The Broad-breasted White turkey is a commercial strain of turkey and does not qualify as a ‘breed’. The Broad Breasted White Turkey is the breed raised by commercial turkey farmers in the US. These birds are grown in large, fully automated grow-out barns, which may house as many as 10,000 birds. They are generally complete white in coloration with pink legs, a black beards, and red carnucling. But sometimes they can weight more. The Broad Breasted White turkey is a breed of domestic turkey from United States. Please allow a minimum of 1-2 business days for processing before you receive a confirmation email. Generally the broad breasted type turkeys are for meat production and are not normally kept past harvest … Dr. J Robert Smythe was mostly responsible for breeding the original stock for the variety at the University of Massachusetts. Most birds are butchered between 14-18 weeks. Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys have an excellent conformation and high meat yield due to its natural fat layering. The Broad Breasted White turkey is a breed of domestic turkey from United States. The mature female weight at 20 weeks is 25 pounds, and the males will mature at about 45 pounds. And it has become the dominant turkey breed on the market. Instead, they must be artificially inseminated. BROAD-BREASTED-WHITE-TURKEY-POULTS Broad Breasted White Turkey Poults $12.45 Broad Breasted White Turkey Poults BROAD-BREASTED-WHITE-TURKEY-POULTS 0.00 Broad Breasted White Turkey Poults $ 12.45 Week 8-Processing 20-22% Turkey Grower Feed. It is largely and commercially used for meat production. They generally can’t flight and prone to health problems associated with being overweight, because of their size (due to excess muscle). It is the best choice for those who enjoy breast meat. The second part of this growth is all about feeding and nutrition. Commercially, the most widely used domesticated turkey for meat! We can handle all sizes of poultry orders and can ship any anywhere in the United States throughout the year. All eggs sent were laid the day of shipping or the day before. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. They say the Broad Breasted White turkey is too breasty to breed naturally, but it doesn't stop them from trying! QUICK OVERVIEW This turkey is one of the most common and largest breeds available in the United States. Turkeys raised in today's factory farms are unrecognizable from the wild birds Franklin knew. Before development of the breed, the Broad Breasted Bronze breed held the dominant position on the turkey market. They produce more breast meat and their pin feathers are less visible when the carcass is dressed due to their white color. Broad Breasted White turkeys are one of the most common and largest breeds of turkey available in the United States. Broad Breasted White Turkey for sale at, a meaty turkey breed. And it has become the dominant turkey breed on the market. They cannot reproduce naturally because of their size. With their bold colors and true breeding, the Sweetgrass is a very popular heritage turkey variety. They have all white color and are easy to dress. Katie and Bart’s birds are never force fed, but they always have access to as much food as they want to eat. These properties have made the breed popular in commercial turkey production but enthusiasts of slow foodargue that the developm… In the 1960s, the Midget Whites were bred with the goal of being a Broad Breasted White turkey, but smaller. Chickens Waterfowl Turkeys Supplies WE ARE AMERICA’S INDUSTRY-LEADING HATCHERY, OFFERING MORE THAN 160 BREEDS OF POULTRY INCLUDING: CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE, TURKEYS, GUINEAS, AND GAME BIRDS. Just for your own knowledge, a baby turkey is called a poultor a chick. We here at The Chick Hatchery offer Broad Breasted White, Broad Breasted Bronze, Bourbon Red, Blue Slate, and Narragansett Turkeys. When Ben Franklin suggested in 1784 that the turkey be the national bird of the United States, he couldn't have imagined the factory farms teeming with fat, dumb broad-breasted white turkeys.. The general white turkey breed was admitted into the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection in 1874. [1] They produce more breast meat and their pin feathers are less visible when the carcass is dressed due to their white color. We have alot of hen poults sold for these dates and have discounted the tom poults. The breed weighs in at 13 pounds for toms and 8 pounds for hens. [2] Broad Breasted Whites also have a very high percentage of their eggs hatch, which makes turkey eggs as a food item a rare delicacy.[3][4]. White Broad Breasted Turkey - Baby: yellow with brown on end of feathers. The poults or baby birds are generally of yellow color. Today the Broad Breasted White turkeys are grown in large, fully automated grow-out barns, which may house as many as 10,000 birds. Weight: Mature Hen-36 lbs. And they must be artificially inseminated. Shipping is included with all chick prices. However, review full breed profile of this turkey breed in the following chart. About Midget White Turkeys. In addition, processors have favored the white-feathered birds, whose pinfeathers are harder to detect after cleaning. For poults, we recommend placing rocks or marbles around the lip of the waterer to prevent your poults from getting into the water and drowning. Welp Hatchery of Iowa is a chicken hatchery that sells day-old poultry including chickens, turkeys, pheasants, geese, and ducks. These broad breasted white turkeys are bred for fast growth. View Product. Breeders began to prefer the breed because they produced a cleaner looking carcass. Although the American Poultry Association only recognises eight breeds, other countries recognise other breeds as well and there are many more variants and/or strains in America. The White Broad Breasted Turkey is the most common of commercial broad breasted strains of eating Turkeys on the market today. Water containers that poults can reach but not crawl into or spill. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 25% off on select turkey hatch dates. This turkey is one of the most common and largest breeds available in the United States. This poultry article is a stub. The bronze resemble the wild turkeys, having a dark metallic sheen and range of copper and brown variations of color and white edging on the tail feathers. Broad-breasted turkey poults are sold in feed stores in the spring and are often labeled “white” or “bronze.” Broad-breasted turkeys cannot reproduce naturally because they have been selected for abnormally large breast size, hindering reproduction. Average live body weight of the mature Broad Breasted White turkey is between 17 and 20 kg. Broad-breasted turkeys (whether White or Bronze) require artificial insemination to reproduce, a result of the meaty breast which presents an obstacle for natural mating. Broad Breasted White Turkey Characteristics, Turkey Farming in India: Profitable Business Starting Guide, Midget White Turkey: Characteristics, Uses & Breed Information, Beltsville Small White Turkey: Characteristics, Uses & Origin, Dindon Rouge des Ardennes Turkey Farming: Beginner’s Guide, Beltsville Small White Turkey Farming: Business Starting Plan, Royal Palm Turkey Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Goat Feeding: Best Feeding Guide For Keeping …, Nubian Goat: Characteristics, Feeding, Breeding & Uses, Rangeland Goat: Characteristics, Feeding, Breeding, Uses, Sable Goat: Characteristics, Breeding, Uses & Farming …, Gohilwadi Goat: Characteritics & Farming Information, Rabbit Farming: Rabbit Production Business For Beginners, Goat Farming: Profitable Business Starting Plan For …, Duck Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Poultry Farming: Profitable Business Starting Plan For …, Catfish Farming: Complete Business Guide For Beginners, Crocodile Farming: Business Starting Guide For Beginners, Quail Farming: Business Starting Plan For Beginners, Very strong and hardy birds, docile temperament, but some birds can become aggressive, highly dependent on selection by breeder, today raised mainly for meat production, very good for producing breast meat, very productive birds and are of large size, today highly popular throughout the world, can’t flight, short-lived birds. Turkeys are a great addition to your flock whether for meat or pets. Our hatching eggs are sent by priority mail and should be to you within 3-4 days after that breed hatching date. They are generally short-lived birds, and they have a very high percentage of their eggs hatch. The Broad Breasted White is a meat breed with a good growth rate. It is commercially the most widely used domesticated turkey for meat. Katie and Bart use a breed called a “Broad Breasted White” turkey. The breed is very good for producing breast meat. These turkeys have been bred specifically to grow a lot of breast muscle, relatively quickly. These birds have shorter breast bones and larger breasts, sometimes rendering them unable to breed without human assistance (typically via artificial insemination). Minimum 1 Turkey. The Broad Breasted White's size makes it a great addition to any table. First, you will need to purchase your poults. With proper feed management you can expect a hen at 14 weeks to weigh 18 pounds dressed and in … Broad Breasted Turkey These broad breasted turkey breeds are the huge fast growing meat turkeys like the ones you buy at the grocery store for Thanksgiving. Average birds are typically 38-40 lbs. Family Owned and Operated. Midget Whites are known to be excellent breeders and overly friendly. These birds have shorter breast bones and legs than other breeds and are unable to reproduce naturally. The breed is the one that most American are familiar with. Because of their size, they are flightless and prone to health problems associated with being overweight (due to excess muscle), such as heart disease, respiratory failure and joint damage; even if such turkeys are spared from slaughter (such as those involved in the annual turkey pardons), they usually have short lives as a result. These turkeys have broad breasts for their size and look like miniatures of the larger broad-breasted breeds. Read some more information about this domestic turkey breed below. By the 1960s, the Large or Broad Breasted White had been developed, and soon surpassed the Broad Breasted Bronze in … Proving themselves popular, they sold quickly this year in our area! The Broad Breasted turkeys are the king of commercial turkey production, think of them as the broiler of the turkey world. This is the largest turkey. I'm not sure if he was successful but our Tom gave it a valiant effort. Bronze and white broad breasted turkeys are available at most poultry hatcheries and also at many farm stores (in the spring). The White Broad Breasted Turkey is the most common of commercial broad breasted strains of eating Turkeys on the market today. ",, Turkey breeds originating in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 March 2021, at 21:08. In addition, they are a large variety with a nice, broad breast, making them a great meat bird that can breed naturally, unlike the commercial Broad-breasted White or Broad-breasted Bronze. These are broad-breasted white turkey hatching eggs. They are solid white in color. The mature female weight at 20 weeks is 25 pounds, and the males will mature at about 45 pounds. The White Broad Breasted Turkey is the most common of commercial broad breasted strains of eating Turkeys on the market today. The Broad Breasted White turkey is a bird that is going to weigh a lot. May 17th June 14th . PLUS A FULL LINE OF FEED, SUPPLIES, GIFTS AND DECOR. These truly large broad breasted white birds possess the market appeal and meat qualities you will need. The Broad Breasted White is commercially the most widely used breed of domesticated turkey. Today these birds are highly popular throughout the world and they are excellent for meat production. The growing process for these birds has been so well refined, the birds often grow to larger than 40 lbs. The Broad Breasted White turkey is a meat breed. We strive to provide customers with quality poultry as well as providing industry incite. The White Broad Breasted Turkey is also one of the largest of the breeds and generally are not able to reproduce very well. Feeding your Broad Breasted Turkeys: Weeks 1-8- 27-30% Turkey Starter or Game Bird Feed. Commercially, they are the most widely used breed of domestic turkey for meat. There are a few things to take into consideration when making your initial purchase. The Broad Breasted White Turkey is a fast-growing and efficient meat turkey sure to impress and fill the freezer! Most popular breed of turkey. The Midget White turkey is the smallest breed of turkey. It is commercially the most widely used domesticated turkey for meat. Keep a close eye on their growth or they may not fit in your oven when the holiday season arrives. 25% Off Broad Breasted White Turkey Toms. As we said earlier the Broad Breasted Bronze was the most popular commercial turkey breed for many years after its development, until the Broad Breasted White turkey became the breed of choice. We decided this spring would be a great time to add turkeys to LL Farm. The Broad Breasted White is commercially the most widely used breed of domesticated turkey. The breed was actually developed by crossing the White Holland and the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey. Photo and info from Wikipedia. We offer Broad Breasted White, Bronze and Black turkeys. In this particular setting, I’m going to refer to it as a poult. Ordering Details: A minimum of 20 Poults are needed to ship October to March. The Broad Breasted White turkey is the most popular and widely raised breed of domestic turkey. Broad Breasted White turkey is the breed raised by the commercial turkey farmers in the United States. 1950s, poultry processors began to seek broad breasted turkeys with less visible pinfeathers, as the dark pinfeathers, which remained in the dressed bird, were considered unattractive. As the name suggests; they are white, and they have a very broad breast. Learn how your comment data is processed. health problems associated with being overweight, "Preserving Historic Turkey Breeds in Kansas", 2010 Turkeys Pardoned By Obama Died This Year, "Why can't you buy turkey eggs in stores? Nicholas turkey poults have been produced since 1937, and are known throughout the world for their quality. The Broad Breasted White's size makes it a great addition to any table. These properties have made the breed popular in commercial turkey production but enthusiasts of slow food argue that the development of this breed and the methods in commercial turkey production have come at a cost of less flavor. We also offer an assortment of Broad Breasted Turkeys. Broad Breasted White Turkey Starting at: $7.05 First avail: Apr 6, 2021. The Broad Breasted White turkeys are large sized birds and they have been bred for providing a meaty carcass with more breast meat than any other turkey breeds. Broad Breasted turkeys have been heavily selected for the traits that make them stellar confinement turkeys, fast growth, tons of breast meat and white feathers. These birds have shorter breast bones and legs than other breeds and are unable to reproduce naturally. Mature Tom-50 lbs. The Broad Breasted White's size makes it a great addition to any table. The breed was actually developed by crossing the White Holland and the Broad Breasted Bronze turkey. The White Broad Breasted Turkey is also one of the largest of the breeds and generally are not able to reproduce very well. In fact, it is not uncommon for this breed to hit a whopping 45 lbs when fully grown. 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