[14] Tubman began her underground railroad work in 1850 and continued until the beginning of the Civil War, so it's possible Tubman's use of the song predates the origin claimed by Lockwood. go down, Moses [1] In fact, the song actually had multiple messages, discussing not only the metaphorical freedom of Moses but also the physical freedom of runaway slaves,[2] and many slave holders outlawed this song because of those very messages. To get those Hebrew children through-let my people go. Go down Moses Way down in egypt land Tell all Pharaoes to Let My People Go! Oppressed so hard they could not stand. Go down Moses way down in Egypt land. XIX wieku, gdy na swoich koncertach wykonywał ją zespół Fisk Jubilee Singers.[4]. It is often named GO DOWN MOSES after the text, but sometimes it is called TUBMAN, after Harriet Tubman, the ex-slave who helped others escape and who was called the “Moses of her people.” This spiritual tune is designed for call-and-response singing. [Chorus] Em Am7 Go down, Moses, B B7 Em Way down in Egypts land. Tell old Pharaoh Go Down, Moses is a collection of short stories (and two longer stories, "The Fire and the Hearth" and "The Bear") that, together, tell the composite history of the McCaslin family, of the descendents of Carothers McCaslin and the residents of the plantation he founded. L.C. negro spiritual) powstała w środowisku XIX-wiecznych niewolników w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Newman, R. S. (1998). W XX wieku pieśń spopularyzował Paul Robeson, którego głęboki głos kojarzył się słuchaczom z głosem Boga. When Israel was in Egypt land. Zstąp, Mojżeszu) – afroamerykańska pieśń religijna (tzw. Furthermore, the original version of the song sung by slaves almost definitely sounded very different from what Lockwood transcribed by ear, especially following an arrangement by a person who had never before heard the song how it was originally sung. Let my people go. Tell old Pharao , let my people go. "GO DOWN MOSES" ~ HISTORY "Go Down Moses" is an American Negro spiritual. When Jehovah commissioned Moses to go back down into Egypt to deliver His people from slavery, sending Moses in His own memorial name Jehovah (Ex 3:15, 16), God dispatched his angel, who appeared to Moses in a burning bush. [13] The opening verse, as recorded by Lockwood, is: The Lord, by Moses, to Pharaoh said: Oh! "Go Down Moses" is a spiritual phrase that describes events in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically Exodus 5:1: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me", in which God commands Moses to demand the release of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. Watch the video for Go Down Moses from Louis Armstrong's Pure Gold for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. The song discusses themes of freedom, a very common occurrence in spirituals. Oppress'd so hard they could not stand GO DOWN MOSES Lyrics: Anonymous As in many other slave songs, plans to escape are encoded in this biblical story. [10] This became the first ever spiritual to be recorded in sheet music that is known of, by Reverend Lewis Lockwood. This spiritual was probably well known before its first publication in sheet music form in December 1861 as “The Song of the Contrabands” subtitled “O! Though it is generally thought of as a spiritual, it was first recorded as sheet music after having been heard as a rallying cry for the ex-slaves at Fort Monroe in Virginia. This page was last edited on 16 March 2021, at 01:33. "Go Down, Moses" This song was originally published as "O! Lockwood, L.C. ", "Summary of Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman", "BLACK MUSIC MOMENT: HISTORY OF "GO DOWN MOSES" ~ THE SONG USUALLY THOUGHT OF AS A SPIRITUAL", Black Recording Artists, 1877–1926: An Annotated Discography, Sweet Chariot: The Story of the Spirituals, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park, Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park, Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center, The Railroad to Freedom: A Story of the Civil War, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Go_Down_Moses&oldid=1012375746, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with trivia sections from February 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2017, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2015, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A reference is made to the song in the film, On February 7, 1958, the song was recorded in New York City and sung by, The song has since become a jazz standard, having been recorded by, It is one of the five spirituals included in the, The song, or a modified version of it, has been used in the Roger Jones musical, "Go Down Moses" has sometimes been called "Let My People Go" and performed by a variety of musical artists, including, The song heavily influences "Get Down Moses", by, The song has been performed by the Russian Interior Ministry (. let my people go 3 parts • 2 pages • 01:34 • Jan 30, 2013 • 2,680 views • 26 favorites. Going "down" to Egypt is derived from the Bible; the Old Testament recognizes the Nile Valley as lower than Jerusalem and the Promised Land; thus, going to Egypt means going "down"[7] while going away from Egypt is "up". Discussion about “Go Down, Moses” often centers on the degree to which the song should be considered as a metaphor for the escape from slavery. Away down to Egypt's land Darden, R. (2004). So Moses went to Egypt land... Let My People Go! Wydanie zawiera 3 popularne standardy spiritual w opracowaniu J.Fr. [15] Some people even hypothesize that she herself may have written the spiritual. A summary of Part X (Section1) in William Faulkner's Go Down, Moses. Jazz singer Tony Vittia released a swing version under the name "Own The Night" (2013). Refrain: Choral. Go down, Moses I couldn't hear nobody pray Joshua fit the battle o' Jerico Lit'le David play on yo' harp Nobody knows de trouble I see Roll Jordan roll Sometimes I feel like a motherless child Swing low sweet chariot Were you there when they crucified my Lord? W 1958 nagrał ją również Louis Armstrong z towarzyszeniem Sy Oliver's Orchestra. "Oh! Let my people go Let my people go! ", The Golden Gate Quartet (Duration: 3:05; recorded in 1957 for their album, "Go Down Moses" was recorded by the Robert Shaw Chorale on. Do ziemi egipskiej. Go down, Moses, Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said-let my people go. Size 10.0 Source 78 User_cleaned Ed Nuestro User_metadataentered Matthew Werkmeister User_transferred Matthew Werkmeister The song discusses themes of freedom, a very common occurrence in s… [5][6] Yes the lord said 'go down, Moses Way down in Egypt land Tell all pharaohs to Let my people go!' EMBED. Cleveland, J. J. So the God sayeth, “Go down, Moses way down in Egypt land Tell old Pharaoh to let My people go” So Moses went to Egypt land Let My people go He made old Pharaoh understand Let My people go Yes The Lord said, “Go down, Moses way down in Egypt land Tell old Pharaoh to let My people go” Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said Let My people go Go Down, Moses is a 1942 collection of seven related pieces of short fiction by American author William Faulkner, sometimes considered a novel. “Go Down, Moses” is the distillation of their understanding of this text – a lyrical and forceful sung sermon. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Go Down, Moses and what it means. [12] However, the song was not included in Slave Songs of the United States, despite it being a very prominent spiritual among slaves. This phrase is the title of the one of the most well known African American spirituals of all time. marczali. God told Moses what to do-let my people go. Em Am7 B7 Em [Verse] Em B Em Am So Moses went to Egypt land, Em B7 Em Let My people go Em B Em Am He made old Pharaoh understand, Em B7 Em Let My people go. Let My People Go", p. 5: "This Song has been sung for about nine years by the Slaves of Virginia. Graham, S. (2018). let my people go Let my people go. When Israel was in Egypt land... Let My People Go! Treść pieśni dotyczy wydarzeń ze Starego Testamentu, opisanych w Księdze Wyjścia, a w szczególności wersetu Wj 8,1 - w którym Mojżesz prosić miał egipskiego faraona o wypuszczenie narodu izraelskiego z niewoli: Jak twierdzi Alfred Läpple, ucisk, jakiego pokolenia izraelskie musiały doświadczać w Egipcie, był dla uciskanego Murzyna palącą, religijną aktualnością. The lyrics refer to Harriet Tubman, a runaway slave who later helped hundreds of fellow slaves escape from slavery. Clarkson N. Potter. Oppressed so hard they could not stand. For the book by William Faulkner, see. For enslaved African Americans, the story was very powerful because they could relate to the experiences of Moses and the Israelites who were enslaved by the pharaoh, representing the slave holders,[4] and it holds the hopeful message that God will help those who are persecuted. "Go Down, Moses")[3]. Go Down, Moses is composed of seven interrelated stories, all of them set in Faulkner’s mythic Yoknapatawpha County. Bloomsbury. Go Down Moses. This phrase is the title of the one of the most well known African American spirituals of all time. Way down in Egypt land. Her code name was “Moses.” Way down in Egypt land. [Verse 1] When Israel was in Egypt land. Wątek ten podejmuje William Faulkner w powieści "Zstąp, Mojżeszu" (ang. University of Illinois Press. Sweet Chariot: the story of the spirituals, Go Down Moses, Let My People Go - słowa i muzyka, https://pl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Go_Down_Moses&oldid=61877147, licencji Creative Commons: uznanie autorstwa, na tych samych warunkach, Korzystasz z Wikipedii tylko na własną odpowiedzialność. The most prominent character and unifying voice is that of Isaac McCaslin, "Uncle Ike", who will live to be an old man; "uncle to half a county and father to no one." It describes events in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically Exodus 7:16: "And the Lord spoke unto Moses, go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve me", in which God commands Moses to demand the release of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. Tekst piosenki: Go down Moses. 78_go-down-moses_paul-robeson-burleigh-lawrence-brown_gbia0121155b Local_id 3 Location UK Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.7.7 Scanningcenter George Blood, L.P. share. Pieśń stała się znana poza środowiskiem afroamerykańskim w latach 70. While visiting Fortress Monroe in 1861, he heard runaway slaves singing this song, transcribed what he heard, and then eventually published it in the National Anti-Slavery Standard. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Let My People Go: The Song of the Contrabands", and arranged by Horace Waters. 'if not I'll smite, your firstborn's dead' Let my people go! Go Down Moses Composed by Louis Armstrong • Digital Sheet music • 10 scores Go down, Moses. Tell all pharaoes to. Oh! Em Am7 Tell old Pharaoh Em B7 Em to let my people go. Though originally published as a short story collection, Faulkner considered the book to be a novel in the same way The Unvanquished is considered a novel. Historia edycji tekstu (Ed.). (1981). This interpretation receives full treatment in Harriet Tubman, The Moses of Her P… "Go Down Moses" is a spiritual phrase that describes events in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically Exodus 5:1: "And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me", in which God commands Moses to demand the release of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt. A New History of Black Gospel Music. If not I'll strike your first born dead-let my people go. Soprano, Alto, Vocals. Lockwood, chaplain of the Contrabands, stated in the sheet music that the song was from Virginia, dating from about 1853. People Get Ready! Songs of Zion. Go down, Moses Although usually thought of as a spiritual, the earliest written record of the song was as a rallying anthem for the Contrabands at Fort Monroe sometime before July 1862. Let My People Go: The Song of the Contrabands." Go Down Moses Lyrics. flag. Way down in Egypt's land Abingdon Press. Go Down,moses Item Preview > remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. New York: Horace Waters (1862). way down in Egyptland [11] Sheet music was soon after published, titled "Oh! Go Down, Moses by William Faulkner is a novel constructed around seven interconnected short stories revolving around the McCaslin family and relations. White people who reported on the song presumed it was composed by them. Powiedz staremu faraonowi, From a variety of perspectives, Faulkner examines the complex, changing relationships between blacks and whites, between man and nature, weaving a cohesive novel rich in implication and insight. Tell old Pharaoh, So Moses went to Egypt land Let my people go! Let my people go! Let my people go! No_Favorite. [8] In the context of American slavery, this ancient sense of "down" converged with the concept of "down the river" (the Mississippi), where slaves' conditions were notoriously worse, a situation which led to the idiom "sell [someone] down the river" in present-day English.[9]. [Chorus] Em Am7 Go down, Moses, B B7 Em Way down in Egypts land. Sprawdź cel, warunki przechowywania lub dostępu do nich w Polityce Prywatności . Set in Faulkner’s fictional Yoknapatawpha county, the book contains some of … Go Down, Moses, a collection of seven stories by William Faulkner, first published in 1942 as a novel under the inaccurate title Go Down, Moses, and Other Stories; the title was corrected for the second printing. Zstąp, Mojżeszu) – afroamerykańska pieśń religijna (tzw. Thus spoke the lord, bold Moses said: Let my people go! When Israel was in Egypt land. The phrase "Go Down Moses" is featured in the chorus of the, Avant-garde singer-songwriter and composer, The song, All You Zombies, by the Hooters, begins with these familiar words: "Holy Moses met the Pharaoh, Yeah, he tried to set him straight, Looked him in the eye, 'Let my people go.' The tune presumably developed with the words. [2] Dlatego niewolnicy dokonali aktualizacji opowieści o Mojżeszu do ich własnej sytuacji - Izrael miał symbolizować murzyńskich niewolników, zaś Egipt i faraon potęgę właścicieli. Let my people go Sprawdź słowa piosenki Go down Moses Louis Armstrong, zobacz teledysk. Go Down Moses: A Celebration of the African-American Spiritual. [3] The opening verse as published by the Jubilee Singers in 1872: When Israel was in Egypt's land Lockwood, "Oh! So the God seyeth: 'Go down, Moses Way down in Egypt land Tell all Pharaoes to Let My People Go!' Let my people go. Oppressed so hard they could not stand. [17], This article is about the song. 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