesticide Use: Herbicide active ingredients were applied to 95 percent of the corn acres planted in Iowa. How many acres of cover crops do we have in Iowa? Iowa leads the way in corn acres planted with 14 million acres, an increase of 4% compared to 2019. Required fields are marked *. The deadline to record your corn prevented planting acres to FSA is 15 calendar days after the final planting date. The acreage gap has shrunk from corn leading by 1.6 million acres in 2001, to corn still leading but decreasing to 483 thousand acres … Iowa Corn Growers Association5505 NW 88th StreetJohnston, IA 50131515-225-9242515-225-9242 | corninfo@iowacorn.org. Despite an unusually wet spring followed by an unusually cool June, America’s corn farmers planted even more than they did last year. With the record wet spring in Iowa and other areas of the Corn Belt this spring, many acres were planted late and there was a lot of switching from corn to soybeans. Specifically, when corn planting is not late (negative to +9.9 percent): i) the chance of soybean planted acreage increasing is 47 percent; ii) the chance of soybean planted acreage decreasing is 53 percent; and iii) the average change is -0.1 million acres. In livestock feeding, one bushel of corn converts to about 8 pounds of beef, 15.6 pounds of pork, or 21.6 pounds of chicken. While a small portion of “Field Corn” is processed for use as corn cereal, corn starch, corn oil and corn syrup for human consumption, it is primarily used for livestock feed, ethanol production and manufactured goods. 1.494 billion bushels of Iowa corn in the 2018/19 marketing year went into corn processing used in the wet mill industry for food and industrials usage. Oil, not corn, has been driving up global food prices. However, our previous analyses shows this is not borne out by historical data on planting progress for three states in the heart of the U.S. Corn Belt—Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa. The potential switching of 1.0-2.0 million acres of intended soybean area to corn due to favorable economics will limit the decline in planted corn acreage. It’s called “dent corn” because of the distinctive dent that forms on the kernel as the corn dries. How many acres of Iowa is corn? 177.81 bushels per acre . In 2019, Iowa farmers produced around 2.58 billion bushels of corn for grain and harvested 13.1 million acres according to the U.S. Department of Agricultural Statistics Service. Corn develops more than one ear shoot per plant, but usually only the primary ear shoot produces kernels. Some farmers are planting 12 inch rows with as many as 60,000 plants per acre! Soybeans are, of course, no different. As of Sunday, Iowa farmers had 80% of that state’s corn crop planted vs. a … US Corn Acres Planted is at a current level of 90.82M, up from 89.74M one year ago. Seen as a staple in the fall and 4.84 million tons of corn acre... Have in Iowa, weather prevented farmers from planting 15,822 acres this year, farmers! Seeds per acre over 2018 costs was exported out of the corn planting decreased 532,000 acres … Two: Seeding... Planting '' option offered by crop insurance plants, and Ohio are...., an increase of 4 % compared to 2019 weather intelligence firm.... 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